Datalogger selected Kalium Carbonicum for a Sciatica Patient.

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)
Yesterday a washerman 48,  came with severe back pain radiating to right lower limb.He is walking with difficulty and came along with his son. He has consulted an allopathic physician, orthopedic surgeon. He diagnosed his problem as lumbar disc prolapse and suggested surgery is mandatory. Patient is not willing go for surgery as he has experience with his colleagues,even after surgery pain is recurring.
Let us see our new method of Homeopathic medicine selection with data logger, how far it works in this case.
Temperature variability is recorded with data logger and sensor for every one second. total 300+ readings are obtained. below is the temperature variability data.
92.621 93.612 92.433 92.433 91.262 90.704 90.657 91.076 92.386 92.574 91.262 92.245 92.48 91.729 90.89 91.076 92.715 91.963 92.01 90.75 91.496 92.386 91.963 92.245 92.95 92.574 91.776 92.104 91.87 91.823 92.809 91.589 92.433 91.917 92.057 93.045 91.496 92.339 91.683 91.636 91.636 91.262 91.776 91.87 92.386 91.449 91.356 92.48 91.356 92.48 92.762 91.776 91.449 91.542 92.809 92.386 92.621 92.386 92.809 91.542 91.683 92.856 92.339 91.402 93.517 93.375 91.636 92.057 92.198 92.151 92.104 92.903 90.75 91.776 92.574 92.668 91.87 92.809 91.542 91.356 92.809 91.589 91.87 93.186 92.386 92.198 91.87 92.809 92.715 92.903 91.496 92.433 92.151 92.48 93.092 91.823 93.423 92.95 91.729 90.425 93.092 91.776 93.801 92.621 92.997 91.356 92.245 92.245 91.823 92.621 91.542 91.542 91.589 93.281 93.423 93.045 92.668 91.542 93.045 91.216 92.527 92.339 92.339 91.729 90.843 92.339 92.668 92.433 92.057 91.262 93.281 91.216 91.683 91.262 92.48 92.198 92.809 93.281 91.029 92.104 91.216 92.198 92.903 93.233 92.151 93.281 90.843 91.449 92.668 92.527 92.104 91.356 92.386 91.87 92.245 93.045 91.449 92.386 90.564 93.517 91.076 90.983 92.151 91.402 92.668 92.527 91.683 92.668 92.48 91.963 92.95 92.903 90.89 91.683 91.87 92.057 93.233 92.292 92.903 91.683 92.057 92.386 93.328 93.139 91.87 93.045 92.245 91.496 92.386 91.356 91.823 90.75 93.375 91.262 92.433 92.668 93.801 92.057 92.433 92.386 92.292 92.433 92.809 93.375 92.151 92.856 93.045 92.48 92.198 92.715 92.151 93.045 91.683 92.48 92.668 92.198 92.245 91.076 91.823 93.139 92.997 91.076 92.95 92.527 93.659 92.809 91.729 92.01 90.983 92.809 92.95 92.668 92.48 91.963 92.386 91.636 91.123 92.574 92.668 92.104 90.936 93.092 92.433 93.139 93.233 91.963 92.574 93.47 93.045 93.517 92.292 93.045 92.762 93.092 91.917 90.564 92.621 93.186 93.423 93.944 93.47 91.636 91.449 92.339 92.809 92.48 92.903 93.092 91.963 92.104 91.917 91.87 91.449 92.95 91.542 93.139 91.309 93.517 92.245 93.423 92.057 93.139 91.823 93.849 92.339 92.715 92.527 91.776 91.823 93.47 92.104 91.542 93.375 92.856 92.527 92.715 92.95 93.375 92.668 92.903 93.849 93.47 92.198 91.87 92.057 93.754 94.657 92.339 92.01 93.139 93.754 92.903 90.843 92.621 91.823 93.375 92.809 92.668 91.402 92.715 93.564 93.328 91.729 92.292 92.715 92.903 91.589 93.328 92.339 92.762 93.423 90.564 90.983 92.151 93.564 93.612 92.057 92.057 92.856 92.433 92.574 92.903 93.281 92.715 91.729 90.843 92.339 94.086 91.496 92.198 91.683 90.472 92.527 93.281 92.151 93.328 93.328 92.95 93.281 92.01 92.151 92.245 91.823 91.776 93.612 93.281 93.375 93.045 91.729 92.057 92.668 92.386 92.104 92.292 91.636 91.963
This is the temperature variability graph based on above data:

We have co related the temperature variability of the patient with standard remedy variability data:

Kali carb mimunnesa
silicea 200c usharani
medorrh sujatha
syphillinum 200c suneetha
acid nit  rambabuv
Ign 200c manoj
lyco purushatham
kali bich 200c vamsit
arg nit madhusudhanrao
puls 200c sudham
Phoshphorus 200c shareef
Hepar Sulph 200c Sunithad
lachesis  venkateswarao
Thuja 200c adithyab
graph 200c lalitha
cv 200c sundaraihp
merc sol Harika
nux vom 200c pinky
sepia 200c bhaskarao
cc 200c suresh g
caust 200c tarak brah
belldona saisubrahman

By looking at above table it is evident that patient temperature variability is nearer to Kalium Carbonicum variability. Also see Medorrhinum is very much nearer to indicated remedy. In sciatica cases Medorrhinum works well, when indicated remedy does not produce desired improvement.
Here the final choice of remedy is Kalium Carbonicum in this case of Sciatica with severe back pain.


  1. The next morning patient came for information that back pain relieved most, and pain shifted to knee joint. but overall feeling relieved when compared to previous day, the day before medicine.

  2. Just now this patient came for follow up and informed that pain came down to knee joint right, but with sleepless nights. again checked with datalogger and given Silicea 200c - 2 pills.let us see the result.

  3. Now this patient is very much happy with Homoeopathic treatment, He is happy that surgery was avoided.


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