
Showing posts from July, 2010


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Family. - Gorgoniaceae. Common name. - Red Coral. Preparation. GENERAL ANALYSIS Through the ganglionic nervous system this remedy exerts its important action upon the respiratory tract, causing a catarrhal condition and giving rise to difficult breathing and profuse accumulation of mucus. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS Head. Sensation as though wind passed through the skull, on rapid motion, or on shaking the head. Head seems very large, as it if were three times its natural size. extremely violent headache pressing out at the forehead, obliging him to move the head from side to side, which does not relieve, and is only relieved for a short time by almost complete uncovering of the burning hot body. Headache very violent, as if the parietal bones were forced asunder, aggravated by stooping. Eyes. Eyes hot and painful, with sensation as if swimming in tears. Extremely sensitive drawing pain in the external wall of the left orbit, whence the pain extend...

ALUMINA 200 ch. and Physiological variability

To day morning I made another observation on ALUMINA 200 ch. An old lady constipated, with joint pains and slow in conversation came to my clinic. After recording the case I connected temperature sensor to her fore arm and recored 2 reading of temperature variability with my datalogger. and another reading after ALUMINA 200 ch. To my surprise the varibility pattern and shift in frequency of peaks are very marked after Alumina. Who said Homeopathy  placebo? Skeptics of Homeopathy must see this observation. Homeopathy works by its impact on automated regulatory mechanisms in the body, can be measured by hypothalamic activity. Human body is an automated mechine. Body regulates fuctions by itself to preserve life by means of life force. The life force has vibrating nature. In cource of time the automated fuction of life force taken physical form as hypothalamus during evalution. function created the orgon.


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Natural order - Rosaceae. Common name - Hawthorn. Habitat - GENERAL ANALYSIS AND THERAPEUTICS. Our knowledge of the action of Crataegus is chiefly from clinical sources. However, the few provings that have been made show conclusively that its action is directly upon the heart which, primarily, it excites moderately, but to such a degree that it becomes quite evident that the long-continued used of the drug would result in lowering the tone of the heart and enfeebling its action. It therefore resembles in its effects both Digitalis and Strophanthus, though its action is milder. It is used in all varieties of chronic heart disease when weakness of that organ is present, and while its tonic effects are not so prompt and energetic as are those of Digitalis and Strophanthus, they appear to be more lasting. It is the verdict of those who have had the most experience in the use of Crataegus that in the same class of cases when the drugs above named, in physio...


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Natural order - Compositae. Common names - Purple corn flower. GENERAL ANALYSIS AND THERAPEUTICS. Through its action upon the cerebro-spinal system Echinacea stimulates to increased activity every organ and function of the entire system. Secretion, exertion, absorption, assimilation and general nutrition are all increased and the functional activities of the body are all improved and regulated. Through this action in cases of auto-infection farther infection is prevented and resulting disturbances of the system are corrected. Especially when retrograde metabolism, tissue waste, is occurring is its action most pronounced, stimulating tissues to normal conditions with surprising effectiveness. That this results form positive effects upon the lymphatic system and the blood is quite probable. The latter is rapidly strengthened and purified as is evident from the disappearance of anaemic symptoms and the restoration to a normal color of those who from any c...


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Synonym. Gelsemium Sempervirens. Natural order. Loganiaceae. GENERAL ANALYSIS. Acts powerfully upon the motor nervous system, causing a passive congestion of the brain and spinal cord, and as a result giving rise to convulsions and general prostration and paralysis of the whole muscular system, both voluntary and involuntary,finally paralyzing respiration. The circulation is increased, the mental powers becomes sluggish, the mucous membranes are irritated and inflamed, and conditions resembling remittent and catarrhal types of fever are manifest. The leading expression of Gelsemium is its low nervous condition, manifested by drowsiness, languor, disposition to be quiet, and erethism. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. Mind. Incapacity to think or fix the attention (AEthus., Cimic., Nux v., Phos. ac.). Dullness of the mental faculties, (Ailanth., Bapt.); better from profuse micturition. Irritable, sensitive; desire to be let alone (Coloc). Unconsciousness...


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Common name. Nitro-Glycerine. Preparation. A tincture made by GENERAL ANALYSIS. Acts upon the medulla oblongata and the pneumogastric and paralyzing the peripheral vaso-motor nerves, producing active (Amyl nitrite, passive ) cerebral hyperaemia and palpitation of the heart, the former presenting symptoms closely resembling those resulting from exposure to the sun's rays, even to the intense degree of sunstroke, yet lacking the important symptoms of fever and inflammation which characterize cerebral disorders caused by Aconite and Belladonna. Its action is not so evanescent as that of Amyl nitrite. The chief characteristic of Glonoine is a pulsating, throbbing fullness (not pain) in the brain. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. Mind. Falling down, with loss of consciousness and alternate palpitation of the heart and congestion of the head. Confusion of ideas (Bapt., Gels., Phos. ac.); cannot tell where he was; well- known streets seem strange; the way...


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Synonym - Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum. Preparation - An impure GENERAL ANALYSIS Acts especially upon the lymphatic glandular system, the skin and the respiratory mucous membrane; in the glands, producing enlargement and suppuration; in the skin, ulcers, eczematous eruptions, unhealthy skin, etc.; on the respiratory mucous membrane, catarrhal conditions, mostly of a croupous character. Dr. Allen says that Hepar "stimulates Mercury in its action on the glandular system, especially on the liver and kidneys; Sulphur, in its action on the skin and mucous membrane of the intestinal tract; Calcarea, in affecting the respiratory tract, and all of the foregoing in its general action on the connective tissue." The most essential feature of Hepar Sulph. is its tendency to promote suppuration. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS Mind. Over-sensitiveness and irritability, with quick, hasty speech; sadness and bitter crying. Great weakness of memory (Anac., Kreos...


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Synonym - Hydrastis Canadensis. Natural order - Ranunculaceae. GENERAL ANALYSIS The chief action of Hydrastis is upon mucous membranes, more especially those of the outlets of the body, as the eyes, nose, mouth, throat, rectum, vagina, uterine cervix and urinary organs. The natural secretion is at first increased; then it becomes abnormal in quantity and quality. At first clear, white, tenacious and transparent, it becomes yellow, thick green and even bloody, capable of being drawn out in long strings (Kali bi.). This primary mucous flux may pass on to erosion, muco purulent discharge and ulceration. It probably causes this condition by inducing a primary capillary hyperaemia; next a passive stasis, together with a stimulation of the mucous glands. Finally, from exhaustion or atrophy, the sources of the secretion are cut off, and the mucous membrane become dry, glazed, ulcerated and its functions destroyed. (E. M. Hale.) In the treatment of such catarr...


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Synonym - Hydrocotyle Asiatica. Natural order - Umbelliferae. GENERAL ANALYSIS Is especially noted for its action upon the skin, which is peculiar, and has led to its successful use in leprosy, lupus and other grave disorders of a like character. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS Mind. Gayety; gloomy thoughts. Head Vertigo, congestion and heaviness. Stomach Loathing of food. Abdomen. Flatus. Borborygmi in different parts. Cirrhosis of the liver. Female Organs. Heat in the bottom of the vagina; pricking and itching at the orifice. Pruritus. Generalities. Depression, heaviness, and a dull feeling through out the system generally. General weariness. Bruised feeling in all the muscles. Skin. Erysipelatous redness. Spots almost completely circular, with slightly raised scaly edges. Yellowish spots on both legs. Papular eruption on the face. Pustules on the chest. pricking in different parts. Intolerable itching in several places. Profuse sweat. Compare Ars., ...

KALI BICHROMICUM:Acts prominently upon the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory and alimentary tracts.

- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Common name.-Bichromate of Potash. Preparation.-Trituration GENERAL ANALYSIS. Acts prominently upon the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory and alimentary tracts, and to a less extent of the uterus, producing catarrhal inflammations, characterized by an excessive secretion of mucous, which is viscid and tough in its character. This action at times goes on to erosion and ulceration; or, in the respiratory tract, to the formation of false membranes. The drug also acts to a considerable extent upon the glandular system, especially thee liver and kidneys, producing sympathetic disturbances in the former, and acute inflammation of the kidneys with albuminuria, and upon the skin and fibrous tissues and periosteum, its action in general representing congestion, disorganization and even destruction of the parts. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS Head. Vertigo, with nausea and inclination to vomit, when rising from a seat (Bry., Sulph.). Confusion and heaviness ...

KALI CHLORICUM:Acts as a violent irritant upon the mucous membranes, especially of the gastro-intestinal tract.

- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Synonym.-Potassium Chlorate. Common name.-Chlorate of Potash. GENERAL ANALYSIS. Acts as a violent irritant upon the mucous membranes, especially of the gastro-intestinal tract, where it causes acute ulcerative stomatitis, the whole mucous surface becoming red and tumid, while in the cheeks, lips, etc., it produces numerous gray-based ulcers. It also acts upon the salivary glands, causing a profuse secretion of acrid saliva. It may also cause ulceration of the stomach and bowels, and dysentery with gangrenous tendencies, and accompanied with profound prostration. It also acts upon the kidneys, causing at first diuresis and afterwards suppression of urine and violent nephritis. Like all the potash salts, though in a greater degree, it depresses the heart's action even to paralysis, rapidly diminishes the bodily temperature. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. Mind. Alternate states of cheerfulness and ill-humor. Head. Confusion in head and vertigo. Tension in fore...

KALI IODATUM Acts upon the mucous tissues and the glands

- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Synonym.-Kali Hydro iodicum. Common name.-Iodide of Potash. GENERAL ANALYSIS Acts upon the mucous tissues and the glands, its action closely resembling that of Mercury, and involving the same character of disorganization of fluids and destruction of tissues. The action upon the lymphatic and glandular system is also very similar to that of Iodine, producing hypertrophy and loss of function. It causes catarrhal inflammation, with free secretion, little fever. Also causes salivation, diuresis and nephritis in a manner resembling Iodine. It produces thickening of the periosteum, and for this reason is often beneficial in syphilitic nodes. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS Mind. Sadness and anxiety (Ign., Natr. mur., Puls.). Head. Pain in the upper part of the head, as if it would be forced asunder (Bry., Cinch., Natr. mur., Seep., Sil.); with external heat in vertex. Stitches in forehead on stooping. Tearing in right side of forehead in evening, better from pressure. ...


This is a case who has recieved ARSENICUM ALBUM 200c  for which recorded skin temperature after 5 mits of recieved medicine. AR Spectrum of the variability data showed interesting result. all the 3  consequetive readings showed the same pattern of waves at similar frequency. Very Interesting observation. I can provide the original temperature variability readings on request for your further reading.


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Preparation. Dilutions of pure Lactic Acid made with alcohol. GENERAL ANALYSIS. Acts especially upon the mucous surfaces and upon the joints, producing inflammatory conditions, which, in the latter, partake of a rheumatic character. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. Head. Vertigo when turning he head (Kali c., Sang.,) with heat, on rising (Bry.); at night. Congestion of head; painless, with strong pulsation of vessels of neck Glon.). Headache, with sensation of fullness in vertex. Dull pain in forehead, just over the eyes, and extending into the eyes. Pain in head and back all night. Pain in occiput, and alternating between there and forehead. Eyes. Sensation of fullness in the eyes, with headache, Eyes feel as if they would burst. Photophobia. Jerking of the left upper lid. Pupils dilated (Bell., Hyos., Stram.). Hyperaesthesia of retina, steady aching in and behind eye ball. Nose. Great sensitiveness of smell. Nosebleed every morning. Face. Face flushe...


- A.W. Cowperthwaite. Synonym. Lachesis mutus. Natural Order. Ophidia. Common name. GENERAL ANALYSIS Acts upon the cerebro-spinal system, and more especially upon the pneumogastric. The nerve centres and poisoned, and as a result, prostration, convulsions and unconsciousness ensue, while from the influence of the pneumo-gastric we obtain irritable conditions of the throat, larynx bronchi and heart, yet not passing into distinct inflammation. As a further result of the poison, the blood becomes inoculated, decomposition sets in, the fibrin of he blood is destroyed and we have, resulting ecchymoses, haemorrhages asthenic inflammations, abscesses, malignant inflammations, gangrene, pyaemia; and with all, and as a result of all, a general typhoid condition. the chief characteristic of Lachesis is the aggravation of all its symptoms after sleep. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. Mind. Memory weak (Agar., Ambr., Anac., Kreos,m Merc., Natr. mur., Nux m., Phos. ac.); makes mistakes ...