The Vital Approach - Level 4: The basic delusion

- Anne Vervarcke, ,,
On the psychic level we have the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind.
With the conscious mind we think rational and logical thoughts. We can reflect on events and on ourselves, analyze study, calculate, remember, understand things. But it doesn't help us when it comes to the vital disturbance. Some patients want to know the remedy that is given to them and the reason why; they want the whole explanation in order to understand what their problem is and to learn about it.
Apart from the fact that the name of the remedy is bound to provoke conscious or unconscious images, associations and thoughts, I don't believe that the vital remedy/disturbance is something to be explained or understood. Though the curiosity of the patient is understandable, discussion of the remedy is disadvantageous. Would anybody want to discuss where the needles of the acupuncturist can be put or where and how the surgeon is allowed to cut?
The homeopathic cure is not a process of insight and awareness, it is unlike psychotherapy where the patient goes through the suffering, relives it, analyses it and gives it a place. A similimum takes away the suffering in the way the snow is melting in the sun: quiet, unobserved, effortless. That's why many people going through a total transformation, obvious to all bystanders, can declare that they haven't noticed any changes after the remedy. They are right! The similimum acts unnoticed by the patient. It's like an aspirin taking away the pain. It happened unnoticed but when questioned one suddenly realizes the pain has indeed gone!
If the remedy is discussed: the follow up becomes unreliable. The patient will willingly or unconsciously influence his report of what happened after the remedy, and there is a risk that by changing the remedy, the similimum may be lost forever! If the patient is convinced that the remedy discussed is not his similimum and the homeopath changes it, he will never agree to go back to it. Even when the patient visits another homeopath he will tell them the remedies he took that ‘didn’t help’. In this way, the next homeopath will also not repeat that remedy. I can demonstrate with many cases of cured patients at their first follow up when they bluntly stated: ‘your remedy hasn’t done anything’. Or: ‘this wasn’t the right remedy’. Would they have repeated the same remedy if they had known what they had taken?
Basically, not discussing the remedy with the patient is to protect the patient and to increase the chance of a cure. The potential of classical homeopathy is total transformation but it is a subtle treatment and takes a skilled practitioner to manage the process. Of course later on the patient can be told what remedy has been effective. The purpose of the homeopathic treatment is to make people independent, not to create dependence on the physician.
People will want to give the homeopath their ideas about their suffering, and this is fine, but it is no basis for the prescription. At the emotional level the story contains the message, the ideas might also convey a message. They may point to the delusions. Delusions by definition are unconscious. The person probably translated them as logical thoughts and conclusions but we can perceive that he is emphasizing one aspect of reality.
A person can and will probably have more than one delusion. Remember, we define delusion as a false perception of reality that is projected onto the outside world. Only this little part of the whole reality is noticed while the rest is disregarded. Ask five people how their holiday in Italy was and one will say the food was absolutely fabulous, a second that the country is full of thieves and pickpockets, a third enjoyed the beautiful weather and landscapes, the fourth can’t stop talking about the art and historical remains, while number five admired the fashionably dressed people. All of these are part of a bigger true reality and we can’t tell which one is real because they all are. But we can perceive in others where their focus of attention lies. This is what they resonate with. If the one talking about thieves goes to another place he will see thieves there as well. When he listen to the news or reads a newspaper he will only reconfirm his idea that the world is full of thieves. He will install an alarm in his house because he knows about burglaries in the neighborhood. He probably has some anecdotes in his life where he was robbed… This is what we call a basic delusion: the basic conviction underlying the other ideas and beliefs. It is the one thought to which all the others can be reduced.


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