Indigestion: homeopathic treatment help the patient
Homeopathic remedies for Indigestion by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory:
The act of eating a meal is a physical and mental activity, food and emotions affect digestion. To correctly digest a meal, the person must have a good social environment at the table.A fast homeopathic treatment will help the patient through most of their cases of indigestion. Nevertheless, in the evening, before going out to a party, to prevent indigestion from excess food and drink :
• one dose : NUX VOMICA 7C
Homeopathic Remedies for Indigestion of Foods
After eggs, meat
• 3 granules, as needed : FERRUM METAL 5CAfter farinaceous foods (starchy foods)
-- in general :• 3 granules, as needed : CAUSTICUM 4C
-- excessive flatulence amel. by passing or diarrhea :
• 3 granules, as needed : NUX VOMICA 6X
one dose : SULFUR FLAVUM 9C
-- potatoes :
• 3 granules, as needed : ALUMINA 4C
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Indigestion |
-- in general :
-- frequent vomiting :
-- copious diarrhea :
-- painful constipation :
-- ice cream :
After onions ingestion and Homeopathy:
• 3 granules, as needed : LYCOPODIUM 5CAfter pork
• 2 granules, every half hour, as needed :CYCLAMEN 4C, IPECA 4C, and PULSATILA 4C
Homeopathic medicine for seafood aggravation:
• 3 granules, as needed : PHOSPHORUS 5CEmotions
After vexation, grief
-- theatrical :• 3 granules, as needed : IGNATIA 9C
-- terrible colic, anger, intolerant to pain; amel. being carried :
• 3 granules, as needed : CHAMOMILLA 5C
-- spasmodic vomiting with an unusually clean tongue :
• 3 granules, as needed : IPECA 5C
After fright
• alternate 3 granules, every half hour, as needed :ARGENTUM NITRICUM 5C, or GELSEMIUM 5C
After a cold bath; during summer; sentimental mood
• 3 granules, as needed : ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 5C
Homeopathic Remedies for the treatment of Indigestion suggested by Lilienthal:
Aconite [Acon]
Yellow coating on the tongue; bitter taste in the mouth and of food and drink,except water; exercise nausea; BETTER ERUCTATIONS; violent but ineffectual urging to vomit,or BITTER, GREENISH, or SLIMY VOMITING; distention and swelling of the hypochondria, with painful sensitiveness of the region of the liver, no stool,or small, frequent stools, with tenesmus; beating or stitching pain in the head; worse when talking.
Abies-nigra [Abies-n]
Feeling as if he had swallowed some indigestible substances which had stuck at the cardia; hypochondriasis, constipation.
Agaricus [Agar]
Fulness in stomach even after eating light food moderately; pressure and fulness in abdomen; very drowsy after dinner, he sleeps deeply and awakens with pains in all his limbs; after supper tormenting fulness in abdomen, backache, chills; after a meal nausea, eructations, abdomen distended.
Anacardium [Anac]
Patient hungry, (>) while eating, but (<) afterwards, frequent urging to stool, but with the attempt to move the bowels the desire passes off; sensation of a plug in rectum; loss of memory; brain-fag; Hypochondriasis.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Indigestion, with the following symptoms: frequent hiccough, loss of appetite, loathing, tongue coated or covered with blisters, dry mouth; or else; accumulation of saliva or mucus in the mouth; thirst at night; nausea, desire to vomit increased by drinking wine; ERUCTATIONS SMELLING AND TASTING OF THE INGESTA, or with a foetid smell; vomiting of the ingesta or of slimy and bilious substances; painfulness of the stomach to the touch, with painful feeling of fulness; colic and frequent flatulence; diarrhoea or constipation; dull headache; worse when smoking or going upstairs. (After Ant., Bry., is sometimes suitable.)
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Flatulent indigestion, loud rumbling,sensation as a if stomach and oesophagus were filled with food which oppresses and feels like a weight; periodic constructing sensation in stomach;gastric derangement with belching stitches in stomach and short breathing; pain at epigastrium and under left ribs immediately after eating, with flatulence and loud rumbling. CONSTANT CRAVING FOR SWEETS.
Arnica [Arn]
Gastric symptoms occasioned by external injuries, by watching at night, by mental overexertion, causing great nervousness with dry or yellow-coated tongue; putrid, bitter or sour taste; bad smell from the mouth; distention; especially after a meal; heavy feeling all over,giving away at the knees; vertigo; dullness of head; aching with heat in brain and stupefaction (after Arn., often suitable, Cham. or Nux v.)
Arsenicum [Ars]
Gastric catarrh from CHILLING THE STOMACH WITH ICE CREAM or ICE- WATER, or other indigestible food, with nausea, which is frequent and often periodical ( midnight), accompanied by great prostration; acrid, bitter eructations; dry tongue with violent thirst for small sips, but, drinking causes irregular, convulsive vomiting of the water,of food or of bilious, brownish or greenish substances; coloc or burning pains in stomach and abdomen, chilliness and anguish or violent burning pressure at a small spot in stomach; stomach sensitive to touch; debility and desire to lie down; no stool or watery, greenish, brownish or yellowish diarrhoea; vomiting and diarrhoea (<) after drinking and after every motion of the body.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
PAIN BROUGHT ON BY EATING FAT THINGS; burning pains and distention of stomach; nausea watery vomiting or inclination to vomit without any vomiting accompanied by crampy pains, burning and soreness in stomach and epigastrium, (<) by pressure on the part; STRONG PULSATIONS IN ABDOMEN; taste rancid, greasy and bitter; watery stools and flatus of disguising odor.
Belladonna [Bell]
Whitish, yellowish, or thickly-coated tongue; aversion to drink and food; sour taste of rye-bread,vomiting of food,or of sour, bitter or slimy substances; sometimes with constant nausea, dry mouth or thirst; headache in the sinciput, as if everything would fall out at the forehead, with throbbing of the temporal arteries; no stool or slimy diarrhoea.
Bellis-peren [Bell-p]
Acute and chronic derangement of stomach from eating cold ices; ILL EFFECTS OF COLD DRINKS TAKEN WHEN HEATED; effect from a sudden chilling from s cold drenching when one is hot ( Burnett).
Bryonia [Bry]
Especially in summer and hot and damp weather; taste unpleasant, flat even with good appetite; sometimes bitter or putrid, with offensive breath; appetite generally diminished or destroyed, with aversion to food; thirst day and night, with sensation of dryness on your tongue, in mouth and throat; eructations after eating,sometimes tasting of the food, but generally BITTER or SOUR, with accumulation of sour water or tasteless water in the mouth; aversion to solid food, with desire wine, acids, or coffee; HICCOUGH; nausea after a meal , frequent ineffectual attempts at vomiting or bilious vomiting,especially after drinking; nausea after a meal though the food tasted well and eaten with a relish; food oppresses the stomach is felt like a load at the epigastrium, and is often regurgitated; sensation of distention and sometimes actual swelling in the umbilical region; constipation; dulness of head with vertigo, or burning, oppressive or distensive pain in head, (<) after drinking; chilliness and shuddering.
Capsicum [Caps]
Accumulation of mucus and acids in the stomach; heartburn; waterbrash; STOMACH ICY-COLD, or burning in the stomach and at the anus during every stool; stools of tenacious mucus; suitable to phlegmatic persons or to such who take everything in the bad part.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Malaise, no appetite; pyrosis great flow of water; sour or rancid eructations; vomiting of food, of sour, bilious or bloody masses; pains in stomach on pressure; stomach feels heavy and hanging down; pain in stomach from nursing or other loss of fluids; heaviness and dulness of head, with debility; humming and buzzing in ears, (<) in warm room; burning distress in epigastrium, (<) from meat, fat or milk; stomach feels dragged down after eating; abdomen distended with flatus; eructations of a rancid or putrid taste; flatus offensive; constipation with piles.
Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]
Total loss of appetite, but desire for stimulants; CONSTANT BELCHING UP OF WIND; regurgitation from stomach; intense nausea and waterbrash,(>) after raising a sort of sweetish-sour liquid; sensation of warmth in epigastrium; heavy weight in epigastrium with constant inclination to relieve himself by fruitless efforts at eructations or by pressing the hand into ther pit of the stomach; INCARCERATION OF GAS IN ABDOMEN; rumbling and rolling in abdomen; insufficient, sluggish stool. muddled and confused feeling in head.
Chamomilla [Cham]
Red and cracked tongue, or coated yellow; bitter taste in the mouth of food; foetid odor from the mouth; loss of appetite, nausea, or eructations, and greenish, bitter or sour vomiting; great and oppressive anxiety, tension and pressure in the pit of the stomach,hypochondria and epigastrium, constipation, or greenish, diarrhoeic stools; or sour diarrhoea, or discharge of faecal matter and mucus, resembling STIRRED EGGS in appearance; restless sleep, with tossing about and frequent waking; pain and fulness in the head.
Chelidonium [Chel]
Total loss of appetite desire for very hot or sour drinks; bitter, pappy taste, but not of food or drink, tongue covered with thick, yellow fur; ALL COMPLAINTS LESSEN AFTER DINNER; persistent pain in scrobiculus, (<) by motion, (>) by eructations; diarrhoea and constipation alternately.
China [Chin]
Heartburn after milk; belching, sour rising; frequent eructations, or regurgitation and vomiting of the food, constant satiated feeling, yet can eat, but feels worse afterwards; fulness in stomach and abdomen; flatulence, belching does not relieve; slow digestion, food remains long in the stomach, especially of eaten too late in the day.
Cina [Cina]
Dryness of your mouth; inability to swallow, drinks roll around in the mouth for a long time; on drinking wine she shudders as if it were vinegar; canine hunger shortly after a meal; qualmish distress at epigastrium; winding and sticking pains around navel, as if navel were forcibly pressed inward in abdomen.
Cocculus [Cocc]
Yellow-coated tongue; loathing of food and at the same time sensation of hunger in your epigastrium; aversion to drink and yet great thirst; foetid eructations, NAUSEA and desire to vomit, especially when talking after sleeping , when eating,or during motion, particularly riding in a carriage; painful fulness in the region of the stomach, with labored breathing; constipation ,or soft stools, with burning at the anus; debility, with sweat during the least exercise; aching in the forehead with vertigo.
Coffea [Coff]
Hiccough, eructations; constant inclination to vomit felt in the throat; gastric symptoms accompanied by great nervousness and sleeplessness.
Colchicum [Colch]
Enormous appetite, but as soon as he sees or smell food, he shudders nausea and desire to eat is gone, eructations of tasteless gas; fulness of stomach, even when he are nothing, (<)after eating light food; nausea and vomiting after rich or fat food; offensive flatus and offensive stools.
Colocynthis [Coloc]
Feeling of emptiness in the stomach; pit of stomach very sensitive to touch; nausea rising from ther stomach, vomiting of bitter-tasting yellow fluid; diarrhoea after eating ever so little.
Digitalis [Dig]
Sinking and pressure in upper part of chest, accompanied by yawning and flatus; increased activity of the heart with headache, vertigo and nausea, (>) after bilious vomiting; dry tongue;dark rings around eyes (Cooper).
Graphites [Graph]
Hiccough after nearly every meal; rancid heartburn after dinner; vomiting sour or of food; constricting pain in gastric region; griping in stomach, with flatulency; disagreeable taste mornings as if he had eaten eggs; wakes up gasping for breath, (>) by eating; haemorrhoids and fissura ani.
Hepar-sulph [Hep]
Frequent odorless and tasteless eructations; constant sensation of water rising in the oesophagus as if he had eaten sour things; heartburn; nausea, with coldness and paleness; stomach frequently and easily disordered; pressure in stomach after moderate eating; colic and constipation,or diarrhoeic slimy stools; desire for brandy from weakness of stomach.
Ipecacuanha [Ip]
Clean tongue, or thickly coated with yellowish mucus; dry mouth; loathing of food, especially fat food , with desire to vomit; violent ineffectual straining, or vomiting o of the ingesta or of slimy substances easy, but with great force; foetid smell from the mouth; bitter taste in the mouth and of food; violent pains, pressure and fulness in the region of the stomach; colic and diarrhoeic stools of yellowish color, or foetid, putrid smell; chilliness or shuddering over whole body; pale yellowish complexion; aching in ther forehead or sensations as if all the bones of the skull were broken; sometimes nettlerash.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
Periodical headaches from gastric irritation preceded by blindness, and as sight returns headache gets worse; dislike to meat; longing for beer; feeling of coldness in your stomach and bowels; no appetite but must eat, or he faints.
Lobelia-infl [Lob]
Acidity in the stomach, with contractive feeling in the pit of the stomach; hiccough with profuse flow of salvia. followed by drowsiness in the evening; incessant violent nausea and vomiting; sensation of weight in the stomach as from undigested food;worse on pressure.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Derangement of stomach from pastry; sour eructations; frequent belching,without relief; heartburn, water brash, nausea after cold, not after warm drinks; fulness and flatulency in stomach and bowels; gnawing, griping in gastric region.
Mercurius [Merc]
Moist tongue, or coated white or yellowish; dry burning lips; offensive, foul and bitter taste; nausea, desire to vomit or bilious mucous vomiting ; painful sensitiveness of the epigastrium and abdomen, especially at night, with anguish and restlessness; drowsy in the daytime, sleeplessness at night; sometimes aversion to drink. (Is frequently suitable after Bell.)
Natrum-phos [Nat-p]
Moist, thick, golden-yellow tongue, palate and tonsils, sour eructations; vomiting of our fluid or of curdlike masses; greenish diarrhoea; pain and spasms in bowels,(>) by walking about; restlessness.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Dry and white tongue,or yellowish towards the root; no thirst,or burning thirst with heartburn; accumulation of albuminous mucus are water in your mouth, bitter or foul taste in the mouth, or the food tastes flat; BITTER ERUCTATIONS, constant nausea, especially in the open air; desire to vomit,or vomiting of the ingesta; cardialgia; painful pressure and tension in the epigastrium and hypochondria; constipation, with frequent but ineffectual urging to stool,or small diarrhoeic, slimy or watery stools; dullness of the head, with vertigo; heaviness, especially in the occiput; ringing in the ears,rheumatic pains in the teeth and limbs; worn-out feeling inability to think; restless, quarrelsome, vehement disposition; hot and red,or yellowish and sallow face. (After Nux v., Cham.,, is frequently suitable).
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Tongue coated with whitish mucus; foul pappy, or bitter taste, especially after swallowing; bitter taste of food,especially of bitter, sour or putrid eructations, or tasting of the ingesta; aversion to food, especially warm (boiled food),also to fat and meat, with desire for acids or spirits; acidity of the stomach; excessive mucus in the stomach; REGURGITATION OF THE INGESTA; excessive nausea,desire to vomit,especially after eating and drinking, or with evening exacerbations; vomiting of food or mucus,or bitter and sour vomiting ( especially at night); hard distended abdomen, with flatulence, rumbling; slow stool, or slimy and bilious, diarrhoea, hemicrania. tearing or darting; chilliness with languor and drawing through the whole body; ill- humor; taciturn, vehement without reason, especially when the patients are habitually of a bland and obliging disposition. (Compare Dyspepsia.
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