
Showing posts from October, 2015

Stramonium is Best Homeopathy Remedy for Nightmares

A nightmare is a disagreeable dream that can root a sturdy emotional reply from the mind, naturally fear or shock but also despondency, anxiety and immense unhappiness. The dream may contain state of risk, worry, psychological or physical fear. Victims often get up in a state of agony and may not return to sleep for a long-standing period. Night terrors and nightmares can occur around the age of 18 to 36 months, when the infant begins to walk and talk. Night mare  The two main Homeopathy remedies   for Nightmares are :  • STRAMONIUM 9C, and KALIUM BROMATUM 9C  A person's psychomotor and emotional development is established along the line of life in three successive periods of 7 years each: birth to 7 years, 7 to 14 years and finally 14 to 21 years.  The existential anxiety, or night terrors of the little child become the death fears during the first years of school.  During adolescence, it might become a suicide attempt due to the a  dif...

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Gastroenteritis Treatment

- Dr.Devendra Kumar MD Homeo, Gastroenteritis is the inflammation of stomach and small intestines which generally caused diarrhea,Vomiting and Abdominal pain. Most cases of gastroenteritis are having past history of Suppression of skin disease with ointments and lotions.The same factor suppression of skin disease is the cause for nasal catarrh and flu so gastroenteritis some times called as Gastric Flu. Homeopathic Treatment for Gastroenteritis:  Gastroenteritis is particulary frequent during childhood and the Summer season.  This disease breaks out suddenly and needs a fast and effective treatment.  A stool culture must be done before any remedy is prescribed and a proper diet must be started immediately.  Homeopathic remedies will help in the acute, subacute, and chronic phases of the Gastroenteritis and during the convalescence. Following Homeopathic Remedies are best in treatment of Gastroenteritis symptoms.They produce cure for gastroenteritis without c...

Homeopathic Remedies for Over Sensitive to Noise&Tinnitus

Noises are unwanted sounds that disturb us from heating wanted sounds. Example are loud music played by neighbors, barking sound of a dog and air craft sounds etc. Some times conversation between people which is unwanted to us may be a noise in our sense. Some medical conditions of ear can produce noises in ear. Homeopathic treatment for Noise problems: Homeopathy system has numerous remedies for the treatment of noise problems.  Noises are part of our daily life and nervous regulation.  They penetrate deep into the brain during normal daily activity and also during sleep.  In a healthy individual, they are tolerated within normal physiological limits.  Some Homeopathic remedies have an over sensitivity to noise which may be increased during  acute diseases and depressed in stressful conditions.   Homeopathic Remedies for Noise Aversion:  This remedy is useful when Hearing has particularly increased sensitivity  --  brain hyper...

Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies and Treatment

What is Hiatus Hernia? Protrusion of a part of stomach into the chest due to weakness in diaphram muscles is called Hiatus Hernia.It causes pain in chest, gastritis and difficult in eating, Pain in chest while swallowing food.The most common cause for Hiatus Hernia is Obesity and Gastric problems. Diagnosis can be done with clinical symptoms along with endoscopy.Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies are extrordinalry in the treatment. Homeopathic Treatment for Hiatus Hernia: A hiatal hernia is extremely frequent during pregnancy and old age with Gastric Complaints. There is a weakening of the muscles of the diaphragm that requires anatomical remedies. The diaphragm is like the skin of a drum that vibrates to the beat of the upper thoracic area and lower abdominal area. Hernia The solar plexus is the center and receives all the emotional and mental stresses. To obtain the best results, homeopathic treatment of a hiatal hernia must also include a treatment of the heart sympto...

Iodium 200 is Best Homeopathic Remedy for Goitre Treatment

Goitre is a swelling of Neck or Larynx due to Thyroid gland enlargement. Thyroid enlargement is due to underlying disease.It may be Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism. There is Iodine deficiency in 90% of Goitre cases world wide. Iodine is used in thyroid gland for the production of thyroid hormone. If Iodine is insufficient, the Thyroid gland works excess that lead into enlargement of the gland which is called as Goitre. If Goitre is due to Hyperthyroidism the symptoms are increased metabolism, palpitation of heart, intolerance to heat and trembling hands etc. If Goitre is due to Hypothyoidsim the symptoms are quite opposite to hyperthyroid which are slow heart beat, litharzy, decreased metabolism and intolerence to cold etc  Homeopathic treatment is usually not sufficient to completely cure a goiter. Many time is need to supply or reduce the thyroid hormone by external hormone or antagonist supplements.  However, there is a strategy to follow in the chronic disease. ...

Homeopathy Remedies for Fistula in Ano Treatment

The meaning of Fistula is Tube or a Pipe. Medically a fistula can be defined as a connection between two hallow structures. Example is between two blood vessels or Intestines. Surgecally some times it need to create a fustula to drain the infected material in side the body. The cause for fistulae is an Injury or Infection. A Chronic abscess some times may open inside into intestines as well to the outer surface of the skin by forming a fistular tract. Homeopathic treatment approach for Fistula in ano: Fistulas are commonly seen in Patients where Tubercular lung infection is suppressed by chemical treatment. To drain out the bodies waste material out side, a fistulae may be formed near anus as ano rectal fistulas.The development of a anal abscess is the body's attempt to continue a process of eliminating toxins.There is always a chronic discharge related to it.Homeopathic remedies will help the body to recover quickly with the best  possible resolution. Homeopathy treatment cons...

Epicondylitis and Tennis Elbow curable with Homeopathic Treatment

Epicondylitis  Is a type of inflammation of epicondyle that comes under musculoskeletol disorders. It may be lateral or medial. Later Epicondulytis of elbow is also known as tennis elbow. Medial Epicondylitis is know as Golfers elbow. Epicondylitis  Humeral epicondylitis is one of the most difficult pains to control in a young adult, despite the use of the strongest anti-inflammatory drugs.  Base the treatment on two essential points :  • the pain is mainly localized on the large intestine meridian,  • injectable homeopathics give good and fast results. Homeopathic remedies are very effective in treatment of Epicondylitis or tennis elbow disease. Tennis elbow its homoeopathic treatment has number of remedies like Causticum 200, ledum pal 200 and Hypericum and Calcarea carb, Symphytum etc Causticum 200 in my experience is very effective remedy among all Homeopathic remedies for Tennis elbow. Particularly it works in lean muscular bodies like i...

Constitution of Homeopathic Remedy Adam (Diamona)

Who is the woman that needs a diamond? -Article by Maja Letić maja.paroski.letic(at) Have you ever had a Homeopathic patient who came up to you and said:“ I just want to throw everything up.“ Let this statement stay with you for a moments and try to understand what it means. One of the sole conditions for survival is assimilation of nutrients. Substances that body assimilates become part of its structure, or produce energy for life. I want you to bear in mind that this Homeopathic rubric is in the chapter - MIND , not in the chapter - STOMACH . MIND - VOMITING - desire to vomit out all her insides Apart from food, we assimilate outer influences as well. Those could be influences of our parents, relatives, friends, and society in general. Some of them are good because they provide us with mental stability, we perceive them as a support, they enhance our creativity and willingness to work. On the other hand, some influences are toxic. They influence our body and ...

Homeopathic Remedies for Diarrhoea Treatment

Diarrhea or diarrhoea, is the clinical condition of gastrointestinal tract or of digestive system which is presented by having not less than three loose stools per day. Diarrhoea usually lasts for a few days but in some case it becomes chronic.Dehydration develop due to continuous fluid loss. The first sign of diarrhoea is skin become pinchable and loose normal stretch.Personality changes also occurs in diarrhoea patients. Later stage lead into decreased in urination, changes in skin color, increased heart rate and decreased responsiveness.Loose but non watery stools in babies on breastfed should not be confused with diarrhoea. The most common cause for diarrhoea is an intestinal infection due to a virus, bacteria or parasite. Clinically this condition is known as gastroenteritis. Contaminated food and water are the cause for GIT Infection, it may spread to another healthy person. Homeopathic Treatment for Diarrhoea: Homeopathy understands the diarrhoea as body's elimination ...

Homeopathic Remedies and Treatment can Cure Delusion.

A delusion is a strong belief supposed with sturdy assurance even though there is more evidence to the opposing. In brief ‘delusion’ is distinct from ‘belief’. Delusion is based on false or partial information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of observation. Neurological or mental illness involve as pathological features in delusition, it can also occur in many pathological states either physical or mental. It has diagnostic importance in some psychotic disorders which are schizophrenia, paraphrenia, manic episodes of bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression. Homeopathic Treatment for Delusion: The symptom of delusion can be part of  a severe psychiatric case, or just the effect of an acute disease.Homeopathic Remedies for mind, delusions, imaginations work without producing any side effects like sedative chemical treatment.  A consultation with a Homeopathic specialist may be necessary in more severe cases of delusion.  While Homeopathic tre...

Osteoporosis Curable with Homeopathic Remedies and Treatment

Osteoporosis is a condition of bone disease where there is risk of bone break due to decrease in density of bone mass. Osteoporisis is the most common cause for broken bone in old people. The long bones usually broke due to osteoporosis these include form arm and lower limb bones along with hip and shoulder joint bones. Symptoms of osteoporosis are usually not expressed until the broken bone occurred. Even a mild stress on bone can cause break of the bone in osteoporosis cases. Bone may not heal in time as normal bones. Permanent disability occurs in some cases of osteoporosis where bones are broken. Homeopathic Treatment for the prevention of Osteoporosis: The bone has a natural tendency to lose its substance with  ageing bur early aging can be prevented with Homeopathic Remedies. During some periods in life the phenomena is accelerated, with tuberculinic patients, Osteoporosis patients in which external symptoms of tuberculosis are suppressed, these people are being the mos...

Homeopathic Remdies for the treatment of Chronic Cystitis

Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder. In most cases bacteria are the cause for infection and inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis can be a part of the Urinary tract infection. Cystitis mainly produce severe pain after urination but in some cases the infection become more serious if it spreads to kidney.  Inflammation of the bladder or Interstitial cystitis is rarely an isolated accident in the patient's life.  Most people will have repeated attacks of chronic cystitis despite the use of  the correct antibiotics.  However, in many cases, no bacteria can be found, and the patient continues to suffer from Cystitis.  The nerves that innervate the bladder  come from the spinal cord and  parasympathtic nerves and are in direct relationship with the sexual organs. Homeopathic Treatment for Chronic or Interstitial Cystitis:  Homeopathic treatment is important to balance this chronic cystitis patient.  The dominating reactive mode is syco...

Homeopathic Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis Treatment and cure

Ulcerative colitis is a  inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation and ulcers in the colon. In most cases the Ulcerative colitis develops in persons where there is Syphilitic external symptoms are suppressed with ointments and strong external applications. Ulcerative Colitis is nothing but a colitis. The ulcers can be anywhere in the colon either in one segment or in entire colon. Ulcerative colitis mainly produce diarrhea, blood mixed with stool and constant discomfort in the abdomen. Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis are similar in most aspects which is also an another form of IBD, but Crohn's disease effects the entire digestive tract where as ulcerative colitis restricts to Colon only. Pain, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea, along with a particular psychological trait makes up the picture of a patient with Ulcerative colitis.  Diet alone does not give the results in case of ulcerative colitis that are logically expected.  Only a prolonged...

Homeopathic Remedies and Treatment for Galactorrhea

Galactorrhea or lactorrhea is the sudden flow of milk from the breast, Which is not related with childbirth or nursing. Galactorrhea mostly occur in Women.Galactorrhea can also occurs in males, newborn infants and adolescents of both sexes. Distrubance in hormonal regulation is the cause for  galctorrhoea in most cases. In some other cases there may be local causes like excess stimulation of breast tissue. Hormonal conditions like hyperprolactinemia and elevated levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) or thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) are associated with galactorrhea. However there is no cause is found in more than half of cases of Galactorrhoea. Homeopathic Treatment for Galactorrhea: The syndrome of amenorrhea-galactorrhea often develops in women with a sycotic and tuberculinic reactive mode of tendecy, which is why classical Homeopathic treatments often fail.  In most cases, no obvious cause for galacorrhea can be found after a complete checkup.  Homeo...

Hay Fever or Allergic Rhinitis Treatment with Homeopathic Remedies

- Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Consult Hay fever or allergic rhinitis is an immune system over reaction to the allergens like dust or pollen. The causes of hay fever are due to suppression of symptoms of skin disease, increase the hypersensitivity to common substances available in nature like pollen, dust etc. allergic rhinitis most commonly seen in those cases where skin eruptions are suppressed with sulphur ointments, it is evident from  clinical experience. If suppressed skin symptoms are complicated with other infectious disease suppression's, like Gonococcal pus discharges, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis will be more severe and lead into life threatening diseases like Asthma. Person with Hay fever suffer from runny or stuffy nose, sneezing and watery eyes, red, itchy,  and swelling around the eyes. The discharge from nose will be watery in nature. Symptoms of Hay fever develop within seconds from exposure to allergens and often cause obstacle to daily ac...