Homeopathic action of Lycopodium 200c on Psoriasis.

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo),
A female age about 47 years is suffering from scaly eruptions since 14 years,which are itching and oozing, Psoariatic in nature. She also suffering from joint pains and nasal catarrh symptoms. Thirst is normal. In those cases where there are no other prominent symptoms for prescription you can try a dose of Lycopodium, which is learned from previous experience. Most cases of Psoriasis will not be cured without a dose of lycopodium. The remedy has such strong influence on the psoriatic symptoms. A dose of Lyco is given on 4th December 2013. after that we found no cause to change the remedy. Till January 14th patient came for three follow ups and she is very much satisfied with the action of lycopodium in Homeopathic mode.
 We thought of Sepia if not lyco worked. But Lyco seems to finish the cure.But remember it takes upto 2 years to cure chronic diseases like Psoriasis. Until then you need to wait for cure. No need to change the remedy or repeat the remedy as long as it produce positive result. Here The lycopodium will not work for 2 years. But the vital force (easy to understand body's immune system in common language) which is obstacle free by lycopodium will constantly remove the disease factor so that the body will be disease free. Homeopathic medicine will never work directly, it stimulate the viral phenomenon to make itself disease free.
Follow up work sheet:
04 December 2013
eruptions foot, psoriasis, scaly
lyco 200c
14 years, pain joints,
thirst, nasal cold during,chilly,
mottles spots face
sep can be
19 December 2013
relieved most
saclac 200c
02 January 2014
relieved most
saclac 200c
17 January 2014
relieved most
sl 200c


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