32/56 Kuppaiah Street, West Mambalam, Chennai – 600 033.  India
Phone: 044-24890379, 09884612450.  E-mail: jaykrish1966@gmail.com

CASE 1: Mr. N. 57 years reported: “Doctor, daily morning I get
headache; in the afternoon, after lunch I have distension of
abdomen, gastric troubles. In the night I get terrible pain in the

Repertory is of no use in this case. The case is very simple.
His symptom is to be classified as follows: “Aggravation of
head symptoms in the morning; abdomen in the afternoon and
legs in the night”

Under the remedy Ammonium mur. (Boericke’s Mat. Med.)
the following is specified:
Homeopathy headache
Morning Headache
Its periods of aggravations are peculiarly divided
as to the bodily region affected; thus the head and
chest symptoms are worse mornings, the abdominal
in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and
febrile symptoms, in the evenings.

One single dose of Amm-mur-10M cured him.
CASE 2: A patient consulted me for constipation. Laxatives
and purgatives were said to be of no use. He further said that
for several years he had been taking daily anticonvulsant drug
for epilepsy and if he stops it, he would get convulsions.
The following symptom under the remedy Opium (in Wilkinson’s
Materia Medica) agrees with this case:

“…Increased irritability and action in voluntary
muscles, with diminution of it in involuntary
Homeo Constipation
When the intestine is full with faeces, urging is not felt
(involuntary muscles.) In the instant case these muscles are
not functioning. Movement of limbs is controlled by
voluntary muscles and he gets convulsions in them (increased
irritability and action).

Opium-10M one single dose cured his constipation and
he was asked to stop anticonvulsant drugs; he did so and to
his surprise convulsions did not appear.

CASE 3: A patient showed his right leg with ulcer. He got
injury a few months earlier but so far it did not heal in spite
of best medical treatment. After a pause, the patient
continued, “Doctor, ever since the accident I feel numbness in
my right upper arm and I am unable to use it freely. Has this
non-healing of wound in my leg anything to do with
numbness in my arm? But my arm was not hurt in the

In Wilkinson’s Materia Medica the following sentence under the remedy
Pulsatilla agrees with this case:

… depression of vital power on one side
and increased irritability on the other…
Pulsatilla-10M, one single dose, cured both the ulcer on
the leg and numbness in the arm.

CASE 4: A patient came in with pain in the femoral part of urethra and backache. It was worse while riding the two-wheeler. He showed his medical file (given by allopathic hospital) and therefrom we noted the following points:
hydroureteronephrosis—Left kidney;
pain in femoral part of urethra;
pain in sacral region.
His complaint (pathology) is in ureter but he has pain in femoral part of urethra and sacrum. This is something rare-strange-peculiar. Both these painful places are at the same distance from the seat of affection—ureter.
Under the remedy Belladonna (Wilkinson’s Materia Medica) we find the following: “Inflammation of internal organs… The inflammation… runs in radii as it extends to adjacent parts.”
(Femoral part of urethra and sacrum are more or less at equal distance from his left ureter).  Belladonna-10M, single dose, cured him.
CASE 5: Two years after the above case, a lady came to me for cervical spondylitis. These patients get pain normally in the neck extending to head or one upper limb. Strangely this patient complained of unbearable pain in both shoulder tips. (Both shoulder tips are at the same distance away from the cervical vertebra.) Belladonna-10M, single dose cured her.
CASE 6: Let us now examine what is meant by uncommon symptoms: Some of the most useful uncommon physical symptoms cannot be classified under any head in the repertory or homoeo software and so it is better to memorise them.
For example, under the remedy Ignatia we find the words great contradictions. (Boericke Mat. Med.) A haemorrhoid patient said at the end of the consultation. [Remember, in most cases, after the narration is over and after a pause, the patient leans forward towards you and with wide open eyes (exclaims)] “Doctor… one thing. Everyone says that pain, bleeding etc. in piles would increase while straining when constipated; but my case is different. I do not get pain or bleeding whenever I strain during constipation. But during loose bowel movement I get both burning and bleeding.”
The contradictory symptom is both ways. Hence Dr. William Boericke writes in plural: “Great contradictions.” Ignatia-1M, single dose cured this patient.
CASE 7: A school boy of twelve was brought by the parents. The mother started talking: “Doctor, he has to leave the house for school at 9.30 in the morning. He gets up at 6.00 a.m. By 7.30 a.m. he becomes so restless—jumps, cries etc. This would last for half-an-hour. Then this disappears; it is followed by 3-4 times loose bowel movement. After that he becomes completely all right and goes to school.”
In this case the following should come to our mind:
“Symptoms disposed to appear periodically and in groups... ”

The above lines are found in the remedy Cuprum met. (Boericke’s Materia Medica.) This remedy cured the patient in one single dose in the 200th potency.


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