Mesothelioma from Homeopathic (Treatment) Point of View.

- Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo),
Mesothelioma Homeopathic
Mesothelioma is a chronic lung disorder belong to cancer group caused by asbestos which is a mineral accumulates in the mucus linings of the lungs. Every case with mesothelioma will not have history of asbestos's exposure. Every person exposed to Asbestos may not develop mesothelioma.
Constant dust exposure, Carpenters, Metal workers, Gold smiths, Weavers, Soil Workers, coalmine workers and those who work with cotton fibers are the vulnerable group.

Symptoms of mesothelioma include:
  • Anemia 
  • Blood Clotting Disorder 
  • Bowel Obstruction 
  • Chest Pain 
  • Dysphagia 
  • Fluid Effusion 
  • Hemoptysis 
  • Nausea 
  • Peritoneal Effusion 
  • Pleural Effusion 
  • Weight Loss
If we convert these symptoms into our Homeopathic language with the help of Repertory,  the following Rubrics can guide us to select the proper Homeopathic medicine.
  • RECTUM - INACTIVITY of rectum
  • THROAT - SWALLOWING - difficult
  • STOMACH - VOMITING - blood
  • ABDOMEN - DROPSY - ascites

Phosphorus, Calcareac carb, Sulphur, Arsenicum Album are the well indicated remedies in chronic state of the mesothelioma.

Thirst for cold water indicates Phosphorus where as profuse sweat in head and all over body, exhasted easily on exertion calls Calcarea carb

Fear of death with thirst for small quantities of water indicates Arsenicum album.

Bryonia, China, Heparsulph, Mercurius Solubulis and Pulsatilla are useful in acute state of mesothelioma.

Thirst for large quanties of water with severe body pains on motion - Bryonia 200c - 4 pills
Exstrem weakness and lack of appetite - Cinchona 200c - 4 pills,
Chills and fever, cold air aggravation - Hepar sulphuris 200c - 4 pills
Throat pain with bleeding gums - Mercurius solubulis 200c - 4 pills,
Thirstless with lack of selfconfidence, weeping mood - Pulsatilla 200c - 4 pills.

Homeopathy offers better treatment for Mesothelioma when compared to any other system. Single dose of above remedies according to symptoms will produce good relief in symptoms. If it can able to move disease from surface of lungs with constitutional Homeopathic treatment, remove suppression's layer by layer it can possible to cure mesothelioma completely.


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