Hay Fever or Allergic Rhinitis Treatment with Homeopathic Remedies

- Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Consult
Hay fever or allergic rhinitis is an immune system over reaction to the allergens like dust or pollen. The causes of hay fever are due to suppression of symptoms of skin disease, increase the hypersensitivity to common substances available in nature like pollen, dust etc. allergic rhinitis most commonly seen in those cases where skin eruptions are suppressed with sulphur ointments, it is evident from  clinical experience. If suppressed skin symptoms are complicated with other infectious disease suppression's, like Gonococcal pus discharges, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis will be more severe and lead into life threatening diseases like Asthma.
Person with Hay fever suffer from runny or stuffy nose, sneezing and watery eyes, red, itchy,  and swelling around the eyes. The discharge from nose will be watery in nature. Symptoms of Hay fever develop within seconds from exposure to allergens and often cause obstacle to daily activities of life. Pollen allergies and hay fevers develop during specific seasons in the year. People with Hay fever also develop atopic symptoms like Eczema, Urticaria, Sinusitis, asthma and congectivitis.
Hay fever or allergic rhinitis homeopathic treat
The causes of Allergic rhinitis are environmental allergens like pollen, pet hair, dust, or mold. Hereditary predisposition and environmental factors favours the development of hay fever. IgE  antibodies mainly involve in the pathogenesis of hay fever. IgE antibodies attach to allergens in the blood and promote the breakdown of mast cells to release histamine. This is all a protective mechanism to drain out the harmful allergens or foreign substances. Diagnosis of Hay fever can be made with clinic symptoms along with blood tests, ESR levels and Absolute Eosinophilic count, allergen Specific IgE antobody levels along with skin prick tests play important role. Hay fever can be differentiated from common cold by duration of suffering, in case of hay fever symptoms last for more than two months.

Homeopathic treatment for Allergic rhinitis or Hay fever:

Homeopathy treats Allergic rhinitis or Hay fever constitutionally with its natural principles. Homeopathic remedies treat the hay fever safely and speedily with no side effects. 200c or 200ch Homeopathic potencies are best in treating Hay fever cases. Hay fever due to Pollen allergy can be cured with Homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathic Remedies for Allergies and Hay Fever:

Arsenicum-iod is best homoeopathic remediy for hayfever In persons of pale, delicate complexion, prone to glandular affections, burning sensation in nostrils and throat, sneezing, profuse coryza, discharge thin and acrid; difficult breathing through nose, (<) morning and after meals; lachrymation; itching of eyes, nose, ears and mouth; eyes and nose red; rawness and dryness of throat with hoarseness and asthmatic breathing.
Arsenicum album is used in hay fever cure by homeopathy where Nose discharges thin watery fluid, which excoriates the upper lip, and nasal passages feel stuffed all the time; dull, throbbing, frontal headache; sneezing without relief; ulcers and scabs form in nose; irritation in one spot in the nose as from tickling of a feather, causing sneezing, catarrhal asthma.
Kali-bichrom is homeopathic remedy for severe hay fever symptoms in which Sneezing fluent acrid discharge, excoriating the mucous membrane from nostrils to throat; pinching pain across the bridge of nose, (>) by hard pressure; headache in left supraorbital ridge; hoarseness and oppressed breathing; wheezing cough with expectoration of tough stringy mucus; cough excited by eating and drinking; loss of smell.
Naphthalin is homeopathic medicine for rhinitis symptoms of hay fever are Fulness, pressure, stuffed up and aching feeling in frontal sinus and forehead, with itching in mouth, nose, ears and eyes; severe paroxysms of sneezing, profuse coryza, and lachrymation, irritating the anterior nares, causing redness, heat, swelling and soreness of nose; stuffed up, raw feeling in frontal sinus; coryza drops from nose; ASTHMATIC LABORED RESPIRATION, desire to have doors and windows open; bloated, full feeling with tenderness in epigastric region; stuffed up feeling in chest, more especially left and under sternum; must loosen clothing; used also as a prophylactic.
Psorinum is best homeopathic remedy for hay fever symptoms are Boring, stinging in right nostril, followed by excessive sneezing; burning, followed by thin nasal discharge, which relieves; nose sensitive when inhaling air; psoric constitution the cause of most hay fever, sometimes alternating with eczema.
Sabadilla is homeopathic remedy for allergic rhinitis in which Great itching and irritation of Schneiderian membrane, with violent paroxysms of sneezing; copious watery discharge from nose and eyes; severe frontal headache; fever; lachrymation in open air and when looking at a bright light; redness of eyelids; dryness of mouth without thirst; muffled cough, (<) on lying down; chilliness with heat in face; heaviness and pain in limbs; great sensitiveness to cool air.
Silicea is one of the best homeopathic remedy for pollen allergies symptoms are Rose cold sets in with itching and tingling of nose, violent sneezing and excoriating discharge from nose; itching and irritation in posterior nares or at orifices of Eustachian tubes, causing the patient to hawk or swallow; hoarseness, roughness and dryness, with a tickling cough, coming apparently from the suprasternal fossa, by cold drinks, by speaking and when lying down at night.


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