Diabetes Mellitus Homeopathic treatment and remedies for side effects

Diabetes Mellitus Homeopathic treatment presented by Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo), Consult

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which blood sugar levels are elevated. Diabetes is most frequently seen in patients where there is suppressed gonococcal discharge or secondary symptoms of gonococcal infection.Diabetic patients with high blood sugar experience symptoms of frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger. Diabetes can lead into severe complications if improper treatment. Acute complications consist of diabetic ketoacidosis and nonketotic hyperosmolar coma. Long-term complications are cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic kidney failure, foot ulcers, and diabetic retinopathy.
Defect in insulin production by fibrosed Beta Cells in pancreas is the cause for Diabetes. Sometimes it is due to the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced, is the cause for defect in insulin production from pancreas.
Types of diabetes mellitus:
homeopathic treatment for diabetes
Type 1 DM is due to the pancreas' failure to produce adequate insulin. This is called "insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus" (IDDM) or "juvenile diabetes". The cause is not know in these cases.
Type 2 DM in which cells become insulin resistant, in this condition cells fail to respond to insulin properly. As the disease progresses there will be diminished insulin production.This condition was earlier referred to as "non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus" (NIDDM) or "adult-onset diabetes". The primary cause was thought excessive body weight and sedentary body weight but is not sure in all cases.
Gestational diabetes, is another important form of diabetes and develops high blood sugar levels in pregnant women without a previous history of diabete.
Prevention and treatment involve a healthy natural organic diet, adequate physical exercise, quitting tobacco and controlling body weight. Regular Blood pressure check up, control and proper foot care are essential for people with diabetes. Taking insulin injections is only the treatment for Type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with medications without insulin, in early stages no medication is required for type 2 diabetes, diet and exercise are enough to regulate the blood sugar levels. Insulin and some oral medications can drop blood sugar levels to very low can cause hypoglycaemia. Weight loss measures in those with obesity is many times an effective option to control blood sugar levels in those with type 2 DM. Gestational diabetes mostly disappear after delivery.
Approximately(2015 year) 437 million people have diabetes worldwide, among then type 2 diabetes cases are 91% . From 2012 to 2014, diabetes is estimated to have resulted in 1.5 to 4.9 million deaths each year. Diabetic disease doubles a person's risk of death or disability.

 Homeopathic treatment for Diabetes:

Homoeopathy can be used effectively in the treatment of diabetes. We must mainly concentrate on functioning of the pancreas in order to efficiently produce insulin. Medicines like Helonias 200, Iodum 200, Syzygium Jambolanum Q (Mother Tincture),Phosphorus 200c, Phosphoric acid 200c, Uranium nitricum 12X  are useful in the treatment of of the dibetes without side effects. patients who are already under insulin treatment can be treated with Homeopathic medicines for diabetes.But patient need to reduce insulin gradually. Homeopathic constitutional treatment for diabetes controls side effects of the disease. Homeopathy considers life style, diet habits, other physical symptoms along with clinical history of diabetes in order to control the sugar levels as well prevent diabetic complications like heart diseases, diabetic kidney disease, diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy etc.

Homeopathic Remedies for Diabetes:

Berberis-vulgaris is homoeopathic medicine for diabetes type 2 with symptoms of Constant urging, with pain in neck of bladder, urine very slow to flow, with pain in lumbar and renal region, better by rest; after urinating sensation in bladder as if one must go again soon or as if some urine remained behind; pale-yellow urine, with a gelatinous sediment; Berberies vulgaris diabetic complications are weakness of sexual organs; pale, sallow face, sunken cheeks; sickly expression; dryness and sticky feeling in mouth and fauces; sticky, frothy saliva, like cotton; increased thirst and appetite, better by eating; pulse slow and weak; paralyzed, bruised sensation in back, worse from slight exertion; skin sticky and scaling off; INTENSE COLDNESS OF KNEES.
Hepar Sulphuris is best Homoeopathic remedy  useful in diabetes in which constitutional symptoms are the slightest contradiction makes him break out into the greatest violence, he could kill somebody without hesitation; sight gets dim when reading; heaviness and pressure in stomach after a moderate meal, unusual hunger, much thirst; desire for acids and wine; sexual desire increased, erections feeble; Hepar sulphur diabetic patient has urine acrid, burning, making the inner surface of the prepuce or of the pudenda sore and ulcerated; emission of much pale urine, with pressure on bladder; emission of pale, clear urine, which on standing becomes turbid, thick, and deposits a white sediment.
Kreosotum is used in Homeopathy for the treatment of diabetes where symptoms are perfect depression to the trophic nervous system. Heaviness all over, with drowsiness; depression of spirits; head feels confused and dull; dim-sightedness; flat, bitter taste; appetite, with sensation of fulness; intermittent, hard, dry stool; frequent and copious emission of hot, clear urine; Kreosotum diabetic assouciated symptoms are bruised sensation in chest and all along the back; physical exhaustion, worse from rest; great itching of genitals during and after micturition.
Lachesis Homeopathic constitution in diabetes case are despondency and peevishness; dimness of eyes; livid-gray complexion; readily bleeding gums; sweetish taste; constipation; violent urging to urinate, with copious discharge; impotence; difficult suffocative breathing; laming pain and weakness in back and extremities; lachesis diabetic complications are gangrene; emaciation with muscular relaxation.
Lactic-acid is homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus symptom are excessive thirst; frequent and copious micturition; urine contains sugar, skin rough and dry; obstinate constipation; tongue dry, sticky; gastric ailments; debility and emaciation; feels constantly tired and exhausted from slightest exertion; rheumatic pains with profuse urination.
Lycopodium can be used as Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus when patient constitutional symptoms are Peevish and depressed in mind; thirst and hunger constant, but worse at night; flatulence; faeces small in quantity; want of natural warmth; diabetic complications are sexual desire and power gone; lithic acid gravel; pulmonary phthisis, pituitosa and purulenta, with hectic; great emaciation; mental, nervous and bodily exhaustion; GOUTY LITHAEMIA.
Natrum-sulph (Carlsbad.). is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for diabetes mellitus symptoms are Depressed, irritable, taciturn, tired of life; dulness in head and weakness of sight; dryness and burning in the eyes nosebleed; dryness of mouth and throat; great thirst for very cold drinks; voracious appetite, with a boring pain; disgust while eating; foetid flatus; increased urination, especially at night; pains in small of back, with burning urine; haemoptoe; cough, with purulent expectoration.
Phosphoric-acid is very effective Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus clinical symptoms are NEUROGENIC GLYCOSURIA. Debility from loss of animal fluids; bad effects from grief, anguish, sorrow and care; all the joints feel bruised; very sensitive to fresh air; lassitude and heaviness; weakness of mind; Phosphoric acid diabetes side effects are falling out of the hair; dimness of eyes; excessive thirst; eructations from acids; pressure in stomach; hard, difficult stool; shortness of breathing; urine thick, LIKE MILK (CHYLURIA) or lime-water, with whitish curds, with stringy, bloody lumps, or clear, limpid, and containing much sugar; pain in back and kidneys; dull pressure in bladder; great weakness and emaciation; furunculosis.
Picric-acid diabetic Homeopathic remedy useful when Cortex of brain congested; urine contains sugar and albumen, dark red, of high specific gravity; great indifference, LACK OF WILL POWER TO DO ANYTHING; eyes feel dry, as if full of sand, sight dim and confused; saliva white, frothy and stringy; disgust for food; very great thirst for cold water; picric acid diabetic constitution has great sexual desire with emissions; excessive languor and prostration, it seemed difficult to move the limbs; feet cold, chilly, cannot get warm, followed by clammy sweat; chilly all over, except head and spine; throbbing, jerking of muscles with great pains between hips.
Plumbum 200 is best Homeopathic remedy for diabetes in which Lowness of spirits, anguish and melancholy; diminution of sight; dryness of mouth; dry, cracked tongue; feeling of contraction and constriction in throat; fever with unquenchable thirst are important symptoms. Diabetic side effects are dingy color of skin; gangrene; constipation, hectic fever with dry, hacking cough from suppuration of lungs; great exhaustion; impotence: excessive emaciation; great hunger; obstinate belching and vomiting. Chronic lead-poisoning produces a perfect picture of glycosuria and of morbus Brightii, and Hering considered it one of the most important drugs in diabetes form of disease.
Sizygium-jambol Homeopathic Mother tincture reduce sugar levels, Sizygium Diminishes the amount of urine secreted and causes sugar to disappear.
Tarentula used in homeopathic diabetes treatment with symptoms of Profound grief and anxiety; great prostration, and pain as if the whole body were bruised; loss of memory and dimness of sight; constant craving for raw articles; intense thirst; lips and mouth so dry that he wants to moisten them with his tongue; insatiable appetite; disgust for meat and general wasting away; constipation; polyuria, Tarentula diabetic complications are violent pains in the lumbar region and paralysis of the lower extremities; miliary eruptions and furuncles
Uranium-nitrate symptoms Homeopathic medicine for diabetes are DEFECTS OF DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION; HEPATOGENIC DIABETES. CAUSES SUGAR TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE URINE. General languor; debility; cold feeling; vertigo; purulent discharges from eyelids and nostrils, with ulceration of cheeks from the acrid discharge; copious salivation; vomiting, with great thirst; putrid eructations; urgent desire to evacuate bladder and rectum; frequent micturition; cough, with purulent discharge from nostril; lung infiltrated with gray tubercles; stiffness in loins; languor on rising from bed, with fishy smell of urine; prostration, somnolence, and shivering during the day; restless at night.


  1. X c lent work
    background should b take in considrashn

  2. Sure I will add more information on diabetes and miasm in Homeopathic treatment point of view.

  3. My sugar pp is 210 and fasting is 150 my age 37 what should I use.
    Right now I am using Glycomet.1 mg.after dinner &lunch.

    1. I suggest you to take MERC SOL 1m Just 2 pills and wait for 15 days. Take Syzyzium jom Q daily 4 drops on tongue morning and evening for 15 days. don't stop allopathic medicine. glycomet.

    2. In my experience diabetic people must use ORGANIC RICE and VEGETABLES in order to control their sugar levels. Using polished white non organic chemical rice takes no time for digestion. and more over excess urea levels can effect the function of pancreas. Which promote the fibrosis in Pancreatic Beta cells ultimately lead into deficiency in insulin production.

  4. Sir my penis prepuce is cracked, went for glucose tolerance. Plasma glucose levels are 300mg for first hour. HBA1C is 9.2. used Syzyzium jomb caused skin itching and eruptions. Mental depression from diabetes. I am hypothyroid patient. please help me with Homeopathic remedies.

  5. Dear suresh, don't worry, diabetes is a common health disorder now a days. even effecting people under 30 years. use allopathic diabetic medications. Along with that take MERCURIUS SOLUBULIS 1m just 2 pills and wait for 15 days. Try to change diet to Organic foods. change your life style. Changing diet habits can help you to avoid allopathic medication completely. Leading minimised stress life is very much advised.

  6. Diabetes

    My fasting sugar is between 120 & 150. Post lunch is between 180 & 220. My age 65years. Advice homeopathic medicine for me.

    1. MERC SOL 1M, just 2 pills and wait for 10 days, SYZYZIUM JOMB MT daily for 10 days. morning 4 and evening 4 drops on tongue.

  7. Dear sir,

    ​​​My concern is for my mother, a Diabetic patient.

    Current Main Problem:

    * An intense urge to urinate
    * Little Burning while urinating
    * Cloudy Urine with strong odor & white particles at the bottom in a bucket

    Urine R/E Test Results:
    Epithelial cells = 2-3/HPF
    PUS cells = 10-12/HPF

    Age: 62 years, Age of Diabetes: 30 years
    Current medications besides Insulin: None

    With Thanks & regards

    Sms Hasan

    1. Phosphoric Acid 200, just 2 pills not daily, wait for 15 days. Sarsaprrilla mother tincture daily for 15 days. morning 4 drops and evening 4 drops.


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