Local homoeopathic medical societies in United States

- American Institute of Homoeopathy, 65th Session, 1910,
Alameda County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1877. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Union Savings Bank Building, Oakland, Cal., on the second Tuesday of October of each year. Monthly meetings are held at the same place on the second Tuesday of each month during the year. President, Philip Rice, M. D., 2428 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Cal.; Secretary, Winifred S. Foster, M. D., 672 Fourteenth Street, Oakland, Cal. Number of members, 29. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Sacramento Valley Homoeopathic Medical Society. organized 1907. Not incorporated. Monthly meetings held at various places. President, J. F. Tapley, M. D., Marysville, Cal.; Secretary, J. H. Fisher, M. D., Sacramento, Cal. Number of members, 15; number admitted last year, 3; number of members deceased last year, 1. Delegate, H. A. Watts, M. D., Recording Secretary.
 San Francisco County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1893. Incorporated 1908. The annual meeting is held on the third Thursday in January of each year. Monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month during the year, with the exception of June, July and August. President, Sidney Worth, M. D., 393 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal.; Secretary, Edith C. Wells, M. D., 135 Stockton Street, San Francisco, Cal. Number of members, 60. Annual dues, $6.00.
 The Society was reorganized and incorporated during the past year, and is on a good, substantial basis, with interesting meetings. All papers read are published in the official organ, The Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy. Delegates, James W. Ward, M. D., Guy E. Manning, M. D., Wm. Boericke, M. D., H. R. Arndt, M. D.
 Southern California Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1890. Incorporated 1892. The annual meeting is held in Los Angeles on the second Wednesday of October of each year. Other meetings are held at the call of the president or of ten members. President, Walter E. Nichols, M. D., Pasadena, Cal.; Secretary, F. S. Barnard, M. D., Los Angeles, Cal. Number of members, 111; admitted during the past year, 8; deceased during the past year, 4. Annual dues, $1.00. The Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy is the official journal of the society. Delegates, Francis B. Kellogg, M. D., Frank S. Barnard, M. D.
 Los Angeles County Homoeopathic Society, President Robert A. Campbell, M. D., Los Angeles, Cal.; Secretary, T. C. Low, M. D., Los Angeles, Cal. Delegate, W. J. Hawkes, M. D., Los Angeles, Cal.
 Bridgeport Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1894. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Bridgeport, Conn., on the third Tuesday in January of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same city, in the offices of the members, alternately, on the third Tuesday in each month during the year. President, Clarence N. Payne, M. D., Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn.; Secretary, Charles P. Haller, M. D., 461 State Street, Bridgeport. Conn. Number of members, 6. Annual dues, $1.00. There have been no meetings of the Society held during the past year.
 New Haven Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1900. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Grace Hospital, New Haven, Conn., in the month of October of each year. The next meeting will be held October 19th, 1909. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the third Tuesday in each month, with the exception of July and August. President, Carl W. Vishno, M. D., 23 College Street, New Haven. Conn.; Secretary, William P. Lang, M. D., 1119 Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn. Number of members, 18; admitted the past year, 1; deceased the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegates, Carl W. Vishno, M. D., William P. Lang, M. D.
 District of Columbia.
 Washington Homoeopathic Medical Society of the District of Columbia, organized 1870. Incorporated 1870. The annual meeting is held in Washington, D. C., on the first Tuesday in December of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the first Tuesday in each month President, Charles H. Goodell, M. D., Frederick, Md.; Secretary, Charles A. Davis, M. D., 1010 Fifteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Number of members, 11. Delegates, William R. King, M. D., Lyman B. Swormstedt, M. D. (Report 1908. No report received for 1909.)
 Central Homoeopathic Medical Association, organized 1897. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held at cities decided upon by vote of the society. President, W. M. Horn, M. D., Champaign, Ill. Number of members, 54; admitted during the past year, 7. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Chicago Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1893. Incorporated 1906. The annual meeting is held in the Chicago Public Library Building, Chicago, Ill., on the third Thursday in the month of April of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the third Thursday in each month, from October to April, inclusive. President, Samuel H. Aurand, M. D., 31 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill.; Secretary, Paul M. Cliver, M. D., 3019 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Number of members, 98 active, about 100 associate; admitted during the past year, 12. Annual dues, $2.00.
 Clinical Society of Hahnemann Medical College, organized 1887. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Hahnemann College Building, 2811 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Ill., on the last Monday in May of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the last Monday in each month. President, Joseph H. Lowe, M. D., 3019 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Ill.; Secretary, George M. Hill, M. D., 100 State Street, Chicago, Ill. Number of members, 153. Annual dues, $1.00. "The Clinique" is the official organ of this society. Delegate, Christine Bergolth, M. D.
 Eastern Illinois Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1905. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Charlestown, Ill., in April of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in the same place in October of each year. President, E. E. Richardson, M. D., Mattoon, Ill.; Secretary, O. E. Glick, M. D., Metcalf, Ill.
 The Regular Homoeopathic Medical Society of Chicago, organized 1906. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Chicago Public Library Building, on the first Tuesday in June of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the first Tuesday in each month, with the exception of July, August and September. President, James West Hingston, M. D., 427 East 63d Street, Chicago, Ill.; Secretary, Hermon W. Pierson, M. D., 31 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Number of members, 125; admitted during the past year, 27; deceased the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00. Papers read at the meetings, together with the discussions of them, are published in the Medical Advance. "Branch societies, especially for the work of propagandism, are being organized in Chicago and its suburbs." President-elect, Thos. G. Roberts, M. D., 72 Madison Street, Chicago, Ill.; Secretary-elect, G. P. Waring, M. D., Masonic Temple, Chicago, Ill.
 Regular Homoeopathic Medical Society of Chicago, South Side Branch, organized 1907. Not incorporated. Monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday in each month, in conjunction with the Chicago Homoeopathic Medical Society.
 Fox River Valley Homoeopathic Medical Society. President, C. E. Colwell, M. D., Aurora, Ill.; Vice-President, J. W. Carr, M. D., Sheridan, Ill.; Secretary, Harriet B. Ward, M. D., Elgin, Ill.
 Regular Homoeopathic Medical Society of Chicago, West Side Branch, organized 1904. President, B. A. McBurney, M. D., 5649 W. Lake Avenue, Chicago, Ill.; Secretary, C. O. Hendy, M. D., 212 N. Grove Avenue, Oak Park, Ill.
 Illinois Valley Homoeopathic Medical Association meets semi-annually in April and October. President, Dr. C. H. Long, Pontiac, Ill.; Secretary, Dr. Alfred Houston, Joliet, Ill.
 Military Tract Homoeopathic Medical Society meets in October and May, exact time and place determined at each preceding meeting. President, Dr. E. N. Nash, Galesburg, Ill.; Secretary, Dr. F. M. Dickinson, Galesburg, Ill.
 Mississippi Valley Homoeopathic Medical Society meets quarterly at Rock Island or some adjacent town the third Wednesdays in the months of December, March, June and September. President, Dr. W. E. Taylor, Watertown; Secretary, Dr. F. W. Brown, Rock Island.
 Desplaines Valley Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1898. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Joliet, Ill., on the third Thursday in December of each year. Monthly meetings are held in some town in the Desplaines Valley, on the third Thursday in each month. President, Albert R. Fouser, M. D., Canton, Ill.; Secretary, Henry M. Beckwith, M. D., Joliet, Ill. Number of members, 19.
 Englewood Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1897. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Englewood, Ill., on the second Tuesday in April. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of the members, alternately, on the second Tuesday in each month. President James W. Hingston, M. D., 427 E. 63d Street, Chicago, Ill.; Secretary, Della M. MacMullen, M. D., 6635 Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
 Northwestern Illinois Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1905. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Rockford, Ill., in April of each year. President, S. H. Hilliard, M. D., Warren, Ill.; Secretary, A. B. Atchison, M. D., Rockford, Ill. Number of members, 28; admitted the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Allen County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1901. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the court house in Fort Wayne, Ind., on the first Monday of April of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of the members, alternately, on the first Monday in each month. President, H. G. Merz, M. D., 112 West Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Secretary, I. E. Morris, 1941 Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. Number of members, 11. Annual dues, $1.00. This society has not been holding meetings during the past year.
 Marion County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1894. Not incorporated. Semi-monthly meetings are held in Hotel Denison, Indianapolis, Ind., on the first and third Tuesday evenings in each month from October to May inclusive, of each year. President, Isaac H. Bowers, M. D., 211 Jefferson Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.; Secretary, Scott C. Runnels, M. D., 522 Illinois Street, Marion Block, Indianapolis, Ind. Number of members, 18; admitted last year, 4. Annual dues, $2.00.
 Wabash Valley Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1908. Not incorporated. Annual meeting held in December in Terre Haute. Monthly meetings held in same place the first Friday night of each month. President, M. H. Waters, M. D., 613 Mulberry Street, Terre Haute, Ind.; Secretary, J. R. Bloomer, same address. Number of members, 8; admitted last year, 2. Annual dues, $2.00. Delegates, M. H. Waters, M. D., W. H. Baker, M. D.
 Central Homoeopathic Medical Association of Iowa, organized 1879. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on the second Wednesday in July of each year. Quarterly meetings are held, alternately, in Iowa City, Ia., and Cedar Rapids, Ia., on the second Wednesdays in the months of October, January and April of each year. President, William A. Hubbard, M. D., Cedar Rapids, Ia.; Secretary, Lester Ambrose Royal, M. D., West Liberty, Ia. Number of members, 51; admitted during the past year, 4. Delegate, Theodore L. Hazard, M. D. "We are alive in the interest of Homoeopathy."
 Council Bluffs Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1865. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Carnegie Library Building on the third Monday in May of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the third Monday in each month with the exception of June, July and August. President, Alfred P., Hanchett, M. D., 120 South Sixth Street, Council Bluffs, Ia.; Secretary, Phineas J. Montgomery, M. D., 217 Fourth Street, Council Bluffs, Ia. Number of members, 8; admitted during the past year, 2. Delegates, Alfred J. Hanchett, M. D., Phineas J. Montgomery, M. D.
 Des Moines Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1883. Not incorporated. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of the different members, alternately, on the second Tuesday in each month. President, Gardner A. Huntoon, M. D., Twenty-fifth and University Streets, Des Moines, Ia.; Secretary, Frederick Alden, M D., 3707 Sixth Avenue, Des Moines, Ia. Number of members, 24. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegate, Gardner A. Huntoon, M. D.
 North-Western Iowa Homoeopathic Medical Society. No report has been received from this society for several years, and we do not know who its officers are, neither do we know whether it has an existence or not.
 Rock Island Institute of Homoeopathy, organized 1881. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Clinton, Ia., on the first Thursday in October of each year. Quarterly meetings are in different cities in the State, as may be appointed, on the first Thursdays in the months of January, April and July of each year. President, B. L. Sears, M. D., Amboy, Ill.; Secretary, Arthur W. Blunt, M. D., 323 Fifth Avenue, Clinton. Ia. Number of members, 28; admitted during the past year, 3; deceased the past year, 1. Annual dues, fifty cents.
 Sioux City Homoeopathic Medical Association, organized 1889. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Sioux City, Ia., on the first Tuesday in March of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of the members, alternately, on the first Tuesday in each month. President, Delmer L. Davis, M. D., Metropolitan Block, Sioux City, Ia.; Secretary, Soeren W. Staads, M. D., Massachusetts Building, Sioux City, Ia. Number of members, 14; admitted during the past year, 2; deceased during the past year, 1. Delegates, S. A. Seeman, M. D.. Theodore F. H. Spreng, M. D. Our Society is in a very good and harmonious condition, with nearly a full membership in attendance at each meeting.
 Falls City Homoeopathic Medical Society of Louisville, organized 1897. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the South-Western Homoeopathic College Building, Louisville. on the second Tuesday of October in each year. Monthly meetings are held either in the same place or in the offices of the different members, alternately, on the same Tuesday of each month. President, C. O. Neff, M. D., 220 Chestnut Street, Louisville, Ky.; Secretary, Mary E. Hopkins, M. D., 609 East Chestnut Street, Louisville, Ky. Number of members, 22; admitted last year, 2; deceased last year, 1. Annual dues, voluntary.
 Cumberland and York Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1908. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Portland, Me., on the third Wednesday in January of each year. Bi-monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesdays in the month in the months of March, May, September and November of each year. President. J. Frank Trull, M. D., Biddeford, Me.; Secretary, Luther A. Brown, M. D., 686 Congress Street, Portland, Me. Number of members, 19; deceased during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegates, J. Frank Trull, M. D., Luther A. Brown, M. D.
 Boston Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1873. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Natural History Rooms, Boston, Mass., on the first Thursday in January of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the first Thursday in each month, with the exception of July and August. President, Nelson M. Wood. M. D., 72 High Street, Charlestown, Mass.; Secretary, Orville R. Chadwell, M. D., 783 Center Street, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. Number of members, 232; admitted during the past year, 5; deceased during the past year, 2. Annual dues, $2.00. Publishes its "Year Book."
 Boston Society of Homoeopathicians, organized 1903. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the office of William P. Wesselhoeft, M. D., 176 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass., on the first Tuesday in November of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the first Tuesday in each month. President, William P. Wesselhoeft, M. D., 176 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass.; Secretary, Alice H. Bassett, M. D., Trinity Court Boston, Mass. Number of members, 30.
 Essex County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1871. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Salem, Mass., on the last Wednesday in each year. Quarterly meetings are held at the residences of the members, alternately, on the last Wednesday of every month of the year. President, Richard S. True, M. D., Marblehead, Mass.; Secretary, Frederick A. Webster, M. D., 13 Thorndike Street, Beverley, Mass. Number of members, 40.
 New England Hahnemann Association, Boston, Mass., organized 1895. Annual meeting, January of each year. Number of members, 175.
 Cambridge Homoeopathic Society, Cambridge, Mass., organized 1906. Annual meeting, February of each year. Number of members, 17.
 Massachusetts Surgical and Gynaecological Society, organized 1877. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Boston, Mass., on the second Wednesday in December in each year. Semi-annual meeting is held in the same place on the second Wednesday in June of each year. President, Geo. E. May, M. D., 661 Commonwealth Avenue, Newton Center, Mass.; Secretary, Frederick W. Colburn, M. D., 661 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Number of members, 245; admitted during the past year, 8; deceased, 2. Annual dues, $2.00. Has published an "Annual Roster and List of Committees." The papers read at the meetings have been published in "The New England Medical Gazette."
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Western Massachusetts, organized 1877. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Springfield, Mass., on the second Wednesdays in March of each year. Quarterly meetings are held in the same place on the second Wednesday in the months of June, September and December of each year. President, Clara A. Sweet, M. D., 14 Chestnut Street, Springfield, Mass.; Secretary, Erdix T. Smith. M. D., 300 Belmont Avenue, Springfield, Mass. Number of members, 62; deceased during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Worcester County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1866. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Worcester on the second Wednesday of November of each year. President, Henry I. Klopp, M. D., Westboro, Insane Hospital; Secretary, Lucy E. Wetherby, M. D., 2 King Street, Worcester, Mass. Number of members, 58; admitted during the past year, 2. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegate, A. E. Cross, M. D.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Western Michigan, organized 1902. Not incorporated. No provision is made for annual meeting. Monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, with the exception of June, July and August. President. W. B. Matthews, M. D., 426 Murray Building, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Secretary, C. E. Beeman, M. D., 210 Widdicomb Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. Number of members, 40. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Detroit Homoeopathic Practitioner's Society, organized 1894. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in The Grace Hospital, Detroit, Mich., on the third Monday in June of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the third Monday in each month. President, H. B. Drake, M. D., 44 Shurly Building, Detroit, Mich.; Secretary, Leonard F. C. Wendt, M. D., 185 Mayburg, Grand Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Number of members, 55; admitted during the past year, 4. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegates, Frank A. Kelly, M. D., Edwin C. Hoff, M. D.
 Saginaw Valley Homoeopathic Medical Association, organized 1886. Not incorporated. Meetings held in Bay City and Saginaw, alternately. President, J. W., Hutchinson, M. D., 404 Court Street, Saginaw; Secretary, Raye S. Snyder, M. D., Bay City, Mich. The society has not had a meeting for a year, and still maintains an organization.
 Minneapolis Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1880. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Minneapolis on the third Tuesday in December. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the same Tuesday in each month during the year. President, R. D. Matchan, M. D., 312 Masonic Temple, Minneapolis, Minn.; Secretary, J. D. Wallar, 3002 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Number of members, 40; admitted last year, 3. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Kansas City Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1905. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Coates House, Kansas City, Mo., in the month of June of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place. No president, but a chairman is appointed to serve for two meetings. Secretary, Maclay Lyon, M. D., 409 Deardorff Building, Kansas City, Mo. Number of members, 56; admitted during the past year, 11; deceased the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegate, Joseph M. Patterson M. D.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of St. Louis, organized 1886. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Homoeopathic Medical College of St. Louis. President, Willis Young, M. D., 2344 Park Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.; Secretary, L. E. Bunte, M. D., 2003 N. Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. Number of members, 50; admitted during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $2.00.
 Omaha Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1889. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Caxton Hotel, Omaha, Neb., on the second Monday in January of each year. Semi-monthly meetings are held in the office of Dellizon A. Foote, M. D., Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb., on the second and fourth Mondays in each month. President, Abbie V. Holmes, M. D., Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb.; Secretary, .F. S. Whitman, M. D., 324 Neville Block, Omaha, Neb. Number of members, 12. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegates, Abbie V. Holmes, M. D., F. S. Whitman, M. D.
 New Jersey.
 Essex County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1885. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the home of one of the members on the third Friday in June of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of the members, alternately, on the third Friday in each month during the year. President, Harriet K. Burnett, 15 North Arlington Avenue, East Orange, N. J.; Secretary, Charles H. Church, M. D., 22 East Kinney Street, Newark, N. J. Number of members, 60; admitted during the past year, 1; deceased during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00. "There are only three or four practicing homoeopathic physicians in the county who are not members or whose names are ready to be presented for membership, and we hope to get them all into the society this year. We have our first lady president."
 Mercer County Homoeopathic Medical Society. This society was organized as the New Hahnemann Clinical Club in 1897. Annual meeting held third Thursday in January at Trenton House, N. J. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the third Thursday of each month. President, D. P. Brown, M. D., Crosswicks, N. J.; Secretary, Walter E. D' Arcy, M. D., 520 Centre Street, Trenton, N. J. Number of members, 28; admitted last year, 2. Annual dues, $1.00.
 West Jersey Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1869. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the West Jersey Homoeopathic Hospital Building, Camden, N. J., on the third Wednesday in May of each year. Quarterly meetings are held, alternately, in different towns in West Jersey, on the third Wednesdays in the months of August, November and February of each year. President, Leon T. Ashcraft, M. D., 2103 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; Secretary, Thomas E. Parker, M. D., Woodbury, N. J. Number of members, 66; admitted during the past year, 6; deceased during the past year, 4. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegates, E. R. Richie, M. D., S. B. Smith, M. D. "Our last annual meeting was the fourth anniversary of our organization, and we had the largest and most enthusiastic meeting that we have ever had."
 New York.
 Albany County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1867. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Albany, N. Y., on the second Thursday in March of each year. Quarterly meetings are held in Troy and Schenectady, N. Y., on the second Thursdays in the months of May, January and October of each year. President, Frederick J. Cox. M. D., 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, N. Y.; Secretary, Harold D. Cochrane, M. D., 59 Eagle Street, Albany, N. Y. Number of members, 26; admitted during the past year, 3; deceased during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $2.00. Delegates, J. Ivimey Dowling, M. D., Harold D. Cochrane, M. D.
 Brooklyn Hahnemannian Union, organized 1895. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the office of Stuart Close, M. D., 248 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., on the last Saturday evening in January of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the last Saturday evening in each month. A chairman is appointed for each meeting. Secretary, Mrs. Evangeline L. Close, 248 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Number of members, 17. Papers presented and read at each meeting are usually published in the current medical journals.
 Broome County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1863. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is usually held in the Hotel Bennett, Binghamton, N. Y., on the third Thursday evening in June of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the third Thursday evening in each month. President, Bernard Clausen, M. D., 11 Court Street, Binghamton, N. Y.; Secretary, George F. Harris, M. D., 209 Vestal Avenue, Binghamton, N. Y. Number of members, 24; admitted during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $3.00 for city members; $1.00 for those residing out of the city.
 Chenango County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1871. Incorporated 1872. The annual meeting is held in Norwich, N. Y., on the third Tuesday of January of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in different places in the county, alternately, on the third Tuesday in June of each year. President, Robert E. Miller, M. D., Oxford, N. Y.; Secretary, Frederick E. Roper, Norwich, N. Y. Number of members, 5; admitted the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegate, Robert E. Miller, M. D.
 Cortland County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1879. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Cortland, N. Y., on the third Thursday in May of each year. Quarterly meetings are held in Cortland and Homer, N. Y., alternately, on the third Thursdays in the months of August, November and February of each year. President, Leonard W. Potter, M. D., Homer, N. Y.; Secretary, James Walsh, M. D., Cortland, N. Y. "The society is not in an active condition."
 Central New York Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1850. Incorporated 1850. The annual meeting is held in Syracuse, N. Y., on the third Thursday in December of each year. Quarterly meetings are held in Syracuse and Rochester, N. Y., alternately, on the third Thursdays in the months of March, June and September of each year. President, J. Mumford Keese, M. D., 215 Slocum Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y.; Secretary, S. I. Guild-Leggett, M. D., 352 Onondaga Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Number of members, 30; admitted during the past year, 2; deceased during the past year, 2. Annual dues, $1.00. Publishes its Transactions.
 Dutchess County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1861. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., on the second Tuesday in October of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in the same place on the second Tuesday in May of each year. Secretary, A. I. Peckham, M. D., 31 Cannon Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "No meetings have been held during the last three or four years. All of the members are members of the Medical Society of the county of Dutchess."
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Dutchess and Ulster Counties, organized 1902. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Newburg, N. Y., on the third Tuesday in May of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in different towns, alternately, on the third Tuesday in October of each year. President, William E. Reed, M. D., Washingtonville, N Y.; Secretary, Frank A. Jacobson, M. D., 269 Grand Street, Newburg, N. Y. Number of members, 23. "Have held no meetings during the past year on account of a lack of a quorum."
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of Kings, organized 1857. Incorporated 1857. The annual meeting is held on the second Tuesday of January, of each year, in the Medical Library Building, 1313 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the second Tuesday in each month with the exception of July and August. President, T. A. Stewart, M. D., 1030 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Secretary, Roy Upham, M. D., 300 McDonough Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Number of members, 126; admitted the past year, 3; deceased during the past year, 2. Annual dues, $3.00.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of New York, organized 1857 Incorporated 1858. The annual meeting is held in the New York Academy of Medicine, 17 West Forty-third Street, New York City, on the second Thursday in December of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the second Thursday in each month, with the exception of July and August. President, Geo. A. Shepard, M. D., The Glenmore, 55th and 7th Avenue, New York City; Secretary, John Strother Gaines, M. D., 200 West 71st Street, New York City. Number of members, 402; admitted during the last year, 15 active and 5 corresponding members; deceased during the past year, 3. Annual dues, $3.00. Publishes the Official Directory of its members, combined with Homoeopathic Physicians in Greater New York. This fifty-second year of its existence has been a very progressive and profitable one, with a higher average of attendance than for many years.
 Jefferson County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1888. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Watertown, N. Y., on the third Tuesday in October of each year. Quarterly meetings are held in the same place, on the third Tuesday in the months of January, April and July of each year. We have received no report from this society for several years past, and we do not know who its officers are, or whether it is still in existence or not.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Madison County, organized 1865. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Oneida, N. Y., on the fourth Tuesday in June of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in different towns in the county, alternately, on the fourth Tuesday in December of each year. President, Frederick C. Watson, M. D., Cazenovia, N. Y.; Secretary, Jason T. Wallace, M. D., Oneida, N. Y.
 Medico-Chirurgical Society of Central New York, organized 1896. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Syracuse, N. Y., on the first Thursday in June of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in the same place on the first Thursday in December of each year. President, William H. Sweeting, M. D., Savannah, N. Y.; Secretary, George J. Gannett, M. D., 520 South Salina Street, Syracuse, N. Y., Number of members, 66; admitted during the past year, 3. Annual dues, $1.00. "We have a thoroughly active and energetic Homoeopathic Society."
 Monroe County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1868. Incorporated 1872. The annual meeting is held in the Genesee Valley Club Building, Rochester, N. Y., on the second Tuesday in December of each year. Quarterly meetings are held in the Rochester Homoeopathic Hospital, on the second Tuesdays in the months of March, June and September of each year. President, Volney A. Hoard, M. D., 691 Main Street, East Rochester, N. Y.; Secretary, Harold H. Baker, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. Number of members, 56; admitted during the past year, 4. Annual dues, $2.00.
 Academy of Pathological Science, New York, N. Y., organized 1893. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in New York City on the fourth Friday in December of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the fourth Friday in each month, with the exception of June, August and September. President, John E. Wilson, M. D., 616 Madison Avenue, New York City; Secretary, James E. Tytler, M. D., 113 W. 126th Street, New York City. Number of members, 120; admitted last year, 20. Annual dues, $2.00. Transactions are published in the Chironian.
 New York Homoeopathic Materia Medica Society. organized 1891. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in New York City, on the third Wednesday evening in December of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of different members, alternately, on the third Wednesday in each month. President, Daniel E. S. Coleman, 101 W. 78th Street, New York City; Secretary, Guy B. Stearns, M. D., 119 W. 82d Street, New York City.
 Onondaga County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1863. Incorporated 1863. The annual meeting is usually held in the Kirk Building, Syracuse, N. Y., on the first Tuesday in May of each year. Quarterly meetings are held in the same place on the second Tuesdays in the months of August, November and February of each year. President, W. Estus Deuell. M.D. , Chittenango, N. Y.; Secretary, E. Russell Sprague, M. D., 501 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Number of members, 39; admitted during the past year, 2. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Ontario County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1861. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Canandaigua, N. Y., on the first Wednesday in October of each year. The semi-annual meeting is usually held in Clifton Springs, N. Y., on the first Wednesday in June of each year. President, James H. Knapp, M. D., Geneva, N. Y.; Secretary, Charles T. Mitchell, M. D., Canandaigua, N. Y. Number of members, 19. Annual dues, $2.00. No meetings have been held for the past two years.
 Oswego County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1861. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Oswego, N. Y., on the second Tuesday in June of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in any place in the county which may be selected, on the second Tuesday in December of each year. President, Charles W. Radway, M. D., Mexico, N. Y.; Secretary, Robert C. Scott, M. D., Fulton, N. Y. Number of members, 8. The Society appears to be dead. The annual and semi-annual meetings have been called, but no one responds; even the president failed to reply to the letter sent to him by the secretary, asking for the program.
 Rochester Hahnemannian Society, organized 1886. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the offices of the members, alternately, on the third Tuesday in January of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of the different members. As reported three years ago, the officers were, President, J. K. Tretton, M. D., 601 Lake Avenue, Rochester, N. Y.; Secretary, W. Frank Fowler, M. D., 63 Clinton Avenue, South, Rochester, N. Y.
 Southern Tier Homoeopathic Medical Association, organized 1874. Incorporated 1878 The annual meeting is held in Corning, N. Y., on the 3d Tuesday in January of each year. Quarterly meetings are held in Elmira, N. Y., unless voted to go elsewhere. President, E. H. Noble, M. D., Elmira, N. Y.; Secretary, A. H. Rodgers, M. D., Corning, N. Y. Number of members, 22; admitted during the past year, 2; deceased, 1. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Westchester County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1865. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Yonkers, N. Y., on the last Wednesday in October of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in different towns in the county, alternately, as appointed by the Executive Committee on the last Wednesday in May of each year. President, George Parker Bolden, M. D., 175 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y.; Secretary, Sidney A. Beckwith, M. D., 275 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Number of members, 35; admitted during the past year, 1; deceased during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Western New York Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1885. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Buffalo, N. Y., and Rochester, N. Y., alternately, on the second Friday in April of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held on the second Friday in October of each year, in different towns in Western New York, as may be selected, by the Executive Committee. President, Joseph Rieger, M. D., 509 Central Avenue, Dunkirk, N. Y.; Secretary, Clayton Welch Seaan, M. D., 276 West Delavan Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Number of members, 147; admitted during the past year, 3. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Cincinnati Homoeopathic Medical Lyceum, organized 1889. Incorporated 1889. The annual meeting is held in the Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati, O., on the fourth Wednesday of April of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place from October to April, inclusive. President, C. D. Crank, M. D., 2405 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, O.; Secretary, S. R. Geiser, M. D., 25 Groton Building, Cincinnati, O. Number of members, 35. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1897. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College on the second Wednesday in November of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the second Wednesday in each month. President, Lester E. Siemon, M. D., Rose Building, Cleveland, Ohio; Secretary, John L. Hondorf, M. D., 661 Rose Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Number of members, 150. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Columbus Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1897. Not Incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Columbus, Ohio, on the first Monday evening in October of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the first Monday evening of each month, from October to June, inclusive. The President is elected for each meeting. Secretary, Lindsey A. Jackson, M. D., 732 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Number of members, 15. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Dayton Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1894. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the offices of the different members, alternately, on the second Monday in June of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same way every other Monday evening from September to June. President, Dr. H. J. Guy, 2706 E. 3d Street, Dayton, O.; Secretary, Dr. Rupert K. Welliver, 1823 E. 3d Street, Dayton, O. Number of members, 27; admitted last year, 4. Dues, $3.00. "All meetings are well attended. One paper is read and two or three drugs discussed at each meeting."
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Eastern Ohio, organized 1889. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in different towns in Eastern Ohio, usually in Aklon, O., on the third Wednesday of October of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in other towns in Eastern Ohio, as may be voted by members at the annual meeting on the third Wednesday in April in each year. President, H. F. Biggar, Sr., M. D., Cleveland, O.; Secretary, George H. Irwin, M. D., Orrville, O. Number of members, 117. Annual dues, $2.00. The papers read at the meetings are published in various medical journals. Delegate. H. F. Biggar, Sr., M. D.
 Miami Valley Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1860. Incorporated 1870. The annual meeting is held in Dayton, O., on the last Thursday in October of each year. The semi-annual meeting is held in different places, alternately, on the last Thursday in April of each year, as decided upon by the society. President, Harry T. Miller, M. D., Springfield, O.; Secretary, W. Webster Ensey, M. D., 317 South Brown Street, Dayton, O. Number of members, 148; admitted during the past year, 5; deceased during the past year, 2. Initiation fee, $2.00. Papers read by members are published in various medical journals.
 North-Western Ohio Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1892. Incorporated 1892. The annual meeting is held in Toledo, Ohio, on the second Tuesday in December of each year. This meeting is of a social character. The semi-annual meeting is held in the same place on the second Tuesday in June of each year. President, Howland M. Flower, M. D., 237 Michigan Street, Toledo, Ohio; Secretary, William S. Walker, M. D., 5061/2 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio. Number of members, about 50; admitted during the past year, 10. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Ohio Valley Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1901. Not incorporated. Was reorganized recently with a large roll in attendance. Dr. A. A. Roberts, of Wellsburg, Va., was elected president; Dr. J. M. Fawcett, of Wheeling, W. Va., vice-president; Dr. H. L. Wells, of Cambridge, Ohio, secretary; Dr. W. T. Morris, of Wheeling, W. Va., treasurer. Much enthusiasm was manifested, as this opens a large field of Homoeopathy to organization, much of which has been without a local society, and excellent meetings are anticipated twice a year. The next meeting was held October 5, 1909, at Wheeling, W. Va.
 Summit County Clinical Society, organized 1885. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the office of one of the members residing in Akron, on the first Tuesday in January of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the different offices of the members residing in Akron, O., on the third Tuesday in each month. President, R. DeW. Robinson, M. D., Hamilton Building, Akron, O.; Secretary, Katherine Kurt, M. D., 17 South Broadway, Akron, O. Presentation of Clinics in person and reports of clinical cases. There is a discussion of topics by members appointed for this purpose sometimes on a disease, sometimes on a remedy.
 Union Clinical Society of Miami and Shelby Counties, organized 1902. Not incorporated. Monthly meetings are held, alternately, in offices of the members, from the second Friday in October to the second Friday in April of each year. The first meeting in each autumn is held at Piqua, O. President, M. M. Brubaker, M. D., Covington, O.; Secretary, A. W. Hobby, M. D., Sidney, O. Number of members, 16; admitted during the past year, 3. Delegate, J. C. Blynn, M. D. This organization is composed of the Eclectic and Homoeopathic physicians of Shelby and Miami counties, and has since its organization, not missed one meeting.
 Allegheny County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1864. Incorporated 1864. The annual meeting is held in the Pittsburg Homoeopathic Medical and Surgical Hospital, on the second Wednesday in December of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the second Wednesday of each month each year. President, William Alvah Stewart, M. D., Westinghouse Building, Pittsburg, Pa.; Secretary, Harry S. Nicholson, M. D., Empire Building, Pittsburg, Pa. Number of members, 98; admitted during past year, 19; deceased during past year, 3. Annual dues, $2.00. Delegates, James H. McClelland, M. D., William Alvah Stewart, M. D.
 Beaver County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1883. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held at Beaver Valley Hospital, New Brighton, Pa. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of the members, alternately. President, J. C. Gaston, M. D., Beaver Falls, Pa.; Secretary, William Raynier, M. D., Beaver Falls, Pa. Number of members, 11. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Berks County, organized 1896. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held on the first Tuesday of January of each year, in the home of some one of the members. Monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of January each year in the homes of the members, alternately. President, Dr. C. N. Richards. 13 N. 9th Street, Reading, Pa.; Secretary, Margaret Hassler-Schantz, M. D., 402 North Fifth Street, Reading, Pa. Number of members, 16; admitted during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegate, Margaret Hassler-Schantz, M. D.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Chester County, Pa., organized July 21, 1898. Not incorporated. Annual meeting held the second Thursday in July at any place selected. Bi-monthly meetings held second Thursday at any place selected. President, A. W. Gregg, M. D., Kennett Square, Pa.; Secretary, L. Hoopes, M. D., West Chester, Pa. Number of members. 19. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Erie County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1893. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Public Building, Erie, Pa., on the second Wednesday in April of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the first Wednesday each month during the year. President, A. Girard Cranch, M. D., 433 E. 6th Street Erie, Pa.; Secretary, C. A. McNeill, M. D., 137 E. 18th Street, Erie, Pa. Number of members, 19; admitted during past year, 1. Annual dues, $2.00.
 Goodno Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1900. Incorporated 1900. The annual meeting is held in Lancaster, Pa., on the second Friday in October in each year. Quarterly meetings are held in Harrisburg, York, Columbia and Lancaster, Pa., alternately, on the second Fridays of the months of April, June, August and October of each year. President, Dr. F. L. Richards, Mt. Joy, Pa.; Secretary, Dr. John W. Reith, Lancaster, Pa. Number of members, 56; admitted last year, 3. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties, organized 1858. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held usually, in West Chester, Pa., on the second Tuesday of October of each year. Bi-monthly meetings are held in different places, alternately, on the second Tuesday in the months of October, December, February, April, June and August of each year, the April meeting is usually held in Chester. Pa. President, Dr. Wm. D. Kennedy, Lansdown, Del. Co., Pa.; Secretary, Isaac Crowther, M. D., 800 Madison Street, Chester, Pa. Number of members, 76; admitted during the past year, 2. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegate, C. W. Perkins, M. D., Chester, Pa.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of Delaware County, organized 1898. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in different places in the county, alternately, on the second Thursday in May of each year. Bi-monthly meetings are held in different towns in the county, alternately, on the second Thursday of the months of July, September, November, January, March and May of each year. President, E. L. Clark, M. D., Media, Pa.; Secretary, George C. Webster, M. D., 311 W. 7th Street, Chester, Pa. Number of members, 25; admitted last year, 3. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegate, C. W. Perkins, M. D.
 Lackawanna County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1900. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Board of Trade, Scranton, Pa., in May of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the different offices of the members in Scranton, alternately, on the second Thursday in each month. As reported last year the officers were, President, H. E. Heilman, M. D., Burr Building, Scranton, Pa.; Secretary, L. D. Roberts; M. D., 405 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Number of members, 18; number admitted last year, 2.
 Lehigh Valley Homoeopathic Medical Society. The annual meeting is held in Easton, Pa., and Allentown, Pa., alternately, on the first Thursday in February of each year. Bi-monthly meetings are held in the different towns in the Lehigh Valley, alternately, on the first Thursday in the months of April, June, August, October and December of each year. We have received no report from this society for the last three years, and we do not know if it is still in existence or not. The officers at last report were, President, Egbert C. Doolittle, M. D., Easton, Pa; Secretary, Albert J. Bittner, M. D., Allentown, Pa.
 Luzerne County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1899. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held, usually, at the Westmoreland Club, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., on April 19th, of each year. Bi-monthly meetings are held in the offices of the different members, alternately, in November, January, March and May, on the fourth Fridays of these months. President, Seth Kistler, M. D., Nanticoke, Pa.; Secretary, Oliver K. Grier, M. D., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Number of members, 18; number admitted during the past year, 1; deceased during the past year, 1. Delegates, J. Arthur Ballard, M. D., Theodore M. Johnston, M. D.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of North-Western Pennsylvania, organized 1880. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held, alternately, in Scranton, Pa., and Wilkes-Barre, Pa., on the third Tuesday in June of each year. Bi-monthly meetings are held in these two cities, alternately, on the third Tuesdays in the months of August, October, December, February and April of each year. President, Anna C. Clark, M. D., 426 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pa.; Secretary, Theodore M. Johnson, M. D., 200 Susquehanna Avenue, Pittston, Pa. Number of members, 26. Annual dues, $2.00.
 Germantown Homoeopathic Society of Philadelphia, organized 1877. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., on the third Monday in January of each year. Monthly meetings are held at the home of members alternately, on the first Monday in each month, with the exception of July and August. President, Wm. W. Speakman, M. D., 1833 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; Secretary. Landreth W. Thompson, M. D., 1701 Green Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Number of members, 175; admitted during the past year. 12. Annual dues, $10.00.
 Philadelphia Academy of Medicine, organized 1908. Incorporated 1908. All meetings held in the Odd Fellows' Temple, President, G. Harlan Wells, M. D., Philadelphia; Secretary, Ralph Bernstein, M. D., 37 S. 19th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Number of members, 100. Annual dues, by assessment. Various papers on Diseases of the Heart published. Delegates, Ralph Bernstein, M. D., E. R. Richie, M. D.
 Clinico-Pathological Society of Philadelphia, organized 1897. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Hahnemann College Building, Philadelphia, Pa., on the third Saturday evening in January of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the third Saturday evening in each month from October to June, inclusive. President, Joseph C. Guernsey, M. D., 1923 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; Secretary, Theodore J. Gramm, M. D., 846 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Number of members, 93; admitted during the past year, 5; deceased during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $2.00. The papers presented and read at the meetings are usually in the current medical journals. Delegates, Theodore J. Gramm, M. D., John J. Tuller, M. D.
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of Philadelphia, organized 1866. Incorporated 1906. The annual meeting is held in the Hahnemann Medical College Building, Philadelphia, Pa., on the second Thursday in June of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the second Thursday in each month, with the exception of July and August. President, Erving M. Howard, M. D., 401 Linden Street, Camden, N. J.; Secretary, Percy A. Tindall, M. D., 1613 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Number of members, 308; admitted during the past year, 15; deceased the past year, 4. Annual dues, $1.00. "This has been an eminently encouraging year."
 Homoeopathic Medical Society of the Twenty-Third Ward of Philadelphia, organized 1881. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the office of one of its members on the third Wednesday in October of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of the members, in rotation, on the third Wednesday evening in each month. President, J. R. Bibighaus, M. D., Glenside, Pa.; Secretary, John D. Boileau, M. D., 804 Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Number of members, 30. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegates, John D. Boileau, M. D., Joseph B. Heritage, M. D., George E. Levis, M. D.
 Philadelphia Society for Clinical Research, organized 1905. Not incorporated. Annual meetings held in October at house of a member. Monthly meetings held on the third Wednesday. in same manner. President, J. E. James, Jr., M. D., 1521 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; Secretary, John F. Rowland, M. D., 430 N. 52d Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Number of members, 16. Annual dues, $6.00.
 Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Society, organized 1899. Not incorporated. Meetings held at various places as arranged each month. President, George H. Bickley, 1429 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; Secretary, William C. Hunsicker, M. D., 1701 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Number of members, 21; admitted during the past year, 0; deceased during the past year, 1. No annual dues; the assessment plan is followed.
 West Branch Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1907. Not incorporated. Bi-monthly meetings held at office of members. President, A. E. Heimbach, M. D., Renova, Pa.; Secretary, E. C. Blackburn, M. D., Williamsport, Pa. Number of members, 17; admitted last year, 3; deceased last year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Women's Homoeopathic Medical Society of Pittsburg, organized 1899. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the office of one of the members on the first Thursday in November of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the offices of the members, alternately, on the first Thursday evening in each month. President, Millie J. Chapman, M. D., Springboro, Pa.; Secretary, Ella D. Goff, M. D., Library Place, N. S., Pittsburg, Pa. Number of members, 8 active, 4 associate; admitted during the past year, 1; lost (by removal from the State), 1. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegate, Anna Johnston, M. D. Dr. Anna Johnston is acting president during Dr. Chapman's absence from the city.
 Reading Homoeopathic Hospital and Dispensary Medical Association, organized 1888. Not incorporated. The annual meeting is held in the Homoeopathic Hospital Building, 135 North Sixth Street, Reading, Pa., on the third Tuesday in January of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the last Tuesday in each month. President, Frederick E Howell, M. D., 200 North Fifth Street, Reading, Pa.; Secretary, Henry F. Schantz, M. D., 402 North Fifth Street, Reading, Pa. Number of members, 12; admitted during past year, 0. Annual dues, $1.00. Delegate for 1909. Dr. Margaret Hassler Schantz.
 Schuylkill County Homoeopathic Medical Society, organized 1883. Incorporated 1888. The annual meeting is held in Pottsville, Pa., on the last Thursday in July of each year. Quarterly meetings are held in different towns in the county, alternately, as may be determined upon at the previous meeting, on the last Thursday in the months of January, April and October of each year. President, E. L. Klock, M. D., Orwigsburg, Pa.; Secretary, A. H. Detwiler, M. D., Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Number of members, 32; admitted during the past year, 1. Annual dues, $1.00.
 Milwaukee Academy of Medicine, organized 1897. The annual meeting is held in Milwaukee, Wis., on the third Wednesday in April of each year. Monthly meetings are held in the same place on the third Wednesday in each month. President, Eugene W. Beebe, M. D., 173 Wisconsin Street, Milwaukee. Wis.; Secretary, A. R. F. Grob, M. D., 406 Grove Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Number of members, 20. No meetings have been held during the past year. 


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