Ovarian Cysts Treatment Permanent In Homeopathy Without Surgery

Homeopathic Remedies for Permanent Treatment of Ovarian Cysts or PCOD without Surgery article by Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Consult

An ovarian cyst is nothing but a sac filled with fluid develop within ovary mostly from ruptured follicles. Ovarian cysts are seen in women, in those cases where there is suppression of nasal catarrh. Most of these female are having past history of running nose,dust allergy and atopic symptoms.Most ovarian cysts are harmless until they become large in size then they produce bloating, lower abdominal pain and also lower back pain. If the cyst breaks open it may cause severe life threatening symptoms. If ovarian cyst causes twisting of the ovary severe pain may develop. This may lead into experience vomiting or feeling faint.
Generally ovarian cysts develop in fertile women who are under active ovulation phage, likely either follicular cysts or corpus luteum cysts. There are other types of cysts which may develop from endometriosis, dermoid cysts, and cystadenomas. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disease where there are multiple cysts in both ovaries. Ovarian cysts sometime cause Pelvic inflammatory disease. Ovarian cancer may result from ovarian cysts after menopause in worst cases.
Ovarian cysts can be diagnosed by pelvic examination along with Ultra sound scanning of pelvis and abdomen. Experienced gynaecologist may diagnose ovarian cysts just by means of clinical symptoms.

Homeopathic treatment for Ovarian Cysts:

Ovarian cysts homeopathic treatment
The symptoms of cysts develop slowly over time. Even if they cause severe pain, Homeopathic medications work better to control symptoms but constitutional Homeopathic medicine for ovarian cyst must be selected based on patients life style, habits and addictions etc. Hormonal birth control is thought to prevent further cysts in those who are frequently affected but is not sure. Homeopathic remedies can prevent recurrence of ovarian cysts, ovarian cyst Homeopathic cure is safe without side effects and is permanent. Surgery is not the ultimate solution for large cysts, they respond to Homeopathic treatment in many cases. Homeopathic ovarian cyst treatment is best option for frequent occurring cysts which cure safely and in short time.

Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Cysts:

Apis-mell is one of best medicine used in Homeopathic ovarian cyst treatment constitutional symptoms are Ovaritis, stinging in ovaries after sexual intercourse; burning, stinging, after a sting of a bee; sharp, stinging, periodic pains in ovaries, worse right one, numbness in side and limb; cutting in left, then in right ovary, worse at intervals, extending down thigh, worse while stretching; tightness in ovarian region, worse on raising arms; PAIN IN RIGHT OVARY WITH PAIN IN PECTORAL REGION AND COUGH; lancinating pains in ovarian region and groins, extending down thighs, worse right side, during menses; deep-seated tenderness, stinging and frequent micturition during menses; Apis is useful in ovarian cyst homeopathic cure when ovaritis with amenorrhoea; numbness and down the whole thigh, better when lying upon it; strained pain in left ovarian region, worse when walking evenings, followed by bearing-down pain on right side and lame feeling in shoulder-blades, when walking she is compelled to bend forward; ovary enlarged, swollen and indurated; ovarian tumors; cysto-ovarium size of head (large ovarian cyst); ovarian dropsy with an unusually white and transparent skin, pains worse from touch and heat (Lil., better from rubbing with a warm hand), better by lying on right side; ovarian dropsy and anasarca. A STRICT MILK AND FRUIT DIET OUGHT TO BE OBSERVED IN TREATING OVARIAN TUMORS.
Bovista useful as Homeopathic remedies for OVARIAN CYST; when soreness between labia and thighs; every few days a show between menses; after midnight painful urging towards genitals, with great heaviness in small of back, better next morning by a bloody discharge.
Cantharis is useful in Homeopathy treatment for chocolate cyst where Cysto-ovarium; much tenderness and burning in ovarian region; dysuria, cutting burning in passing only a drop or two, which is often bloody, or strangury complete stitches in ovarian region, arresting breathing, or violent pinching pain, with bearing down towards genitals; sterility.
Colocynthis is best Homeopathic remedies for cysts on ovaries symptoms are OVARIAN NEURALGIA; cramplike pain in left ovarian region, as if the parts were squeezed in a vise; intense boring or tensive pain in ovary, CAUSING HER TO DRAW UP DOUBLE, with great restlessness; bilious vomiting during the paroxysms; extreme weakness and lassitude with trembling of legs, worse from exercise and open air; sleeps badly, wakes tired. Colocynth particularly useful in ovarian cysts when Ovaritis, supervening on abortion, stitches in ovaries. Ovarian cysts with pain in abdomen upon straightening up; WALKS BENT WITH HANDS PRESSED UPON PAINFUL SIDE. Ovarian tumor, occasionally sharp pain like a stab in right pelvic region, walks bent and presses her hand upon ovary; suppression of menses or lochia, and metritis from anger or indignation.
Iodum is medicine for homeopathic ovarian cyst treatment where Chronic congestion, usually with leucorrhoea; ovarian cysts and dropsy, with great bearing-down pain, induration and enlargement (Lach.); induration and swelling, with tendency to cancerous degeneration; pain commencing in right ovary, passing down the broad ligaments to uterus (Ham.); pressing, dull, wedgelike pain from right ovary to uterus and through sexual organs (with or without menses); pain in ovarian cysts and back during menses; great sensitiveness of right ovarian region during or after menses; atrophy with sterility (Con.); yellow corrosive leucorrhoea; sallow, tawny like.
Thuja is best remedy in Homeopathy treatment for chocolate cyst Inflammation, with pain in the left ovary cyst, extending through the left iliac region into the and sometimes into the left leg, frequently worse from walking or riding, so that she has to lie down (during menses); burning pain in the ovary; ovarian cyst affections and pains are worse during menses; affections connected with gonorrhoea or syphilis. Cysto-ovarium.


  1. Brief and usefull information on Ovarian cyst more attracted my readership to your blog. Thank you.

  2. I am sharing my experience; I am 26 years old and was diagnosed last year with multiple small Ovarian Cysts. I have been suffering (yes! really suffering for so long) and I have indeed tried every prescription drug that you could think of to treat this horrible condition and to ease the pain. I started following one of the eBook I read in Online “Ovarian Cyst Miracle system” about 4 months ago and I am so excited to report that I am free from Ovarian Cysts. The pain is gone...completely! And the overall feeling is unbelievable. Check here to read the full online guide ( http://www.healthandrich.com/o2 )
    Thanks for the best unbelievable online guide

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  4. Ovarian Chocolate Cyst (12.81cmX9.47cm)

    Hello Sir,
    My wife got 12.41x8.91x11.1 cm Chocolate cyst in right overy. Left ovary is fine. Most of the doc suggest to immidiate laproscopy/laprotomy operation. My wife go to an Homeopath doc at Bangladesh Homeopath Medical College Hospital. The doc sugested to take 1 month medication and see the result. If size reduce continue. Now my question is, Is it possible to reduce such a giant size cyst with homeo medicine. I have no doubt, but the size makes me so. Please reply if possible. For your kind info: my wife 27 yrs old, 5 feet height, 48 kg weight.
    1. Aurrm Mnn Naturanatum
    2. Testa or...... (3x)
    3. Millifolium Q (1/2 at)

    1. Please use above medication but little reduce the dosage of mother tincture.

  5. ovarian cyst

    Sir I have a dermoid cyst in right ovary,size 7•6×5•6,I'm not married,if any medicine to remove dermoid cyst,plz sir told me becoz I'm very afraid about any surgery,plz send me medicine name

    1. helo ovarian cysts are curable with Homeopathic medicine. Need more symptoms to suggest remedy.

  6. Ovarian cysts and recurring UTI

    I have three 3cm by 4 cm ovarian cysts on my left.
    I get a recurring UTI with a bad smelling urine.
    I have extremely painful periods that last for 7 days.
    I am currently on Solidago comp and Agnus Castus and they not easing the pain.

    please assist.

    1. Take THUJA 200c, just 2 pills and wait for 10 days.

  7. Hello,

    My wife has a chocolate cyst on left ovary measuring 6.7cm and the doctor is suggesting laparoscopy but we need an alternate solution for this can the cyst be cured with homeopathy medicine. Can we use reckweg's R39 or we should try someother medicine. Please suggest us

  8. I am also suffering from right side ovarian cyst 2.7mm past 2 months mc if started not stopping 10 days.

  9. Is it possible to treat Bronchial cyst by homeopathy. One time partial removal (For diagnosis purpose) by surgery done. But it is recurring again. Completed removal by Surgery very difficult as the cyst lies in very critical position (Between multiple blood vessels). Please suggest.

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  11. Greetings doctor ,

    I have large simple anechoic cust measuring 6X6 CM in right ovary and small bilocular cyst measuring 3.5x2.8 CM .

    And vaginal infection with itching with curd like discharge.

    And my stomach is blotted.

    Kindly suggest me some good medicine doctor.

    Also pls share me your number doctor.


  12. Hi,
    First of all let me congratulate you for such a nice and knowledgeable post.
    My mother recently underwent an USG and the report suggests she has a huge multiloculated cystic SOL measuring 167 * 159 mm noted in the right side of the pelvis - ovarian cyst (to rule out neoplasia).

    She believes in homeopathy medicine and is not in favour of undergoing surgery. Can you also suggest can this incline to malignancy?

  13. My husband has vocal cord small cyst..He is teacher..And very frustrated because without voice he can't teach..Please help..He has to cure as soon as possible with any surgery please..Help


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