Homeopathy Remedies for Fistula in Ano Treatment

The meaning of Fistula is Tube or a Pipe. Medically a fistula can be defined as a connection between two hallow structures. Example is between two blood vessels or Intestines. Surgecally some times it need to create a fustula to drain the infected material in side the body.
The cause for fistulae is an Injury or Infection. A Chronic abscess some times may open inside into intestines as well to the outer surface of the skin by forming a fistular tract.
Homeopathic treatment approach for Fistula in ano:
Fistulas are commonly seen in Patients where Tubercular lung infection is suppressed by chemical treatment. To drain out the bodies waste material out side, a fistulae may be formed near anus as ano rectal fistulas.The development of a anal abscess is the body's attempt to continue a process of eliminating toxins.There is always a chronic discharge related to it.Homeopathic remedies will help the body to recover quickly with the best  possible resolution. Homeopathy treatment consists number of remedies for the treatment for fistulae in anus.
Homeopathic Remedies for Fistula in ano:Following are very good Homeopathic medicines in the treatment of Fistula.
 • 3 granules, daily  :
Fistula Homeopathic treatment
morning : SILICEA 15C
 evening : NITRIC ACID 5C
 • alternate every other week, one dose :

Silicea 200c or 30c is best Homeopathic remedy I have used in clinic with good success rate in the treatment of fistulae. Silicea drains the pus from anal fustula. Gradually the fistula tract will be closed. Calcarea Phos 6x can speed up the treatment of pus from anal abscess, if used along with Silicea 200c.

Nitric acid is also a very effective Homeopathic remedy for Fistular pain. In which the patients feels severe pain in fistula along with pus discharge. A dose of Nitric acid 200c can cure the fistula in ano.

Tuberculicum 200c helps in permanent cure for fistulae, when Silicea 200c, Nitric acid 200c not cured completely the fistula.

Lachesis is also a best Homeopathic remedy in the treatment of anal fistula. In this case the patient feels relief when pus is discharging from fistula. The constitution of lachesis in fistula case craves air very much, always suffer from perspiration along with fistula. These patient have an habit eating more pickles.
References:BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,


  1. Very useful information for the common man

  2. Thanks for your appreciation on the topic fistula in ano and Homeopathic treatment.

  3. For fistula treatment

    Hello Sir,

    Got to know about you from web.

    I suffered with fistula about 5-6 years back. with some anti-biotics and some medicines by a local homeopath helped me and there was no complaint for 3-4 years. However, since last 3 weeks the problem has come again. 2 weeks back abscess was big, it bursted and was complete dry. again since last 2-3 days, smaller abscess has come and it very paintful. there are multiple pockets of pus formations around 1.5 inch radius as i touch it. please guide me for permanent cure

    Note: I am taking high bp medicine (Aten 50) since last 10 years and have high triglycerides. Another finding by doctor was mild enlarged fatty liver NASH and GERD. My weiht has gone up from 105 to 120 in last 2-3 years. this is another big concern for me. The stomach gets bloated and mild burning pain is felt on the left mid-side of stomach.

    Please guide.


  4. The Homeopathic remedy you need as of now for your fistula in ano is NITRIC ACID 200, just 2 pills and wait for 15 days.


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