Homeopathic Doctor Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta's - Activities

Homeopathic Research:
I am interested in scientific research in Homeopathy. I have published my research work in a blog
http://homeoresearch.blogspot.com and working on development of a software based on my research work.
I am running a blog on homeopathic presentations.and Homeopathic power points http://homeoppt.blogspot.com/ Which is aimed at providing Homeopathic material for my juniors. It contains presentations of Material Medica, Organon & Philosophy, Repertory. Those are presentations of mine and my seniors and colegues. URL is
also run blog like http://picturemateriamedica.blogspot.com/ for acodomic interests
and Homeopathic cases blog for patients knowledge on various Homeopathic cases and treatment

I am administrator for a site called Ushahomeopathy.com Which is the official site for Our Clinic.But most of the activities are carried on Homeoresearch blog

and another site World Homeopathic Directory, to gather all Homeopaths in the world on to a single plotform http://facebook.com/worldhomeodir


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