Specialties in Homeopathic System of Medicine

- Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)
Homeopathic physician treats the patient not the disease. So He feels that there is no call for Specialties of medicine, twigs in Homeopathic system of medicine. 
Branches in Homeopathy
Branches in Homeopathy
Homeopathic Physician consider patient as a whole, even though the patient approach the Homeopathic physician for Headache, he considers all of his general heath to presume the status of his whole health. For the reason that Headache is only the consequence of the disease within. He never treat single part or single disease with the name of diagnosis. Because each organ in body is a part of the total body. when a single part is diseased then whole body responds on behalf of the distress of single part. Embryology disclose entire body is developed from a single cell, a real physician will never overlook this truth..
Here our question is whether we have to study the complete body symptoms to pick the right Homeopathic medicine or could we focus on single part to decide on constitutional medicine.According to Boenninghason symptoms at single parts can be generalized, if they are recurrently come into sight. 
homeopahty speciality

Ultimately what you would like to say? Whether Homeopathy require specialties or not?  Gradually our medical knowledge is evolving.In view of extensive medical knowledge,  We are directed swot body parts in profundity. Innumerable mysterious stuff is unveiled as a result of modern medical studies. Many things in relation to human psychic behavior are made known in this century.
One can study the scenery of entire body from single cell, at the same time it is possible to reveal the behavior of entire body on learning a single cell. 
We should not discontinue at the study of general symptoms in selection of Homeopathic medicine at the same time we should not ignore the medical knowledge concerning explicit parts.It’s not erroneous to revise the effect of Homeopathic medicines on precise or district parts.

What is wrong in opening following Courses in Homeopathy:
Allergy and Immunology,MD Homeopathy
Adolescent Medicine,MD Homeopathy
Anaesthetics,MD Homeopathy
Pathology,MD Homeopathy
Cardiology,MD Homeopathy
Paediatric cardiology,MD Homeopathy
Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy,MD Homeopathy
Clinical neurophysiology,MD Homeopathy
Dermato-Venereology,MD Homeopathy
Emergency Medicine,MD Homeopathy
Endocrinology,MD Homeopathy
Gastroenterology,MD Homeopathy
General Practice,MD Homeopathy
Geriatrics,MD Homeopathy
Gynaecology and obstetrics,MD Homeopathy
Health Informatics,MD Homeopathy
Hospice and Palliative Medicine,MD Homeopathy
Infectious diseases,MD Homeopathy
Internal Medicine,MD Homeopathy
Interventional Radiology,MD Homeopathy
Vascular medicine,MD Homeopathy
Microbiology,MD Homeopathy
Nephrology,MD Homeopathy
Neurology,MD Homeopathy
Nuclear medicine,MD Homeopathy
Occupational medicine,MD Homeopathy
Ophthalmology,MD Homeopathy
Orthopaedics,MD Homeopathy
Otorhinolaryngology,MD Homeopathy
Paediatrics,MD Homeopathy
Paediatric allergology,MD Homeopathy
Paediatric endocrinology and diabetes,MD Homeopathy
Paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition,MD Homeopathy
Paediatric haematology and oncology,MD Homeopathy
Paediatric infectious diseases,MD Homeopathy
Neonatology,MD Homeopathy
Paediatric Nephrology,MD Homeopathy
Paediatric respiratory medicine,MD Homeopathy
Paediatric rheumatology,MD Homeopathy

It not incorrect in initiating Specialties in Homeopathic system of Medicine.
Our system is at primeval phase in progress.

General Management of cases must be intentional apart from the Homeopathic knowledge then only Homeopathic physician and Homeopathic System of medicine can serve the public enhanced.


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