Autism Homeopathic Remedies and Treatment without side effects

- Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy, M.D (Hom)

What is Autism? Whether it is a Disease or Personality?

Childhood is the phase where child starts observing the external world learns the social behaviours, communicates the thoughts in their own language. They mimic others; try to interact with others in funny gestures. It is bit of confusion for them to understand the outer world but slowly they accustoms with the outer social world. Each child has unique process of learning the ways of communication. For the social interaction and communication, neurological development is needed.
I like to observe the children and their way of communication with the world, they talk a lot or simply make gestures to communicate, but they make us to understand what they are trying to tell.
I have two year old daughter who talks a lot in her own language, if we don’t pay attention to her which shouts at us or bang her head to get attention. She likes to play in play ground and every day she asks me to take her to play ground, where she plays on her own but communicate with others in her own cute smile. She doesn’t like to be touched if she doesn’t like other person. Watching her every moment I feel surprised of her behaviour and always think that such a small kid has her own choices and likes. Exploring the children behaviour is a big science and how improve their personality and built their constitution is always puzzled for me.
autism homeopathy
Autism Homeopathy

During the process of observing the behaviours of children, i come across a boy who is two and half year old in my daughter’s play school. He sat at the corner of the room, not talking to any one and was submerged in his own world, keep on arranging the building blocks in same manner, looking at the ground and not paying attention to other children and care takers. If care taker goes and talk to him, he is not maintaining the eye to eye contact and looking at ground, slow in answering questions and late in response. I feel like he is not able to understand the question at all, if she try to ask questions loudly or ask him to do something, he is closing his both ears and trying to avoid her.

His behaviour made me curious which forcing me to observe him, taking permission from the care taker. After observing him for long time, i understood that his social development is impaired and communication skills are very poor. As his both parents are working, he was put in day care thinking that he will start learning social interaction and communication. But i understood that he is Autistic child and his problem is ASD (Autism Spectrum disorder). 

What is Autism or ASD?
Autism is the neurological developmental problem in the children usually noticed in first two year of age, characterised by impaired social interaction, verbal and non verbal communication and restricted or repetitive behaviours. It is spectrum of conditions, which affect in the person in different ways at different stages of life. Most of the Autistic people live the independently relatively but there are some learning disabilities. People with Autism, may also experience under or over sensitive to light, sound, touch, colours and senses. 
Asperger syndrome is other form of autism, where lack or delay in cognitive skills and languages.
Three main characteristics are known as “triad of impairment” in autism are,
1)      Difficulty with social communication
2)      Difficulty with social interaction
3)      Difficulty with social imagination

Social communication
People of autism have difficulty in understanding the verbal and non verbal communication and language. It is difficult for them to understand the facial expressions, common phrases and sayings, jokes or sarcasm. Some people can understand the communication but they don’t know give and take kind of communication. If they start talking it should be one way, can’t communicate the way of conversation. Some severe forms of autism communicate with sign or show languages.
Social interaction
People of autism have difficulty in understanding the emotions and feelings of other person, difficulty in expressing their own feelings which makes them to fit in social world. Their interaction levels are poor, sometimes in talk irrelevantly, sometimes they prefer to be alone than interacting with others, don’t need comfort of others and appears to behave strangely or inappropriately.
But we should not level them that they don’t have emotions and feelings. They have their own emotions and feeling but they don’t know how to show them.
Social imagination
People with autism have difficulty in predicting what could happen next and what will happen next, inability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others, imaginative plays where they fail to understand what happen next, so that they repeat the things again and again. Unfamiliar to concept of danger, example crossing the roads, running in front of bus. Difficulty to prepare to for change and future plans and inability to cope up with new or unfamiliar situations.
As the person with autism, has confusion about the changes and unfamiliar situations, they prefers routine which they always do and don’t like the change. So that they will do the things in same routine every day, looking like watching same movie every day. They are comfortable with idea of change.
Some autistic children may experience sensory sensitivity, either they are hypersensitive or hyposensitive to external senses. Sometimes they lack body awareness system, while crossing the rooms they obstruct to walls like that.
They can’t maintain eye to eye contact while interacting with others. They even can’t focus on the object other people showing him, he looks another object than target one. Sometimes they don’t respond to the communicator voices, otherwise they repeat the words talk by others. They have difficulty in pronouncing in consonants, word building and tend to pronounce reverse.
They have repetitive or compulsive behaviour, restricted to limited activities in order to avoid change. Some severe form of autistic children, tend to self injure themselves by biting, eye poking, head banding and skin picking. 

What causes autism?
Exactly what causes autism is not known. Scientists still trying to find out what causes Autism. They are proposing different theories. But still exact theory not comes out. Whatever causes Autism, it is a behavioural learning problem.
It has been long presumed that there is common cause at genetic, cognitive and neural levels of autistic triad of symptoms. Although it has been presumed that there is strong genetic cause of autism, with complex genetic mutations, which influenced by environmental causes, prenatal stress and emotional condition of mother during the pregnancy.  Complexity of the mutant gene arises due to interaction of multiple genes, environmental and epigenetic reasons. Environmental factors and epigenetic factors do not change DNA, but are heritable and influence genes expression.
Studies of twins show that heritability of autism is 0.7 and as high as 0.9 for ASD and siblings of autism are more than 25 percent more autistic than normal populations.
Autism appears to be result from developmental factors that affect many or all functional brain systems and to disturb the timing of the brain development resulting in final condition. Neurological studies and associations with teratogens strongly suggest that autism’s mechanism includes alteration of brain development soon after conception. This anomaly of brain significantly cascade pathological symptoms which appears to be influenced by environmental factors. Soon after birth, brains of autistic child grows relatively faster than usual followed by lower or less growth in cognitive functional area during childhood.
Causes for Autism
Cause for Autism 

Two major theories are proposed in the area of cognitive functions of autistic children, are deficit in social cognition and non social r general process of executive functions such as working memory, planning and inhibition.
But none of the theories can explain satisfactorily, the mechanism of autism, still scientific research is trying to lighten up on the facts.
Some proposes a theory of vaccination. Improper vaccination or side effects of vaccination is the cause for behavioural and learning disabilities in children. But there is no strong route is there to support this theory.
Whatever it is, Autism not caused by person’s upbringing, their social circumstances and not the fault of individual with the conditions. 

What are the effects of vaccination on Autism?
It is a long debate issue for the scientists whether autism is caused do to vaccination. There is no proper evidence shown that vaccination is the cause for Autism. Many scientists come with new theories and then it will deny with some proofs. The article in the journal of immunotoxicology  entitiles, “Theoritical aspects of Autism: causes – A review. The author is Helen Ratajczak, suggested a theory of role of MMR shots. She documented the causes of autism includes genetic mutations and or deletions, viral infections and encephalitis following vaccinations. Therefore autism is result of genetic defects and or inflammation of brain.
The article goes on to discuss many potential vaccine related culprits, including the increasing number of vaccines given in short period of time, which will cause the body to thrown out of balance.
She discusses the increase in autism incidences corresponding with introduction of human DNA to MMR vaccine, and suggests that both could be interlinked. She think that human DNA introduced into a human which causes homologous recombination tiniker. That DNA incorporated in host DNA, which changed, altered self and body kills it. It causes the ongoing inflammation which continue throughout the life.  
But this theory still needs to be researched and proved.

How to diagnose Autism?
Main reason for identification of Autism is, to help the people with autism and their families, why they are experiencing certain difficulties and what they have to do about them and to access support and services.
Diagnosis based on behaviours than causes and mechanism. Persistent difficulties in social communications and interaction across multiple contexts, as well as restricted, repeated pattern of behaviours, activities and interest.
Commonly used diagnostic scales for autism are,
The Autism Diagnostic Interview-revised (ADI-R) - a semi structured parent interview
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) – uses observation and interaction with child.
The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)- used in clinical environment to assess severity of autism by observing the child.
Paediatrician generally diagnose the case of autism with development mile stone history and physical examination, if needed to assess the severity of Autism, they uses the special scales.
How to improve quality of life of children with Autism?
Main goal of treating children with autism are to lessen the associated deficits and family distress and to increase the quality of life and functional independence. Some think that Autism is not a disease but it is a kind of personality of individuals which need to be treated.
Anyhow; to improve quality of life of autistic child intensive, sustained special education and behaviour therapy helpful in early childhood.  Available approaches include applied behaviour analysis, developmental models, and structural teaching, speech and language therapy, social skill therapy and occupational therapy.

What is the role of Homoeopathy in Autism?
Homeopathy is individual constitutional treatment which treats the person not disease. Homeopathy doesn’t concentrate what causes the disease and what parameters to follow. It is a constitutional treatment in which it reads the person in emotional, mental and physical plane to find out what kind of personality he has and according it treats the person. So that in autistic person, quality of life will be improved and can able to concentrate on things, speech and ability to express their feelings are improved.
There are many Homeopathy Autism forums are there which exclusively works on autism cases and seen many controlled cases. With the classical Homoeopathic treatment Autism can be treated. In mild cases of autism, kids are treated and seen many of them leading the autism free life. Most of the homeopathy treatments claim the cure in autistic children.
With the proper medication, counselling and behaviour therapy ASD can be treated and can give problem free life for them.
With the classical constitutional homeopathic treatment we can give basic support and independent life to autistic children.

Does Homeopathy show side effects in autism children?
Most of them think that that there will be side effects with the homeopathic treatment but it is not true. Why because Homeopathy is based on the personality of the patient and it treat the person not the disease and medication used in Homeopathy are in mild doses which won’t show any side effects.
Homeopathy is really works in ASD cases?
Main motto of Homeopathy physician is to give proper gentle, permanent and symptom free life for the patient. As homeopathy works on the mental, emotional and physical plane of the person’s constitution, there is definite relief and improvement in the quality of life of the patient. There are many cases are there recovered from ASD and leading better life with the homeopathic treatment.

What are the parameters for the ASD treatments?
Nowadays a debate is going on that homeopathy doesn’t show any effect on the disease and it is just like a placebo treatment. To prove that homeopathy really works most of homeopathic physician should come out and have to submit their cured cases and need to present the papers and have to record the symptoms and cure percentage and they have to submit the papers which proper proofs.
For ASD, there is assessment scales are there called, “Autism treatment evaluation checklist”.  Every homeopath while treating the cases of ASD has to use this check list to evaluate the case and treatment result. It will help to assess the ASD case and helps in the proper treatment plan of Homeopathy.

I. Speech/Language/Communication
Not True (N), Somewhat True (S), Very True (V)

Sr no
knows own name
respond to no or stop
can follow some commands
can use one word at a time
can use two words at a time
can use three words at a time
know ten or more words
can use four or more words at a time
explains what he or she wants
asks meaningful words
speech tend to be meaningful or relevant
often uses several successive sentences
carries on fairly good conversation
has normal ability to communicate his or her age.

II. Sociability
(N)-Not Descriptive, (S)-Somewhat Descriptive, (V)-Very Descriptive

Sr no
Seems to be in shell/ cannot reach her or him
Ignores other people
Pay no or little attention
Non cooperative and resistant
No Eye contact
Prefers to be alone
Shows no affection
Fails to greet parents
Avoids contact with others
Does not imitate
Dislike being cuddled or held
Does not share or show
Do not wave “bye bye”
Disagreeable/ noncompliant
Temper tantrums
Lacks friends and companions
Rarely smiles
Insensitive to other’s feelings
Indifferent to be liked
Indifferent if parents leave

III. Sensory or cognitive awareness
 (N)-Not Descriptive, (S)-Somewhat Descriptive, (V)-Very Descriptive

Sr no
Respond to own name
Respond to praise
Look at people and animals
Look at pictures and T.V
Does drawing, colouring, art
Plays with toys appropriately
Appropriate facial expressions
Understands stories on T.V
Understands explanations
Aware of environment
Aware of danger
Shows imaginations
Imitates activities
Dresses self
Curious, interested
Venturesome, explored
Tuned in, not spacey
Looks where others are looking

IV: Health/ physical/ behaviour
 (N)-Not Descriptive, (S)-Somewhat Descriptive, (V)-Very Descriptive

Sr no
Bed wetting
Soil pants/ diapers
Sleep problems
Eats too much or too little
Hits or injured self
Hits or injures others
Sensitive to sound
Anxious / fearful
Unhappy/ crying
Obsessive speech
Rigid routine
Shouts or screams
Demands sameness/orderliness
Often agitated
Not sensitive to pain
Hooked or fixed to certain objects
Repetitive movements

Impression/ final assessment of the patient:

Complaints basing the behaviour, social communication, interaction and social imagination, repertorisation has to be done basing on the mental, physical and emotional symptoms of the person and choose most appropriate medicine which suits person constitution and treated in high potencies. Accordingly we can choose drugs basing on acute as well as chronic totality of the complaints.
Basing on complaint of Autism, following rubrics we can choose,
Impaired social interaction and behaviour:
MIND – INDIFFERENCE – Apathy, surrounding to
MIND – AFFECTION – Show affection unable to
MIND – COMPANY – Aversion to
MIND – SOLITUDE – Desire for,
MIND – AILMENTS – Reproaches
Impaired verbal and non verbal communication:
MIND - SPEECH – Inarticulate
MIND - SPEECH – Names cannot pronounce
MIND - SPEECH - Wanting
MIND - SPEECH - Incoherent
MIND - TALKING - Himself, to
MIND – Abstract thinking
MIND – THINKING - Abstract thinking, inability for
Other rubrics which helps in Autism:
MIND - ROCKING - desire for being rockedMIND – RITUALISTIC, Behaviour
MIND - GESTURES, makes - repeating the same actionsMIND – GESTURES – make automaticMIND - OBSTINATE, headstrongMIND - CHANGE - aversion toMIND - NEW IDEAS - aversion toMIND – Hyperactive ChildrenGENERALS – ENERGY – Excess of energy, children in
MIND - BITING – nails
MIND - GESTURES, makes - fingers - mouth; children put fingers into the
MIND - MUSIC - desire for
MOUTH - SPEECH – wanting – accompanied by convulsions
GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - speak, on attempting to
MIND – AUTISM – Vaccination after
GENERALS – VACCINATION, ailments after
MIND – FEAR – noises from
MIND – FEAR – animals from
MIND – LAUGHNING – immoderately
MIND – INTOLERANT – Music, sound
MIND – RESTLESS – Sounds, music from.
6 Best Homeopathic Remedies for AUTISM without side effects:
Agaricus, Androctonum, Borax, Baryta, Bufo Ran, Carcinosinum, Calcaria Carb, Calcaria phos, Cuprum metallicum, Helleborus, Helium, Hydrogenum, Saccharum officinale, Secretin, Stramonium, Medorrhinum and Thuja.
Helium: withdrawal of individual, autism. Autism is very appropriate word for Helium. They don’t feel like entering in this world. They prefer to stay in them self to experience their own world. They are not interested in finding out the value and meaning of life. They don’t feel affinity to world matters. Their behaviour is unable to understand by others, they are simply unapproachable and distant and the lock up them self.
Thuja occidentalis: Anti sychotic remedy, helps in the complaints or ill effects after vaccination. Fixed ideas, sensation as if body seems to be like glass, illusions. Don’t like to be touched or approached. Imbecility after vaccination, restless, mental dejection. Hurried, talks hastily, music unbearable, makes him sad. Quarrelsome, easily gets angered. The child is excessively obstinate; in reading and writing he uses wrong expressions. Talks hastily and swallows the words. Thoughtlessness, forgetful. Slow of speech and its reflexion, seeking the words during conversation. Incapacity for reflexion.
Baryta carb: lachrymose disposition, repugnance to strangers or to society, want of self confidence, child doesn’t want to play, anxious, suspicious temper, fear and cowardice. Great weakness of memory, inattention to studies, cannot pronounce words properly. Deficient memory cannot learn and remember.
Calcaria carb: child prefers to stay in secured environment, don’t like to be mingle with strangers and experiments new environment. Slow in learning, eating, trying something new, and making friends. Preferably they don’t like the concept of change. They are dull, sluggish, unadventurous in action, not much interested in conversation, resists, talks slowly, search for proper words while talking, very less eye to eye contact because of lack of confidence. Withdrawn nature. Lack stamina both physically and mentally. No ability to sustain prolonged mental effort. Great rigidity, stubbornness.
Carcinosinum: Sensitive to reprimands, restless children with destructive nature, frequent tantrums, when angry becomes stiff and hysterical. Shyness, cannot talk to others, don’t like to play; don’t like to try new things. Under excessive parental control, cowardice. Self contempt, repeats actions,
Hydrogenum: there is difficult concentration, mental confusion and forgetfulness. A peculiar symptom is the mistaking of left and right. There are mistakes in writing and the sense of time is distorted. Emotionally, there is much depression along with lethargy. They can feel detached and indifferent with a desire to be alone. This can lead to irritability and anger. They often feel hurried, suffer from nervous anxiety and feel fear in the stomach. Confidence is lacking and there is a general sense of vulnerability. Irritability, anger, quarrelsome. Laughs at ordinary or serious things.
Proper case taking, drawing the totality of symptoms, repertorisation and comparing the drugs basing on remedy indication like classical homoeopathy in autism will help the person in emotional, mental and physical plane. It will improve the quality of life and independent life of autistic child. Appropriate counselling and proper care help them to live there life without others support and care.
Classical homeopathy will help to cure or improve the ASD children.    


  1. Autism is really a great problem in developing countries where they use superfluous vaccination. Homeopathic medicines really works on the bad effects of vaccination and further sequel of vaccination. thank you dr.sunitha for providing a complete guide for us on Homeopathy treatment for autism.

  2. Thanks for the informative article. There are few well-known professionals who provide autism treatment in kolkata. Looking forward to more informative articles from you.


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