
Showing posts from June, 2010


- - John H.Clarke. NECK, CRICK IN, STIFF-NECK and WRY-NECK. -On making a sudden turn of the head a sharp pain is often experienced on the opposite side to that to which the head is turned. It is as if some of the muscles were unprepared, and were wrenched. Following the acute pain there may be stiffness, lasting for some days. The same pain and stiffness may be caused by rheumatism of the muscles from cold. In rare cases the stiffness does not depart, the muscles contract permanently, and chronic Wry-neck is the result. General Treatment.-The best general treatment for stiff-neck is the application of dry heat, as a hot, dry flannel, or the painful part may be ironed, a piece of brown paper or flannel, being laid on the neck, and a hot iron passed over it. Medicines.-(Every hour or two according to urgency.) Acon. 3. -From draught or chill; pain on moving, extending down the neck to the shoulder. Act. r. 3. -Head and neck...

Lycopodium 200c how it works - Spectrogram Homeopathic medicine

Lycopodium given to a  patient suffering from distention of abdomen, and general weakness, feels some thing happened to his stomach of something diffect with his body and wondering around doctors. Below graphs are before giving medicine and 20 dasy after lycopodium 200c, patient is feeling well after lycopodium, after comparing before and after spectrogram, patient is kept on placebo.


-Lilienthal.S Aconite [Acon] Sudden and complete blindness, with anguish bitter complaints and reproaches; fear of death; total blindness after catching cold: vision as if through a veil, difficult to distinguish faces, with anxiety and vertigo; optical illusions in dark colors or black. Agaricus [Agar] Feeling of weakness in eyes without having exerted them; indistinct sight; focal distance changes while reading, first grow shorter, then longer, types seems to move, things look obscure as from turbid water; muscae volitantes; vibrating spectra; nystagmus; if she grasped at any object held before her, the hand did not generally come near it; diplopia from over work at the desk; frequent twitching in eyeball while reading. Ammoniacum [Ammc] Dimness and obstruction of sight in the evening, amounting almost to blindness; amblyopia after a blow. Anacardium [Anac] Flickering before the eyes during the day, blind at night; indistinct vision; blackness before ...


-Lilienthal.S Baryta-acet [Bar-acet] Amnesia of words, cannot recollect the names of things or objects. Calcarea-carb [Calc] Misplaces words and tendency to express himself wrongly; thinking is difficult. Chamomilla [Cham] Omits whole words in speaking or writing. Conium [Con] Forgets words, cannot understand what he reads, cannot find the words when speaking. Colchicum [Colch] Can read, but cannot understand even a short sentence; cannot find certain words, vain efforts to pronounce them; troubles of comprehension and association of ideas; in writing leaves out syllables and whole words. Kali-brom [Kali-br] Amnesic aphasia; mental torpor; inability to express himself; single words forgotten or syllables dropped. Kali-phos [Kali-p] Aphasia after suppressed sweat from fright or mental emotions, from mental overwork. Lachesis [Lach] Though hearing is perfect does not understand what is said to him, the exact sense of the wo...

APHONIA Loss of Voice [Aphonia]:

-Lilienthal.S Aconite [Acon] Aphonia caused by fright, anger, indignation, or a violent emotion. In acute laryngitis with haemoptoe, the result of cold, and where the patient is very anxious about his health. Ammonium-caust [Am-caust] Catarrhal and paralytic aphonia, with general muscular debility, exhaustion and tumors, and with profuse expectoration; burning rawness in the throat. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] Loss of voice on becoming heated by exertion; the voice returns by resting. Extreme feebleness of voice. Deficient muscular tonicity of the organs of speech, either from faulty assimilation or deficient innervation. Much hawking and expectoration of phlegm and depressed vitality of the laryngeal mucous membrane; sensation as of a foreign body in the throat. Argentum-met [Arg-m] Alternation in the timbre of voice of singers, speakers and preachers, with feeling of constriction and rawness in the larynx; sensation in the cricoid cartilage as if stopped...

APHTHAE [Aphthae]:

-Lilienthal.S Aethusa-cyn [Aeth] Aphthae in mouth and throat; tongue feels as if too long; sensation of pungent heat in mouth and throat, with great difficulty in swallowing; stinging in throat between the acts of deglutition. Arsenicum [Ars] Aphthae become livid and bluish, with great prostration; thrush in mouth and fauces; painful blisters in mouth and on tongue. Arum-triph [Arum-t] Superficial ulceration; tumefaction of lips; catarrhal burning and biting sensation in mouth and throat. Baptisia [Bapt] Gums ulcerated, loose, dark red or purple; filthy taste with flow of saliva; cracked, sore, ulcerated tongue. Borax [Bor] Aphthae of children and of old people, in mouth and inner surface of check, salivation; great heat and dryness of mouth; pains, especially when chewing. Eupatorium-arom [Eup-a] A family and household remedy which needs proving. Hydrastis [Hydr] Follicular and catarrhal ulcers, with exceedingly tenacious mucus...

ATROPHY OF CHILDREN [Atrophy of Children]: Marasmus Infantum

-Lilienthal.S Abrotanum [Abrot] Marasmus with emaciation, sometimes only of lower extremities; voracious appetite, craves bread boiled in milk; weak, sinking feeling in bowels; frequent colicky pains; distended abdomen; hard lumps may be felt in different parts of the abdomen; alternate diarrhoea and constipation; food passed undigested; helminthiasis, especially ascarides; hydrocele; emaciation, mostly of legs; great weakness and prostration. with some hectic fever; FACE WRINKLED AS IF OLD, COLD AND DRY: comedones with emaciation; peevishness; child is cross and depressed, ( ) during day (Ars. alb., ( ) the debility; stools green, watery, undigested, or white, SOUR SMELLING and painless, ( ) by wrapping up the head warmly; great debility, especially in the joints, slow in learning to walk alone; from debility and inertia child is not able to lie on his side and turns faint when attempting it; insomnia after midnight; face emaciated, with decrepit look and pale, earthy color a...

BACK PAINS IN THE [Backache]: Spinal Irritation

-Lilienthal.S Aconite [Acon] Stiffness in nape of neck, especially felt on motion; drawings in muscles of throat and neck in scapulae; stiffness and shooting in back and impossibility to take a deep breath when the back is very painful, not relieved by rest, worse by pressure; tensive, pressive pain in lumbar and sacral region, ( ) in open air. AEsculus-hip [Aesc] Weakness, weariness and lameness in the small of the back sore and tired mornings when awaking; constant dull backache, walking almost impossible, scarcely able to stoop or to rise after sitting, especially across HIPS AND SACRUM; darting and shooting pains in upper and lower extremities, most on left side; paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine; ( ) by rest. AEthusa-cyn [Aeth] DISTRESSING PAIN IN OCCIPUT AND NAPE OF NECK, extending down spine, relieved by friction with hot whisky; sensation as if small of back were in a vise,(>) by straightening out and bending stiffly backward. Agaricus [Ag...

CALCULI BILIARES [Biliary calculi]: Gall-stones

-Lilienthal.S Berberis [Berb] Colic from gall-stones, followed by jaundice; shooting, burning, pressing, in region of gall-bladder; pains come on spasmodically and are confined to a small spot; slimy, dark urine, with heavy sediment, with pains in back and hips. Calcarea-carb [Calc] Great chilliness during attack; darting pain from right to left, with profuse sweat, abdominal spasms and colic, cutting colic in epigastrium, has to bend double, clench hands, writhe with agony. Carduus-mar [Card-m] Hepatic region sensitive to pressure; crawling sensation, like passage of a small body through a narrow canal, on posterior side of liver from right to left and extending to pit of stomach. Chelidonium [Chel] Chill with intense pain in region of gall-bladder quickly extending down and across navel into intestines; with vomiting and clay colored stools; pain from liver shooting towards back and shoulder. Chenopodium [Chen-a] Severe pain in the region of...

BLEPHAROPHTHALMIA Blepharitis [Blepharitis]:

-Lilienthal.S Aconite [Acon] In the very first stage, when the lids are swollen, red, hard, with a tight feeling in them, great heat, dryness, burning and sensitiveness to air, caused by exposure to cold, dry wind; fever, with great heat and thirst; hardly any lachrymation. Alumina [Alum] Chronic inflammation of the lids (particularly if complicated with granulations); burning and dryness of the lids, especially in the evening; itching dryness and excoriation of the canthi; absence of lachrymation; eyes generally better by being bathed; very little destruction of tissue. Antimonium-tart [Ant-t] Chronic blepharophthalmia of children; soreness of outer canthi; eyes red, inflamed, with itching and nightly agglutination and morning photophobia; inflammation of lachrymal gland duct. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] Obstinate cases in which the lids are red, swollen and moist, with pustules on the face; especially in cross children: PUSTULES ON THE CILIARY MARGIN. A...