Hemorroids or Piles Homeopathic Remedies Treatment without surgery.

- Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Consult
Hemorrhoids or haemorrhoids are nothing but modified blood vessels in the anal passage.These are soft structures help in controlling the passage of stool through anal canal. They become swollen and called piles when filled with pathological fluids. To these swollen inflamed painful structures we could name as piles or hemorrhoidal disease. Hemorroids become swollen most of the times when there is suppressed external manifestations of internal disease. Suppression of skin diseases or skin symptoms of other infectious diseases like syphilis, gonococcus or other viral diseases can be the cause for piles formation. Many times piles subside automatically when these skin symptoms occur again periodically or repeatedly.
homeopathic treatment for piles
Symptoms of piles are produced according to the type. There is always painless bleeding with internal piles. Severe itching and burning, tenesmus is produced by external hemarroids .if external haemorrhoids are thrombosed they produce severe pain with noticeable heat inside. Patients often mistake symptoms around ano rectal canal as haemorrhoids there by omit more severe diseases like rectal cancer. The exact cause of piles is  unknow, it is thought to be increased intra abdominal pressure, constipation ect. But in most cases it is observed that suppressed skin itch disease, nasal catarrh developed haemorrhoidal pressure.
Taking high fibre diet is advisable as initial treatment for piles. Taking high fibre fluids there by to reduce constipation is the best home treatment for haemorrhoids. The procedures whatever followed for treatement of piles are only temporary measures will not yield permanent cure. Avoiding fermented, sour acids, ghee, fermented fruits, juices is very effective treatment for management of piles.Even surgery will not yield permanent cure in many cases. Whatever the  severity of symptoms piles can be managed with alternative Homeopathic treatment if above diet restrictions are followed. 50% of world population experience the problem of piles at one or other time in their life. But is manageable with good life style and food habits those which improve immune levels.
Homeopathic treatment for piles or Haemorrhoids:
Homeopathy is best alternative for piles treatment which offers complete cure for haemorrhoids without side effects. Homeopathy has many advantages over the conventional methods of piles treatment because Homeopathy treats the piles constitution. Homeopathy considers entire body system including other physical complaints, food habits, life style to treat piles completely. Cure rate for piles in homeopathy is more compared to other systems of medicine. People have doubt whether piles curable in Homeopathy? No doubt about the Homeopathic treatment it offers safe, complete, speedy cure for piles. While using other treatment methods there is chance of recurring piles but Homeopathy treats the root cause of piles forming tendency so recurrence of piles is very rare with Homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathic Remedies for Piles:
Aesculus-hip mother tinture is Homeopathic medicine for piles treatment when symptoms are like Abdominal plethora, throbbing deep in abdomen, particularly in hypogastric region haemorrhoids, bleeding or not, with feeling of dryness in rectum, as though little sticks or splinters were pricking the folds of the mucous membrane; weak feeling at sacro iliac symphysis, as though the legs were about to give out. (<) stooping forward and when walking, aching between shoulders, desire to strain at stool for a long time, pains shoot up the rectum (Ign) from the tumors, with lameness and aching in back, purple haemorrhoids, depressed and irritable. Angina granulosa, a dark-red congestion of fauces, with dryness and soreness, from abdominal plethora.
Aloe 200 used in homeopathy treatment for haemorrhoids in which Catarrh of Rectum, which constantly secrets mucus and escapes from anus at every attempt at defaecation; haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes with constant bearing down in rectum, GREATLY RELIEVED BY BATHING WITH COLD WATER, being sore, tender and hot, or copious bleeding but no haemorrhoidal knobs, constant bearing down sensation in rectum, with profuse EMISSION OF FLATUS BEFORE STOOL, followed by urgent diarrhoea, especially in the early morning hours, hot and watery, with jelly like mucus tinged with blood and followed by faintness (<) after eating, in damp weather, want of confidence in the sphincter ani, rectum feels full of fluid which feels heavy, as if it would fall out; stools leave him with a feeling of extreme weakness and prostration; constipation of old people of sedentary habits and given to high living. Uterine congestion and prolapsus with heaviness in abdomen and back; headache over eyes with sensation as if weight were pressing the eyelids down (>) from partially closing the eyelids dull pressing, followed by difficulty of thinking, Haemorrhoids from a suppressed cutaneous eruption.
Ammonium-carb 200 is effect in homoeopathic treatment for piles bleeding, also the Haemorrhoids protrude, independent of stool protrusion of haemorrhoids after stool with long lasting pains; cannot walk or the haemorrhoids protrude during a stool, and recede when lying down they are usually moist and pain as if excoriated, bloody discharge during and after stool, costiveness on account of hardness of faeces; itching at anus and burning, preventing sleep must rise from bed on that account haemorrhoids (<) during menses Suits children, old people, pale subjects with bloated face leading a sedentary life who readily catch cold in winter.
Arsenicum is used in homeopathy treatment for Haemorrhoids which are bluish, swollen inflammed protruding and bunched bleeding from least touch with stitching, burning pains when walking or standing, but not at stool, burning and soreness in rectum and anus (<) at night, rectum is spasmodically pushed out with great pain and remains protruded after haemorrhage from rectum, irreducible, strangulated Haemorrhoid, rhagades at different points with ichorous discharge fissures with burning pains in epigastrium; restlessness and debility (<) at night, from cold from ice-cream and ice-water in hot weather; (>) from warmth Haemorrhoids of drunkards.
Capsicum 200c is one of piles homeopathic remedies in which Piles are burning, swollen, cutting and smarting during defaecation, even when the stool is liquid; itching, throbbing with sore feeling in anus; large piles, discharging blood or bloody mucus; blind piles with mucous discharge. Urinary troubles, tenesmus, frequent and futile urging to urinate, smarting and burning in urethra, during and after micturition; most clinical symptom is TENESMUS ANI, ONLY RELIEVED BY SQUATTING DOWN ON HIS HEELS; suppressed haemorrhoidal flow, causing melancholy; lack of reactive power, especially in fat, lazy people, easily exhausted and want to lie down constantly.
Collinsonia is Homoeopathy medicine for external piles symptoms areTendency to flatulent colic; ALTERNATION OF HAEMORRHOIDAL SUFFERING WITH CEREBRAL AND CARDIAC TROUBLES (dilated right heart); haemorrhoids during or as a sequela of pregnancy and parturition, with constipation and malposition or prolapsus uteri. Chronic, painful, bleeding piles, sensation of sticks in rectum (AEsc. hip., not bleeding), dry balls of light-colored faeces; prolapsus recti with forcing-down pains even when urinating; constipation; congestion of pelvic organs and catarrh of bladder, urinating; constipation; congestion of pelvic organs and catarrh of bladder, with piles; (<) at night, (>) mornings; stools mostly only in the evening (Nux the opposite).
Graphites 200 and 1M is best Home remedy for Piles, with pain on sitting down or on taking a wide step, as if split with a knife, also violent itching and very sore to the touch; haemorrhoids of the rectum, with burning rhagades at the anus; large haemorrhoidal tumors; protrusion of rectum, without urging to stool, as if the anus were lame; fissure ani, sharp cutting pain during stool, followed by constriction and aching for several hours, worse at night; graphites piles remedy associated symptoms are chronic constipation, with hardness in hepatic region; moist humid eruption on scalp and behind ears; watery leucorrhoea at the time of menstruation; piles accompanied by dizziness.
Hamamelis mother tinrue, 200 is hemorrhoids homeopathic medicine in which Haemorrhage from piles, where the loss of a small quantity of blood is followed by PROSTRATION OUT OF PROPORTION TO THE LOSS OF BLOOD; painful and profusely bleeding piles, with burning, soreness, fulness and weight; burning soreness and at times rawness of the anus; weakness and weariness of the back, as if it would break; tumid haemorrhoidal veins, bluish in color, the whole anus encircled by a red erythematous halo; HAEMATURIA; constipation, severe frontal headache, restless nights; pulsation in rectum as if piles would protrude.
Ignatia useful in homeopathy treatment for haemorrhoids in women and children symptoms are Contractive sore pain in rectum, like from blind haemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty; constriction of anus after stool, (<) by standing or sitting, (>) while walking, though renewed and worse by taking the fresh air; sudden sharp stitches in rectum, shooting upward into the body, with every cough; moderate effort at stool causes prolapsus ani; spasmodic constriction of anus, strangulating piles; bleeding during and after stool; haemorrhage and pain (<) when stool is loose; fissura ani; pruritus ani; ulcerated haemorrhoids in rectum
Lycopodium 200 is best Homeopathic remedy for piles treatment where Varices protrude, painful when sitting; discharge of blood, even with soft stool; itching eruption at the anus, painful to touch; itching and tension at the anus in the evening in bed; continued burning or stitching pain in the rectum; constipation; ineffectual urging from the contraction of the sphincter ani; flatulence; painless haematuria; pain in the sacral region, extending to the thighs, worse rising from a seat; bleeding piles which contain an amount of blood, a far greater quantity of blood than the size of the vein would warrant; piles which do not mature, but from partial absorption of their contents remain as hard, bluish limps; great tendency to excoriations about anus which bleed easily.
Nux-vomica is Home Piles remdedy of  blind or flowing, irregular piles; stitching, burning or itching of the anus; stitches and shocks in the small of the back, with bruised pain, so that the patient is unable to raise himself; frequent constipation, with ineffectual urging to stool, and with sensation as if the anus were closed and constricted; frequent tendency of the blood to the head or abdomen, with distension of the epigastrium and hypochondria; haematuria from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow or menses; ischuria, suppression of urine; backache, must sit up to turn in bed; strangulated piles.
Phosphorus 200 is also a piles treatment homoeopathy medicine where Bleeding piles, with severe lancinating pains; BLOOD FLOWS WITH EACH STOOL IN A SMALL STREAM; ulceration of the rectum, with discharge of blood and pus; constipation, faeces slender, long, dry, tough and hard, voided with difficulty; paralysis of lower bowels and sphincter ani; discharge of mucus out of the gaping anus; stinging or itching at anus; (<) evening and night, when lying on back or left side, (>) when lying on right side, from rubbing or after sleeping; needlelike stitches in rectum when not at stool; violent burning in rectum and anus with great exhaustion.
Sepia is piles Homeopathic remedy for women with Weakness of the sphincter; piles come down from any exertion, as walking or standing; she supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent protrusion of the parts; sense of weight in anus; not relieved by stool; discharge of blood with stool; oozing of moisture from rectum; soreness between the buttocks; constipation of hard, knotty stool; turbid urine of a peculiar foetid odor, depositing, when standing, a lithic acid sediment which adheres tenaciously to the side of the vessel.
Sulphur used for external piles treatment in homeopathy, patients with Haemorrhoids blind or flowing dark blood, with violent bearing- down pains from small of back towards the anus; lancinating pain form the anus upward, especially after stool; suppressed haemorrhoids, with colic, palpitation, congestion of lungs, back feels stiff, as if bruised; anus swollen, with sore stitching pains; considerable blood passed with soft, easy stool; PAINLESS PILES; bleeding, burning and frequent protrusion of the haemorrhoidal tumors; weak digestion, dysuria; shooting in the rectum stops the breath.


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