
Showing posts from August, 2010

Natrum nitricum [Nat-n]:

- Jan Scholten Natrum nitricum is described in a very minor way by Allen (1982, vol 6, page 281), Clarke (1985, part 2, page 598), and Boericke (1927, page 463). Its clinical application has been in the treatment of nosebleeds, although this symptom is not mentioned in the provings. Its general picture is not at all clear. Concepts Natrum Nitricum Sadness and depression Enjoyment Closed, alone Need for space, expansion Restriction Going out Denial, forbidden Congestion, explosive Sensitive Tension Holding on Relaxation Group analysis The group analysis gives us the theme of not being allowed or not being able to enjoy life. They have the feeling that enjoyment isn't for them. The happy and enjoyable side of life is not there for them to appreciate. Or they might feel that they are not allowed to enjoy things, because all the good and rich food will make them fat. Their attitude is very p...

Manganum [Mang]:

- Jan Scholten Provings have been done with Manganum aceticum and Manganum carbonicum, but it is not quite clear which symptoms belong to which element. On the whole one tends to consider Manganum aceticum as having a typical Manganum picture, but the element Manganum itself has not been proved yet. Physical: after Ferrum it is the most common metal in the upper crust of the earth. It bonds with many different elements, because its electronic charge can vary between 1 plus, 2 plus, 3 plus, 4 plus, 5 plus and 7 plus. The colours of its different compounds also vary greatly. Physiological: Manganum is present in many enzymes and assists our metabolism in the processing of Carbohydrates, cholesterol, connective tissue, mucopoly-saccharides, amino acids and the coagulation of the blood (it assists the action of vit. K). Helpful The strongest characteristic of Manganum is their helpfulness. They have a great desire to help others. They are friendly, adaptable...

Natrum iodatum [Nat-i]:

- Jan Scholten 'The concentration camp inmate' Clarke (1985, part 2, page 549) is the only person who has written something on Natrum iodatum. No provings have been done, and it has mainly been used on indications similar to Iodum symptoms, such as rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, hayfever, pharyngitis, laryngitis, scrophulous, heart complaints and syphilis. Concepts Natrum Iodatum Sadness and depression Food Closed, lonely Work, busy, restless Restriction Freedom of movement Denial, forbidden Forgetful Sensitive Obsessive Holding on Right of existence Escape Group analysis The theme, according to the group analysis, is being alone in your fight for existence. They feel that they are completely alone in their struggle for life. They don't have any companions to help them. This fight for existence may be a matter of getting a job or another form of income, it may also be a ...

Magnesium sulphuricum [Mag-s]:

- Jan Scholten Magnesium sulphuricum is sometimes called 'bittersalt', because of its very bitter taste. It is used in bowel cleansing programmes, in the form of Epsom salts, because it does not get absorbed by the intestinal walls into the blood. The picture of Mag-s shows us many gallbladder and liver troubles, but very little is told about the mental aspects. Concepts Magnesium Sulphuricum Pacifism Clothing Aggression Beauty, grace, harmony Fear of loss Joy Pain Love and relationships Jealousy Group analysis The group analysis gives us a very clear theme: Mag-s is afraid of getting angry, out of fear of losing his love or his loved one. They therefore keep their irritation inside. But because of the held-in irritation, they lose contact with their loved one. The irritation starts to come between them. They start to project their irritation on to their partner, and all sorts of little reactions of...

The Muriaticums [Muriaticums]:

null null null -Jan Scholten Of the Muriaticums we only really know Nat-m and Mag-m quite well. Our knowledge of remedies like Kali-m and Mur-ac is quite superficial. What then is the theme of the Muriaticums? Self-pity When I compare Nat-m with Nat-c, I often notice the greatest difference in the area of self-pity. Nat-c bears his grief with dignity, whilst Nat-m is often very bitter about what has been done to him. They feel that it is all unfair, and they brood about that. They get an air of 'poor me' about them. We can find this theme of self-pity very clearly in Mag-m too. There is a feeling of pity and unfairness. Care and nurturing This self-pity stems from a need to be nurtured and cared for. In Mag-m the fear of being abandoned and left uncared for, is so great, that they dare not get angry any more. In Nat-m there is a lack of nurturing, they do feel the need deep inside, but they live with the realisation that they have been le...

Natrum carbonicum [Nat-c]:

- Jan Scholten We know the picture of Nat-c. quite well. Vithoulkas (1991 b, page 32) has described beautifully how such persons react. They are very helpful, but after they have taken care of everything, they retire gracefully. They are gentle and very dedicated. But they don't want any public appreciation of this. They prefer to be alone, or in the company of a few very close and dear friends. It is especially difficult for them to be with people whom they don't accept. Concepts Natrum Carbonicum Grief and depression Giving meaning Closed, alone Stating values Restriction Self worth Denial, forbidden Dignity Sensitive Shyness Holding on Worker Father Group analysis Graceful withdrawal is a term that can be directly deduced from the group analysis. It is one of the main themes of Nat-c. They would rather be alone in dignity, than feel denied by others. This leads to a second ...

Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m]:

- Jan Scholten Natrum muriaticum is one of the best-known remedies, and a classic one for love-sickness. I will not go in too deeply with a sample case, but I would like to mention a few details, because it is possible to give a more accurate picture of the essence of Nat-m. Concepts Natrum Muriaticum Sadness and depression Self-pity Closed, alone Care Restriction Nurturing Denial, forbidden Mother Sensitive Attention Holding on Self-awareness Group analysis Let us first have a look at the essence of Nat-m according to the group analysis. We get the idea then, that there is no mother and no care. It is interesting that we find the same symptom in the synthetic repertory (Barthel, 1984, page 363). In the proving done by Hahnemann (1985, Vol. 2, page 1078) the symptom 'delusion his mother is dead' already came up. There is another side to this too, which is that it is forbidden...

Magnesium phosphoricum [Mag-p]:

- Jan Scholten Of Magnesium phosphoricum we only really know the usual physical complaints, such as the typical spasmodic pains, which improve with pressure, bending double and warmth. But the mind picture is quite unknown. What is the underlying theme in Mag-p? Concepts Magnesium Phosphoricum Pacifism Communication Aggression Sympathetic Fear of loss Friends, acquaintances, neighbours Pain Brothers Homesickness Curiosity and travel Restlessness and fears Group analysis The group analysis gives the theme for Mag-p: the fear that their aggression will take away the possibilities for contact. They need to make many contacts, to exchange ideas and feelings. But they are afraid that they will say something wrong and make the other person angry. Then the other person might even break off the friendship. So they are very careful. They quickly have the feeling that their ideas might offend someone....

Natrum phosphoricum [Nat-p]:

- Jan Scholten Natrum phosphoricum is not a very well known remedy. There are not many really clear cases to be found in the literature. One would expect the opposite, since both Phosphorus and Natrum muriaticum are well known to us. Natrum phosphoricum is sometimes regarded as a refined but rather closed type of Phosphorus. Concepts Natrum Phosphoricum Sadness and depression Communication Closed, alone Sympathetic Restriction Friends, acquaintances, neighbours Denial, forbidden Brothers Sensitive Homesickness Holding on Curiosity and travel Restlessness and fears Group analysis The theme according to the group analysis is that communication is forbidden. Vithoulkas said at one of his seminars that a typical trait of Nat-p is that they walk around with a secret. They have the feeling that there is something that they are not allowed to share with others. Their conscience forbids them to talk about t...

Acidum Phosphoricum:

- Jan Scholten 'Your best friend is yourself' Concepts Exhaustion, apathy Communication Active, hurried Sympathetic Fresh, lively, extrovert. Friends, acquaintances, neighbours Aggression, fighting Brothers Desire for unity Homesickness Isolation Language and learning Curiosity and travel Restlessness and fears Group analysis The central theme of Phosphoric acid is the exhaustion of communication. They like to have many contacts with friends and acquaintances, and they like this contact to be meaningful. In the beginning stages Ph-ac does not give us the impression of being exhausted at all, they are more like Phos, very open and profound in their communications. The second variation is linked to the first. This is when the possibilities for communication become exhausted. They feel that they have done their utmost to maintain a good contact, and now they have lost that contact in spit...

Vanadium [Vanad]:

-Jan Scholten Anorexia, bulimia. In my experience, and this may sound like a bold statement, vanadium is the first and foremost remedy in cases of anorexia or bulimia. Vanadium is a little-known remedy; all we know is some physical symptoms, like degeneration of the liver. However, Boericke (1927, page 666) also mentions anorexia. In mineral therapies vanadium and zincum are sometimes advised in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. Homeopathically speaking this symptom is not very obvious in zincum, but it seems to be a valuable recommendation for vanadium. Success They have a great need to succeed in their undertakings. This usually has to do with social acceptance: they have to prove themselves in society. This is a pattern which shows up in the whole Ferrum group. Failure A typical feeling of Vanadium people is that they keep thinking that they won't succeed. They try and achieve something, but they fail yet again. When they ...

The times of aggravation :

- Jan Scholten The times of aggravation can be a very important indication towards the right remedy. I myself have started to apply these times more and more systematically in my case analyses. The result of these findings is described below. How the timetable was put together Some remedies have a very clear time of aggravation. For instance, Ars at 1 am, Nat-m at 11 am, Kali-c around 3 am. These times are general; all the complaints belonging to that remedy may be aggravated at that time. But there is also a noticeable variation in the well known aggravation times. For instance, Ars is sometimes mentioned as having an aggravation at 1 am, at others times 12 midnight is mentioned, or from 1am to 3 am. These variations are usually around one hour from the main time. These variation could be linked to the uncertainty of the times. It is to be expected that the time of aggravation is mentioned in local time. This local time is dependent on the position of t...