Research on Homeopathic Medicine ACID NITRICUM 200c

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)
We all have doubt since from the beginning of Homeopathic science. How Homeopathy works?What impressions does Homeopathic medicine produce in human body?
We have attempted to study the signature created by Homeopathic remedy Acid Nitricum 200c.
Freshly medicated 4 pills of Acid Nitricum 200c are given to a healthy person. Temperature variability is recorded with data logger .
Below are the temperature variability points:
93.281 93.186 93.849 94.514 93.47 93.801 93.612 92.856 92.527 93.233 93.849 94.324 93.754 94.992 94.372 93.754 93.659 94.61 94.467 95.087 92.762 91.683 93.517 93.801 93.564 93.045 92.997 93.801 94.229 93.896 93.045 94.657 93.328 92.574 94.039 92.903 93.944 93.612 91.87 94.086 93.849 93.233 92.668 93.233 93.092 92.903 93.375 92.527 93.375 92.339 92.997 93.612 92.762 92.292 93.612 94.134 94.61 93.944 93.707 93.045 93.707 93.423 92.95 93.707 92.621 94.419 93.801 92.903 95.279 93.849 93.517 92.715 94.657 92.386 94.753 92.715 93.564 94.134 93.423 93.707 93.564 94.229 93.991 94.134 94.467 93.092 93.612 92.621 92.762 92.715 93.564 93.849 93.801 94.705 93.139 92.809 92.762 94.324 93.991 93.564 93.801 94.372 93.801 93.707 94.61 94.562 93.517 94.896 93.233 94.848 94.086 94.229 94.562 94.324 94.086 93.754 92.95 93.707 95.04 94.181 94.705 91.636 95.375 93.281 95.04 93.754 94.848 94.134 93.328 94.086 92.48 95.04 93.659 93.423 94.848 94.61 93.328 92.668 93.186 94.514 96.144 94.61 94.514 94.896 93.896 94.848 92.903 94.514 94.039 91.963 93.375 94.276 93.896 94.801 94.181 91.917 93.612 94.801 93.849 94.086 93.612 93.045 94.467 93.045 94.467 94.944 94.372 92.668 93.045 93.517 94.229 95.135 93.944 93.896 92.527 93.233 91.963 93.896 93.991 93.707 94.134 93.186 94.514 93.707 91.823 94.372 93.991 93.896 94.134 94.181 93.896 95.423 95.279 94.181 94.134 92.997 94.419 93.375 93.233 93.849 94.801 94.657 93.801 93.47 93.612 93.801 93.186 94.372 93.423 93.754 94.134 93.139 96.53 93.186 92.762 93.991 94.324 92.292 95.807 93.045 92.856 93.139 94.086 92.433 93.139 93.707 92.997 94.753 93.896 94.467 94.039 93.517 93.896 93.754 94.181 94.753 94.276 91.917 94.848 94.848 95.375 94.801 94.753 94.324 94.705 94.039 93.659 94.324 92.809 93.612 93.139 93.754 95.135 93.896 96.144 94.753 93.659 94.086 93.801 93.896 95.471 95.135 93.896 94.562 94.039 94.848 93.801 93.707 92.715 95.663 93.849 95.807 93.47 92.433 94.562 91.542 94.181 93.754 94.419 93.375 93.139 94.372 92.339 94.848 93.375 93.754 93.754 93.707 94.657 96.53 96.144 95.327 93.944 93.233 93.47 94.324 94.467 94.848 94.657 94.134 94.753
Below is the Variability graph:
Below is the Signature of Homeopathic medicine ACID NITRICUM:
This is achieved by subjecting above data to "AUTO REGRESSIVE SPECTRUM WITH ORDER EXPLORATION"

Look at the peak frequency patterns in the above graph which are specific to Homeopathic medicine ACID NITRICUM.


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