Introduction on Scientic action of Homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathy is the most admired system of medicine after the conventional system of medicine in the world, due to lack of substantiation in the present day scientific world it is not getting reputation, to a great extent it has to get. In the present study it was attempted to show the verifiable data to the action of Homeopathic medicines. This work is not a complete work; this is only my observation, which I am presenting in front of considerate intelligence. I hope that it will certainly provoke a thought in an enthusiastic mind. This work shows the way through which one can substantiate the action of Homeopathic medicine. This work presents an experimental study to identify the Homeopathic Medicines without label and to select accurate Homeopathic Medicine to a patient at a given time. The method of selection of Homeopathic Medicine based on symptoms, given by Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, in the 18th century is used in the present century. This is useful but obtai...