Women 25 with throat pain , datalogger selected Hepar sulphuricum

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Yesterday a women 22 years came for consultation with pain in throat, chilly in nature. Pain throat is stitching in nature. throat pain is aggravated on taking cold water or exposure to cold air etc. It is attempted to select remedy with datalogger system. Below is the Temperature variability graph of the patient with Throat pain : Below is the co relationship of patient variability data to Standard remedy Variability data (TVDS) : Neumaricals indicated are co relation coefficients. jyothi k jyothi k 1 syphillinum 200c suneetha 0.182504 Hepar Sulph 200c Sunithad 0.119981 lachesis venkateswarao 0.111531 Ign 200c manoj 0.080173 silicea 200c usharani 0.079093 medorrh sujatha 0.067716 graph 200c lalitha 0.057977 sepia 200c bhaskarao ...