Datalogger technology in Homeopathic medicine selection will capture Million dollars market in Homeopathic Medical Science in future.

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)
Data loggers are very much useful in future for Homeopathic medicine selection. Till now there is no objective practical approach for accurate Homeopathic medicine selection. You can't tell even the name of Homeopathic medicine without label. The name that pharmacist print on the bottle is the final name for medicine. But now the data logger technology reveal the name of Homeopathic medicine without label.
Let us see How this data logger technology will grown in future for the benefit of Homeopathy:
For medicine selection:(Therapeutic purpose)
First and foremost use of this technology is for the selection of similar Homeopathic medicine for diseased individual. These methods are explained in the previous posts)
For Medicine Identification:
Data logger technology is useful in the Identification of Homeopathic medicine in pharmacies. also for quality testing.
The above utilities will open the opportunities in the below:
Data loggers: There it requires large number of temperature data loggers it invites the data loggers companies into Homeopathy will create market for data loggers in Homeopathic science.
Temperature Sensors: along with data logger we need temperature sensors so use of sensors will increase for the medicine selection in Homeopathy.
Short term courses in Data logger technology: There is possibility of starting short term courses in teaching subjects on physiological variability, measuring temperature with data loggers, using ms office for co relation formulas which help in medicine selection.
Software Program: In future we could write a software program for the selection of similar Homeopathic medicine. As soon as connecting sensor to human skin, software program will measure the temperature variability with the help of data logger and display the name of medicine required.


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