Ferrum metallicum:one set of symptoms suggested going against the parents.
-SANKARAN R., Ferrum (Iron) lies in the 4th period of the Periodic Table along with the metals Manganese, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper and Zinc. This line of metals is concerned with performance, and also with defence. I have conducted a proving of Ferrum metallicum with the help of some students, resident doctors and colleagues. Twelve of us took a single dose in the 30th potency and noted our symptoms. One male and two female provers had dreams with a common theme, that the parent of the prover is introducing him to someone and is compelling him to marry this person, despite very strong objections from the prover. When I mentioned this to one of my colleagues, he said that in two of the three Ferrum cases he had cured, he had found the same problem - the patients were being compelled to marry someone they didn't want to marry and they had been opposed to this. Then I understood the meaning of the prover's dreams. They had the following elements: - Being compelled to do somethin...