Arthritis Homeopathic Remedies and Treatment for cure

- Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Consult
Arthritis is a joint related disease that involves inflammation of joints. Arthritis is the result of suppression of skin eruptions and gonococcal pus discharges, the secondary internal manifestations inherited as joint pain disorders in both cases. There are different forms of arthritis. The most common arthritis is osteoarthritis which is age related. Other arthritis forms are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis which are related to autoimmune diseases. Arthritis result of joint infection is Septic arthritis.
The first and foremost symptom in arthritis is Joint pain. Pains are mostly restricted to joints affected. The joint which is infected will have great pain, is the result of damage to joint structure, caused by careless handling  of effected joints.
homeopathic arthritis treatment

Types of Arthritis:
Generally the painful joint is called with the name Arthritis. But there are various forms of arthritis  which are:
Rheumatoid arthritis
Gout and pseudo-gout
Septic arthritis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis

Joint pain can be the secondary symptoms of some other disease; these include:
Reactive arthritis
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Lyme disease
Sjogren's disease
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Inflammatory bowel disease (including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D with recurrent fever
Whipple's disease
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Familial Mediterranean fever
Systemic lupus erythematosus

Signs and symptoms:
Many times joint pains of rheumatic origin are undefined in the early stages.
Pain is the first symptom in all types of arthritis. Other symptoms are swelling, joint stiffness and aching around the joint. Arthritic  of Autoimmune origin can affect systemic organs in the body, leading to number of other symptoms. They include:
Unable to walk or use hand.
Stiffness in joints after waking the early morning.
Malaise and great fatigue
Weight loss
Muscle and body pains
Unable to move the joint
Secondary symptoms of arthritis are:
Muscle weakness
Loss of flexibility
Decreased aerobic fitness
The above symptoms have massive impact on quality of life.
Diagnosis is made mostly by clinical examination and may be supported by tests like as x-ray,MRI and clinical blood tests, depending on the type of arthritis.All arthritides potentially feature pain. Type of pain defers from one kind of arthritis to another. Rheumatoid arthritis is with pain and stiffness of joint in the early morning.  Osteoarthritis worse after exercise.
History of joint pains is  Important feature in diagnosing the type of arthritis. time of onset, pattern of joint involvement, symmetry of symptoms, early morning stiffness, tenderness, gelling or locking with inactivity, aggravating and relieving factors, and other systemic symptoms also to be considered. Physical examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis. X-Ray and MRI are used to guess progression or help assess severity.Blood tests and X-rays of the affected joints are performed to confirm the diagnosis.
Homeopathic Treatment for arthritis:
Homeopathic medicines are very much efficacious in arthritis cases. Homeopathic medicines are  individually prescribed to the unique pattern of symptoms that sick people experience so Homeopathic constitutional treatment of arthritis works better than any other treatment for arthritis.
Homeopathic Remedies for Arthritis:
Abrotanum is arthritis homeopathic medicine in Chronic arthritis. Gouty deposits about fingers-joints, during cold, stormy weather, painful, sore and hot at that time; arthritis symptoms metastasis to heart; piercing pain in heart; high fever; emaciation, though appetite is good. Abratanum constitution contains Painful and inflamed wrist and ankle-joints, stiff, with pricking sensation; ailments after suppressed gout.
Actea-spicata used in arthritis homeopathic treatment of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS; swelling of joints after slight fatigue; pain as from paralytic weakness of hands; great stiffness of joints after rest; small joints swell after walking; actea spicata homeopathic arthritis remedy patient legs weak after change of temperature; fingers numb, cold, discolored; exertion causes cold sweat.
Arnica used in cure for rheumatoid arthritis in homeopathy of Inflamed joint shining, red and hard, arnica patient has CONSTANT FEAR OF BEING TOUCHED; pains unbearable during night; bed feels too hard; arnica arthritis constitution has sensation as if the foot were compressed by a hard body (Arn., stitching pains; Sabin., burning pains).
Benzoic-acid is one of homoeopathic remedies for rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are tearing in joints with nearly clear urine; old nodes become painful, and as the pains abate palpitation sets in, ceasing only when pains increase; gout going from left to right of or commencing in right great toe; benzoic acid arthritis associated symptoms are urine of offensive odor, depositing a reddish cloudy sediment. CHRONIC RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, wandering pains (Puls).
Colchicum is homeo medicine for arthritis in GOUT ATTACKING MANY JOINTS; shifting from one to another, with burning and tearing pains, from any external impressions, noise, odor, touch or bright light, The joints becomes inflamed, dark red, hot and intensely painful, patient nearly beside himself with agony; oedema and coldness of legs and feet, with weariness, heaviness and inability to move; Colchicum arthritis constitution has urine acidic, dark and scanty; even the smell of food nauseates; frequent, ineffectual inclination to sneeze on waking in the morning; uric acid diathesis; GOUTY ARTHRITIS IN PERSONS OF VIGOROUS CONSTITUTION.
Guaiacum is best homeopathic medicine for rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are Arthritic lancinations and contraction of limbs; worse by slightest motion and accompanied by heat on affected parts. Gouty inflammation and abscess of the knee; guaiacum arthritis constitution has IMMOVABLE STIFFNESS OF THE CONTRACTED PARTS; pinching in abdomen from incarcerated flatulence; pyrosis; constipation.
Kali-bichrom is very effective Homeopathic remedy for arthritis GOUTY PAINS, ESPECIALLY OF FINGERS, ALTERNATE WITH GASTRIC AILMENTS; periodical wandering pains, shooting, pricking; stiff all over, worse mornings; audible cracking in joints on slight motion in the wrists or ankles; lumbago ischias, periostitis.
Kali-carb is rheumatoid arthritis homeopathy remedy with Tearing pains in small articulations and big toe, which make him irritable; migraine with nausea; anorexia bulimy; Kalium carbonicum arthritis constitution has assouciated symptoms of flatulence; haemorrhoids; urine red, smarting, with brickdust sediment. It prevents relapses of arthritis symptoms.
Ledum is homoeopathic medicine for arthritis  for Low, asthenic cases (maltreated by large doses of Colch); lancinating, tearing pains; worse by motion than by touch and at midnight, when joints feel so hot that he throws off all covering; important arthritis symptom of Ledum pal is OEDEMATOUS SWELLING OF JOINT, WHICH MAY FEEL COLD TO THE TOUCH; affects chiefly left shoulder and right hip-joint, habitual gout in the articulations of hands and feet; ball of great toe swollen and painful; soles very sensitive; tendons stiff; gouty nodosities in joints; fine tearing pains in toes; face bloated; pimples on forehead, after abuse of alcoholic drinks.
Lithium-carb is useful as  Homeopathic arthritis remedy for Gout in knees, sides of feet and soles; ankle-joints pain on walking; profuse urine, with uric acid deposit; painful urination; pain in heart before and at time of urinating; valvular deficiencies; worse from mental agitation, which causes a fluttering and trembling of heart, general puffiness of body and limbs; increase of bulk and weight; lithium carb arthritis constitution has clumsiness in walking at night and weariness in standing; swelling, tenderness, sometimes redness of lasts joints of fingers; intense itching of feet and hands at night from no apparent cause; urine acid deposits in urine.No side effects when used in with above symptoms for arthritis.
Lycopodium is best Homeopathic remedy for arthritis where Tophi; nocturnal pains, worse by heat; muscular contractions; gravel; haematuria; drawing, tearing in the limbs at night and on alternate days; worse at rest; muscles and joints rigid, painful, with numbness; Lycopodium arthritis patients shows finger joints inflamed; also with arthritic nodes, swelling of the dorsa of the feet;better in warmth (Led. worse); sour eructations; frequent belching without relief; pressure in scrobiculum; lycopodium constitutional symptoms are fulness in stomach and bowels; tension in liver; abdominal and renal colic; constipation; lithic acid deposit in urine, must rise often at night to pass urine.
Natrum-mur can be best Homeopathic remedy for arthritis without side effects when Big toe becomes red, with tearing and stinging on walking or standing; tarsal joints feel bruised; veins of feet distended; cracking of joints which feel stiff on moving them; lame; natrum mur constitution has bruised sensation in small of back as if a portion of the spine were taken out; urine muddy and red; skin tawny. unhealthy looking, worse at the seaside and in cold weather; . in warm weather; constant sensation of chilliness.
Staphisagria is Homeopathic remedy used in arthritis treatment for cure of Arthritic nodes from deposition of urates of soda; pain from the eyes to the teeth; eyes burn and feel dry despite profuse lachrymation; patient weak and exhausted from dissipation; face sallow. Chronic gout of men advanced in life, corpulent with feeble pulse, palpitations, dyspnoea on exertion; Staphysagria patient constitution has pains in smaller joints of hands and feet, with much swelling and hardness; SKIN AFFECTIONS ALTERNATING WITH PAINS IN JOINTS; weakness of knees; soles of feet tender.
Sulphur used as arthritic homeopathic alternative remedies for Habitual gout, especially of drunkards and those who indulge in rich food and take but little exercise, red blotches in face, nose habitually red; disgust for animal food; dyspnoea with desire to take a deep inspiration; uric acid urine; dull, aching., pressive pain in joints; as soon as he falls asleep the affected limbs jerk and arouse him; pains erratic and leave a sensation of numbness; sulphur constitution arthritis patient has alternate constipation or diarrhoea, with excessively foetid stools and foetid flatulence; haemorrhoids.


  1. Good afternoon Dr.Devendra Kumar. The way you deal with any disease is very comprehensive and excellent. As agreed upon with your goodself, I shall be posting cse of muscular dystrophy from Jaipur. I propose to furnish details of investigative reports which pointed certain abnormalities and brief history. The patient is Master Vasu aged 12 years old confined to bed almost due to deyerioration in his prognosis.

  2. Dear sir,

    is treatment for Chikungunya & Dengue same?

    Your advice for these conditions?

    Can the medicine be taken during menstruation & lactation?

    with regards & thanks

    1. yes try EUPATOREUM PERF 200C

      Not better to take, is required take with consciousness.

      How to use Homeopathic Medicine?pls read.


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