Homeopathic Remedies and Treatment for Galactorrhea

Galactorrhea or lactorrhea is the sudden flow of milk from the breast, Which is not related with childbirth or nursing.
Galactorrhea mostly occur in Women.Galactorrhea can also occurs in males, newborn infants and adolescents of both sexes.
Distrubance in hormonal regulation is the cause for  galctorrhoea in most cases. In some other cases there may be local causes like excess stimulation of breast tissue.
Hormonal conditions like hyperprolactinemia and elevated levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) or thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) are associated with galactorrhea. However there is no cause is found in more than half of cases of Galactorrhoea.
Homeopathic Treatment for Galactorrhea:
The syndrome of amenorrhea-galactorrhea often develops in women with a sycotic and tuberculinic reactive mode of tendecy, which is why classical Homeopathic treatments often fail.
 In most cases, no obvious cause for galacorrhea can be found after a complete checkup.
 Homeopathic logical thinking and constitutional treatment for galactorriea however, can help to restore  the endocrine hormonal balance for the complete Homeopathic cure of Galactorrhea.
Homeopathic Remedies for Galactorrhea:
 --  alternate every other day, 3 granules :
 • Galactorrhea in young woman :
Homeopathic treatment for galactorrhea
 GRAPHITES 5C or PULSATILLA 5C are best Homeopathic medicines for galactorrhea.
 • Galctorrhea in mature woman :
 CYCLAMEN 5C or GRAPHITES 5C are Homeopatic remedies.
 --  alternate every other week, one dose :
 • Galctorrhea in thin woman : NATRUM MURIATICUM 9C or SILICEA 9C
 • Galectorrhea in heavy woman :
 --  one dose, every month :
 --  in case of mastitis
 • alternate every other day, 3 granules of
 CONIUM 5C, or THUYA 5C are best Homeopathic medicines for Galactorrhea.
References:  BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,


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