Homeopathic Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis Treatment and cure

Ulcerative colitis is a  inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation and ulcers in the colon. In most cases the Ulcerative colitis develops in persons where there is Syphilitic external symptoms are suppressed with ointments and strong external applications. Ulcerative Colitis is nothing but a colitis. The ulcers can be anywhere in the colon either in one segment or in entire colon. Ulcerative colitis mainly produce diarrhea, blood mixed with stool and constant discomfort in the abdomen.
Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis are similar in most aspects which is also an another form of IBD, but Crohn's disease effects the entire digestive tract where as ulcerative colitis restricts to Colon only.
Pain, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea, along with a particular psychological trait makes up the picture of a patient with Ulcerative colitis.
 Diet alone does not give the results in case of ulcerative colitis that are logically expected.
 Only a prolonged Homeopathic treatment, the correct use of the Homeopathic bowel nosodes and a complete understanding of the emotional conflicts can help the patient with the condition of Ulcerative colitis.
 Homeopathic remedies and General Management for Ulcerative Colitis: 
 --  especially in case of diarrhea with :
 • morning, 3 granules : ALOE 4C
 • evening, 3 granules : ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 5C
Homeopathic colitis tretment
Right Ulcerative colitis 

 Always Homeopathically treat the cecal stasis and the bacterial auto-intoxication with the bowel nosodes
 Dyspepsia, chronic hepatic congestion with Ulcerative colitis:
 and Homeopathic Medicines:
 • 3 granules, daily :
 morning : HYDRASTIS 6X
 • alternate every other week, one dose :
 Homeopathic remedies for Frequent headaches, greyish complexion
 with ulcerative colitis:
 • 3 granules, daily :
 morning : BRYONIA / COLLINSONIA / a.a. p. 4C
 evening : TARAXACUM / CHELIDONIUM / a.a. p. 3X
 --  alternate every other week, one dose :
 • sad patient : LYCOPODIUM 9C, or SEPIA 9C, 30c, 200c are best Homeopathic remedies for ulcerative colitis.
 • food excess :NUX VOMICA 9C, or SULFUR FLAVUM 9C
 Homeopathic cure for Left Ulcerative colitis: 
 Always treat the spasmodic anus and the consequences of  laxative abuse
 --  laxative abuse :
 • every day, 20 to 40 drops : HYDRASTIS 3X,30c are best Homeopathic medicines for Colitis.
 • alternate every other week, one dose :
 --  rectosigmoiditis :
 • morning : 20 drops : SCROFULARIA / TARAXACUM / a.a. p. 3X
 • evening : 3 granules : KALIUM BICHROMICUM 5C
 --  burning diarrhea; insecurity sensation in rectum :
 • morning : 3 granules : ALOE / PODOPHYLLUM / a.a. p. 4C
 • evening : 3 granules : SULFURIC ACID 4C
 --  painful dryness :
 • 3 granules, daily : ALUMINA 4C
 Homeopathic treatment for Ulcerative rectocolitis 
 Always use the colitis general drainage with the local remedies.
 Progressively introduce the bowel nosodes supported by a strong immune stimulation
 Do not neglect the psychoemotional component, use classical remedies for nervous regulation.
 Homeopathic Constitutional remedies for Ulcerative colitis: 
 --  green, watery, noisy diarrhea, just after meal; noisy eructations :
 • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : ARGENTUM NITRICUM 5C
 --  incessant spasms, blood, shreds of mucous membrane :
 • 3 granules, 3 times a day : MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS 5C
 --  alternating diarrhea with constipation; rectal fissures, craves fatty foods :
 • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : NITRIC ACID 5C
 Homeopathic General remedies for Ulcerative colitis:
 --  pride and loss of self-confidence; rigidity; craves sweet things :
 • one dose, as needed : LYCOPODIUM 15C
 --  refuses any type of help; silent suffering; craves salted things :
 • one dose, as needed : NATRUM MURIATICUM 15C
 --  meticulous; pessimistic; misanthropist; extremely thin :
 • one dose, as needed : ARSENICUM ALBUM 15C
References:BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory


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