Ankylosing Spondylosis and a dose of Calcarea Carbonica 200c

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)
This is another case of Ankylosing spondylosis is also diagnosed at NIIM,Hyderabad,India. Previously similar case presented which is also diagnosed at NIIMS, Finally doctor suggested to take steroid shot without promising result in these two cases. HLA B27 is negative in these cases. But also no clear indications for ankylosis in these cases. Ankylosis seems to be diagnosis of exclusion. Different doctors have different opinions on joint pains in these cases. Some doctors names joint pains as Rheumatic in nature. some as Infective arthritis. Finally excluded all and names disease as ANKYLOSIS.
Homeopathy considers most peculiar symptoms in a case, not any thing else. So there is no confusion about disease diagnosis in Homeopathy. Diagnosis is only used for prognosis of disease. Homeopathic medicines stimulates the internal environment of body cells to cure disease itself.
Coming to this case, this man aged about 29, working as camera assistant in a TV Studio. He quite his job because of his disease. He uses all sorts of medications but of no use. Finally some body have suggested him to go for Machilipatnam. He came from Hyderabad to Machipatnam, (480 km distance) for Homeopathic consultation. His health is started to improve from the first day itself after the medicine. Previously he was unable to sleep from pains now he is sleeping without pain killers. His ESR levels came down after first dose. I always insist on levels of ESR, as long as esr levels are coming down, we should not change or repeat the medicine. Important thing in this case is, Joint pains started after surgical removal of lipoma on dorsal region.
Work Sheet:
29th oct 2013
joint pains, after lipoma surgery,
rt 200c
ankylosing,diagnosed at NIIMS
cc 200c
12 November 2013
little relieved,
sl 200c
12 December 2013
relieved pains,pain urination while,
saclac 200c
20 January 2014
esr 18mm, hb 15.4 mg%,twitching eyes, aec 480 cells/cumm,
bell 200c


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