Homeopathic Medicine Research with Temperature datalogger

Homeopathic Research on Homeopathic Remedes with Temperature datalogger by Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)

How to select Homeopathic Remedy for patient with Temperature datalogger?

This blog is equipped with some posts regarding selection of Homeopathic remedy with data logger in various cases. There are many queries on the methods from readers on 'How to select Homeopathic Remedy by using temperature patters'Which I have explained in the previous posts. which are linked together in 'Research' tap above.But for the convenience of  Homeopathic Doctors and Enthusiastic Experimenters I would like to present the entire work in brief here.I will explain you step by step.

First of all you need data logger and water/soil Temperature sensor:

Homeopathic Research
These you can obtain from onset computers online. Which is USA based company, supply data logger of good quality for environmental purpose. These loggers are not meant for health purpose even though we could adopt them for our Homeopathic purpose of measuring temperature from skin of Human subjects.
Data logger comes along with software but you have to order water/soil temperature sensor separately. How to obtain readings with data logger and sensor are given in the product manual.

Second thing is, you need to obtain Temperature variability of Homeopathic Remedies:

We have to obtain the temperature variability produced by various Homeopathic remedies. this we could achieve by giving Homeopathic remedies to a health volunteer. after giving 4 pills of freshly medicated Homeopathic medicine. ask him to sit in a chair in a relaxed position and connect sensor to his fore arm by means of cellophane tape. Obtain temperature readings for every one second, like that for 10 minutes. save the data in a separate file with remedy name. In this manner you obtain the readings for as many homeopathic medicines as possible. In our Homeopathic Language we call it as Provings, materia medica various names.But in our new method we call this data as Temperature variability data set (TVDS). This data set is used for selection of Homeopathic medicine for patients.

Third step is using temperature variability data for medicine selection:

This is the final step where we could use temperature variability data set obtained above for the selection of Homeopathic medicine for patient. for this purpose you have to obtain temperature variability from patient for about 10 minutes and you need to compare this data with standard data (tvds) which is obtained through previous experiments.
for comparison purpose you can use correlation function in MS Excel, you need to install data analysis feature in excel which is available in add on's.

Correlate the TVDS with Patient variability Readings. Some examples are given in previous posts.
The remedy with high correlation co efficient to patient data is the Right choice of remedy for the patient at the given time.
If this guidance is ambiguous, I request you to place a comment in the below comment form. certainly I will place clarification. 


  1. Dear Dr. Devendrakumar,
    This is brilliant. Congratulations. Hope this invention does improve therapeutic results in Homeo practice.
    I have a few queries. For the purpose of 'proving':
    1. Did you use a particular potency for all the remedies to obtain TVDS? Does choice of potency have any effect on TVD?
    2. In practice do you use the same potency for treatment?
    3. Can the data logger be further used to zero in on an ideal potency in a particular illness?
    Thanks - K.A Abdul Nazar, Aluva, Kerala

  2. Dear Nazar karukappadath,
    1. TVDS is obtained with 200c potency, 1M Potency, even though potency differs datalogger show the same remedy.
    2. I use 200c potency in practice. medium potency.
    3. please question once again?
    Further investigation are going on these methods.

    1. Dear Dr Devendra Kumar,
      Thank you for your reply.
      Your answer to Q No. 1 answers my Q No. 3 as well.
      Further, suppose if a patient comes to you after long term treatment with Homeo medicines elsewhere without results. In such a case do you think the reading provided by datalogger will still accurately indicate correct remedy?
      Do you have case examples of datalogger remedy selection and treatment of mental/emotional issues?
      I wish you have some experience in astro-homeopathy too, to compare remedy selection with datalogger to conclude if the former is accurate or not.
      I look forward to the days when your research is available to all Homeo doctors in their daily practice.

    2. Yes even if patients comes after long term treatment from Homeoapathic doctor, using too many homeopathic medicines, still our datalogger system works perfectly and indicate the similar remedy for the present condition.
      more over our new methods are ready for use in Homeopathic practice, interested candidates are invited to learn this new method of medicine selection.

  3. Thanks again Doctor. If I may continue this discussion-
    I have seen several reputed Homeopaths proving themselves poor at case management especially in handling chronic cases. Even acutes grow into chronic issues in their hands, being unable to see when to stop medicating. Do you see yourself extending your research further into areas such as this in future?

  4. This research has wide scope for practical implementation in future. It is ready for therapeutic application. Interested candidates are invited to lean the methods.

    1. Thank you. Do you have a training plan made out for this doctor?

  5. Yes I am planning to frame a training program on working with data logger for homeopathic purpose.

  6. The method of medicine selection by datalogger works well in emergency cases very well.Hardly it takes 5 minutes for medicine selection.

    1. That's the joy of this invention. In the future scenario technicians will find the remedy for a particular patient using the datalogger and the doctor will devote his time entirely in playing with the potencies and managing cases. Error free prescribing! Why is it taking so long for you to universalize it Dr. Munta? Regards, Nazar

    2. yes really dr.Nazar Karukappadath, dr can devote his time for general management of disease in future, homeopaths can maintain OP, Hospitals, Nursing Homes without any hesitation, They can select accurate remedy even in emergency cases with in short time. 5 minutes is enough. I can conduct a work shop on the current techniques if some of you interested candidates approach.

    3. I am not a clinician. Never the less I have more than average interest in Homeopathy as a science, philosophy and as a healing system.
      I am surprised that the Homeopathic fraternity are more or less silent on your research, I believe however that most of them are following and watching what Dr. Devendra Kumar Munta is up to. It is probably "lets wait and watch" attitude or It may be professional jealousy, who knows.
      I shall be eager to attend your seminar where ever in India you may be having it. Best regards.

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  8. dear alan abraham, this is irrelevant comment you have posted here, if you like to add or promote your content please send me the information text, I can provide you little space on my blog for free. don't post comments which are irrelevant please.

  9. Yes really Nazar Karukappadath, Historic inventions are difficult to digest for professionals with similar knowledge. Things you have pointed out are right.
    But if you go through earlier posts, means in archives, beginning posts, there are some comments by great stalwarts who have appreciated this work. Also I am getting Emails with appreciations and acceptance from western world. Without having acceptance from western world our Indian community will not recognize this king of knowledge. This is a great drawback in India. However this work is for my Personal satisfaction first, for the need my family, my patients at last for the benefit of Homeopathic Community.

  10. Respected Sir,
    Thanks for the article !
    I am working on the mysteries of the homeopathic dilution along with Dr Md Ruhul Amin for more than 10 years.
    When the use of homeopathic remedies is often debated over on the argument of not having any molecule leading to a conclusion that it cannot provide any curative effect, we found there exist several contradictory explanations even within the Fundamentals of Science. So marking Homeopathic remedies as placebo on the plea of Avogadro's number is not at all acceptable .
    The inconsistencies in Science are to be specifically highlighted in all spheres for the development of Homeopathic research.
    We have shown in our following publication /blog
    a) how Avogadro's number does not limit efficacy of homeopathic remedies and
    b) how different contradictions in science (especially in respect of generation, conduction and retention of electrical energy in water, the main vehicle for homeopathic remedies) that remain unexplained so far can help explain mechanism of homeopathy.
    Kindly view our work at:
    1) "Avogadro's number does not limit the efficacy of homeopathic remedies" published in hpathy Feb2015 (www.hpathy.com)
    2) "How and why Homeopathy is Scientific" (www.aminchakraborty.blogspot.com)
    Here only three of such contradictions are highlighted for the viewers
    i) how electrodes generates emf when placed in distilled water without any chemical reaction.
    ii) how ions are conducted to even neutral electrodes

    iii) how water retains electrical charge.
    Now, I would request you /viewers kindly to spare some time for the said publication/blog and find all the serious contradictions that is yet to be reckoned instead Homeopathy is labelled unscientific.
    Please help to establish the scientific base of homeopathy.
    Thanking you.

    Biplab Chakraborty

    1. Dear Biplab Chakraborty really I appreciate your great work for the benefits of Homeopathic Community and Patients.

  11. Respected Sir (Dr Devendra Kr Munta),

    Thanks for your appreciated estimation. We have actually focused our work chiefly on the electrical strain produced in the vehicle by any foreign entity, polar or non-polar instead of any particles. Actually, we belief that the electrical strain induced by the foreign entity in the vehicle through successive dilutions though is at nano (10-9), pico(10-12), femto (10-15) or even less electrical current level but is compatible enough with body’s own natural electrical current, at cellular level and help restore body’s normal activity as in Micro current therapy.
    Any further suggestion/comment in this regard will be highly appreciated.

    Biplab Chakraborty


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