
Showing posts from January, 2014

Women 25 with throat pain , datalogger selected Hepar sulphuricum

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Yesterday a women 22 years came for consultation with pain in throat, chilly in nature. Pain throat is stitching in nature. throat pain is aggravated on taking cold water or exposure to cold air etc. It is attempted to select remedy with datalogger system. Below is the Temperature variability graph of the patient with Throat pain : Below is the co relationship of patient variability data to Standard remedy Variability data (TVDS) : Neumaricals indicated are co relation coefficients. jyothi k jyothi k 1 syphillinum 200c suneetha 0.182504 Hepar Sulph 200c Sunithad 0.119981 lachesis  venkateswarao 0.111531 Ign 200c manoj 0.080173 silicea 200c usharani 0.079093 medorrh sujatha 0.067716 graph 200c lalitha 0.057977 sepia 200c bhaskarao ...

Datalogger technology in Homeopathic medicine selection will capture Million dollars market in Homeopathic Medical Science in future.

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Data loggers are very much useful in future for Homeopathic medicine selection. Till now there is no objective practical approach for accurate Homeopathic medicine selection. You can't tell even the name of Homeopathic medicine without label. The name that pharmacist print on the bottle is the final name for medicine. But now the data logger technology reveal the name of Homeopathic medicine without label. Let us see How this data logger technology will grown in future for the benefit of Homeopathy: For medicine selection: (Therapeutic purpose) First and foremost use of this technology is for the selection of similar Homeopathic medicine for diseased individual. These methods are explained in the previous posts ) For Medicine Identification: Data logger technology is useful in the Identification of Homeopathic medicine in pharmacies. also for quality testing. The above utilities will open the opportunities in the below: Data loggers ...

Datalogger selected Kalium Carbonicum for a Sciatica Patient.

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Yesterday a washerman 48,  came with severe back pain radiating to right lower limb.He is walking with difficulty and came along with his son. He has consulted an allopathic physician, orthopedic surgeon. He diagnosed his problem as lumbar disc prolapse and suggested surgery is mandatory. Patient is not willing go for surgery as he has experience with his colleagues,even after surgery pain is recurring. Let us see our new method of Homeopathic medicine selection with data logger, how far it works in this case. Temperature variability is recorded with data logger and sensor for every one second. total 300+ readings are obtained. below is the temperature variability data. 92.621 93.612 92.433 92.433 91.262 90.704 90.657 91.076 92.386 92.574 91.262 92.245 92.48 91.729 90.89 91.076 92.715 91.963 92.01 90.75 91.496 92.386 91.963 92.245 92.95 92.574 91.776 92.104 91.87 91.823 92.809 91.589 92.433 91.917 92.057 93.045 91.496 92.339 91.683 91.636 9...

Ankylosing Spondylosis and a dose of Calcarea Carbonica 200c

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) This is another case of Ankylosing spondylosis is also diagnosed at NIIM,Hyderabad,India. Previously similar case presented which is also diagnosed at NIIMS, Finally doctor suggested to take steroid shot without promising result in these two cases. HLA B27 is negative in these cases. But also no clear indications for ankylosis in these cases. Ankylosis seems to be diagnosis of exclusion. Different doctors have different opinions on joint pains in these cases. Some doctors names joint pains as Rheumatic in nature. some as Infective arthritis. Finally excluded all and names disease as ANKYLOSIS. Homeopathy considers most peculiar symptoms in a case, not any thing else. So there is no confusion about disease diagnosis in Homeopathy. Diagnosis is only used for prognosis of disease. Homeopathic medicines stimulates the internal environment of body cells to cure disease itself. Coming to this case, this man aged about 29, working as camera assistant i...

Homeopathic Medicine Research with Temperature datalogger

Homeopathic Research on Homeopathic Remedes with Temperature datalogger by Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) How to select Homeopathic Remedy for patient with Temperature datalogger? This blog is equipped with some posts regarding selection of Homeopathic remedy with data logger in various cases. There are many queries on the methods from readers on 'How to select Homeopathic Remedy by using temperature patters'Which I have explained in the previous posts. which are linked together in 'Research' tap above.But for the convenience of  Homeopathic Doctors and Enthusiastic Experimenters I would like to present the entire work in brief here.I will explain you step by step. First of all you need data logger and water/soil Temperature sensor : These you can obtain from onset computers online. Which is USA based company, supply data logger of good quality for environmental purpose. These loggers are not meant for health purpose even though we could adopt them for ou...

Kalium Carbonicum200c patient for back pain selected with datalogger

- Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD (Homeo) Just now a case came for consultation. Female 30 years suffering from severe back pain, started  after menses on 21st Jan 2014. 4 days back. Temperature data logger with sensor is used for the remedy selection in this case. Look at this how mechanical measures,objective signs can select Homeopathic remedy. It is stunning experience to select remedy for a case with Numerical data. Below are the temperature variability Readings: 90.983 91.449 91.262 92.292 91.729 92.856 90.332 92.48 90.472 91.963 91.076 90.89 91.87 91.87 90.379 90.472 91.87 91.636 90.797 91.029 91.542 91.729 90.518 91.123 92.48 89.177 91.963 92.292 88.993 92.01 92.48 91.636 91.402 91.496 91.683 93.186 91.076 90.983 91.776 91.402 91.449 90.75 91.169 91.917 93.233 89.962 91.776 92.574 90.843 90.936 91.729 91.496 89.408 91.963 91.356 90.936 92.198 92.574 92.668 92.621 90.843 90.147 91.449 90.75 91.123 90.657 90.983 91.87 92.01 90.147 91.683 92.245 92.809 90.472 91.123 91.496 91...

Homeopathic action of Lycopodium 200c on Psoriasis.

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo), A female age about 47 years is suffering from scaly eruptions since 14 years,which are itching and oozing, Psoariatic in nature. She also suffering from joint pains and nasal catarrh symptoms. Thirst is normal. In those cases where there are no other prominent symptoms for prescription you can try a dose of Lycopodium, which is learned from previous experience. Most cases of Psoriasis will not be cured without a dose of lycopodium. The remedy has such strong influence on the psoriatic symptoms. A dose of Lyco is given on 4th December 2013. after that we found no cause to change the remedy. Till January 14th patient came for three follow ups and she is very much satisfied with the action of lycopodium in Homeopathic mode.  We thought of Sepia if not lyco worked. But Lyco seems to finish the cure.But remember it takes upto 2 years to cure chronic diseases like Psoriasis. Until then you need to wait for cure. No need to change the remedy or...

Patient with severe cough Kalium Bichromicum 200c

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Today morning a patient female 33, came with severe cough,used all sorts medications, vexed with treatments and loss all hope of recovery. She is getting cough on taking pickles, lemonade,sour foods. She takes water, only when taking food. Heat sensation in the dorsal region. She vomits food after long cough. She desires sweets. Her hands and foot perspire profuse.Her Sufferings are all aggravated night. It is attempted to select remedy with our new system of medicine selection, Measuring physiological variability. Temperature is measured for every one second from forearm. Below is the Temperature Variability data: 90.657 91.823 90.147 91.309 91.496 91.729 90.704 91.402 91.496 90.564 91.542 90.843 89.916 91.123 91.076 90.797 90.936 90.843 91.449 90.843 90.101 89.731 91.356 91.589 90.936 90.193 92.151 90.983 90.564 91.123 92.574 91.123 91.449 92.104 91.076 91.823 90.704 89.87 91.776 91.917 91.683 93.233 91.496 90.89 91.589 91.356 91.496 90.286 9...