
Showing posts from January, 2011


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms Lacrimation is the guiding symptom in Euphrasia. 1. Acute catarrhal affections esp. of eyes and nose; profuse acrid lachrymation with profuse bland coryza (rev. All. C.); often assoc. soreness and pressive pain behind sternum and hacking cough with free mucous expectoration; cough only during daytime, ((<)) on rising a.m.; influenza; whooping cough. 2. Conjunctivitis; acute with excessive, acrid, watery discharge; sub-acute with profuse, mattery discharge, making cheeks sore; accumulation of mucous on cornea causing frequent blinking to effect removal; photophobia; lid margins swollen, red, burning, even ulcerating. 3. Menstrual disorders; flow lasts only one hour. or late and lasting only one day. 4. Ailments resulting from falls; contusions, or mechanical injuries to external parts. 5. Modalities; ((<)) evening or on rising a.m.; indoors; warmth; south winds; (>) outdoors.


- Gladstone Clarke. Woman of floric acid. Symptoms 1. Complaints of old age or prematurely old-looking persons, even children; broken-down constitutions esp. from abuse of alcohol or from mercurio-syphilitic dyscrasia. 2. Disposition to constant and rapid motion; "seems as if she could walk for ever" 3. Bone diseases esp. long bones; caries with thin, excoriating discharge; of mastoid process; bone fistulae esp. dental and lachrymation. 4. Varicose veins and ulcers; bedsores; naevi; old cicatrices which become red, itching, and threaten ulceration. 5. General resemblance to Silica but modality reversed ((<)) heat, (>) cold.


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms : Sluggish graphites woman. 1. Scrofulous subjects esp. women with tendency to unhealthy corpulence; sluggish, "pasty" habit. At Climaxis. 2. Great sadness and despondency with inclination to weep esp. at hearing music; apprehension, mind dwells upon death. Children acute and impudent, laugh at reprimands. 3. Marked debility with anaemic conditions. Sexual debility from abuse. 4. Unhealthy skin; every injury suppurates. (a) Itching eruptions with oozing of corrosive, transparent, honey-like fluid; esp. about the ears, face or entire scalp; gen. (<) Warmth. (b) Skin dry, nails become hard, thick, brittle; rhagades; excoriations; special affinity for scar tissue. 5. Glandular swellings and indurations. 6. Alimentary disorders (>) eating, (>) warm milk, (<) cold drinks; dislikes sweet, animal food, fat, salt; tongue gen. clean. 7. Abdominal distension from flatulence with constipation; stools too large, lumpy, covered with mucus or ...

HYOSCYAMUS :Acute mania; patient, talkative, quarrelsome, gen. lascivious, exposes the person, etc

- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms : Lasciviousness. - Hyoscymus girl. Exposes the person. 1. Acute mania; patient, talkative, quarrelsome, gen. lascivious, exposes the person, etc.; in the between state, suspicious depression, fears solitude, poison, plots. Ailments from jealousy, unfortunate love, mental emotions. 2. Delirium during course of acute diseases; temperature not markedly high; restless, picks bedclothes, etc.; beclouded senses; staring eyes; dry tongue, etc.; involuntary urine and faeces; stands midway between Bell. and Stram. lacking cerebral congestion of former and fierce, raging of latter. Delirium tremens. 3. Spasmodic affections without consciousness; every muscle twitches from eye to toes; opisthotonos; convulsions, of children from fright, worms; of pregnant or parturient women. 4. Nervous coughs; teasing, dry, spasmodic, ((<)) on lying down, (>) sitting up (Dros.); ((<)) night, using voice, eating, drinking. 5. Insomnia in irritable, excitable subj...


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms  Rea time, typical Ignatia personality Boiron Ignatia amara 200CK 80 plts ,  1. Nervous, hysterical women; dark hair and complexion; pale, wan, drawn appearance; disposition mild but easily excited; quick in perception, rapid in execution (ctr. Puls.). 2. Rapid alternation of mental states (Crocus. Puls.) with underlying condition of melancholy; moodiness; full of silent grief, sits and sighs; over-delicate consciences; sometimes angry but never ill-natured (see Cham., Nux V.); (>) alone but does not resent consolation. 3. Mental and physical exhaustion from long-concentrated grief, from worry or strain; from disappointed love, etc. 4. Hypersensitiveness, mental and physical; easily offended, intolerant of pain, etc. 5. Spasmodic affections originating in mental causes, (<) touch; chorea, convulsions, etc., in children, from fright,  punishment or worms; globus hystericus. 6. Penetrating pains in small circumscribed spots, e.g. headache...


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms Sleep walking is very prominent in Kali brom. 1. Large, fleshy people, particularly children and young persons. Patients suffering from brain fag with numb feeling in head as if would lose reason; loss of memory, forgets how to talk; fits of uncontrollable weeping and profound melancholic delusions, even mania. 2. Nervous restlessness, must keep busy; fidgety hands (feet- Zinc.); restless and sleeplessness at night. from worry, etc.; somnambulism. 3. Spasms-inco-ordination of muscles-paralysis; stammering speech; staggering gait; epileptiform convulsions, etc. 4. Anaesthesia of various parts or of entire body; esp. of fauces from alcoholism. 5. Acne-like eruptions esp. on face, chest and shoulders (Eugenia J.).


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms:  Must hold breast firmly when going up or down stairs.  1. Nervous, restless, highly sensitive temperament. 2. Patient forgetful, absent-minded; drops letters and words in writing; cannot concentrate; intense despondency-a chronic "blue" condition; attacks of rage; fears solitude, death, insanity, falling down stairs, etc. 3. Symptoms erratic; change from side to side every few hours or days; apt to being and end with M.P. 4. Throat complaints; sensitive to touch externally (Lach.); pains extend to the ears; (<) empty swallowing. 5. Shining, glazed appearance of lesions; e.g. diphtheritic deposit, ulcers, etc. 6. Sinking feeling at epigastrium; usually not (>) eating. 7. Female disorders. Periods premature, profuse, flow bright, viscid, stringy, in gushes. Breasts painful, inflamed, (<) towards evening and from least jar must hold them firmly when going up or down stairs. Useful when necessary to dry up the milk. 8. Hyperaesthesi...


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms : Acute destructive inflammations  (phagedenic tendencies) of any part. 1. Invaluable in violent, acute destructive inflammations (phagedenic tendencies) of any part. esp. of mucous membranes; catarrhal, scrofulous, gonorrhoeal syphilitic. 2. Typical dysentery; scanty stools of pure mucus tinged or streaked with blood, colicky pains extreme, persistent tenesmus and burning; often accompanied by tenesmus of bladder; no (>) stool. 3. Acute inflammatory conditions of eyes and lids with swelling, intense pain, photophobia and acrid lachrymation. 4. Violent inflammation of serous membranes esp. peritoneum; peritonitis, appendicitis, etc., when abscess is about to form. 5. Acute or chronic interstitial nephritis with violent cystic symptoms; also gonorrhoea with thick, greenish discharge. Note. General symptoms and modalities as Merc. Viv.


- Gladstone Clarke. Natrum mur type of personality Symptoms: 1. Calcarea anaemic subjects; pale, earthy or yellowish, greasy- looking complexion; children emaciated (esp. about the neck) and old in appearance; debility (from loss of vital fluids. 2. Great depression; lachrymose yet irritable esp. at small, non- essential noises; seems to desire but is markedly (<) consolation; dislikes company, (>) alone; emotionally sensitive to music memory weak with inability to concentrate; hysteria, affections beyond control. 3. Headaches, chronic, hammering, periodic, blinding; from sunrise to sunset, (<) motion (>) semi-recumbent position, face pale or only slightly diffused; esp. in anaemic girls and women. 4. Condition of mucous membranes:- (a) Chronic; dryness with ulcerations or cracks; e.g. of alimentary canal with constipation, dry, crumbling stools, and sore, fissured anus; (b) acute; free watery discharges, often coarse, frothy mucus esp. from upper respiratory tract. ...


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms:  Excess water in body, (Hydrogenoid)  1. Hydrogenoid constitutions; subjects with sycotic history. 2. Depression; lively music saddens; satiety of life; irritability; esp. when spoken to; inability to think. 3. Mental traumatism; mental effects of blow on the head, etc. 4. Catarrhs of mucous membranes with free discharge of greenish- yellow muco-pus; sometimes bloody. 5. Diarrhoea, esp. chronic; on first rising and moving about in a.m.; sudden urging, gushing, with much flatus; fluid, yellow stools; (<) after vegetables and farinaceous foods. 6. Loose coughs which soreness and pain through left chest esp. lower lobe left lung; (>) sitting up and holding chest with both hands. 7. Spinal meningitis with violent crushing, gnawing pain at base of brain; delirium; opisthotonos. 8. Rheumatic complaints in sycotic or hydrogenoid patients always (<) damp; restless, must change position but little or no (>). 9. Warty growths on skin and mucus ...


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms  Middle is the Phos acid Boy.  1. Debilitated constitutions; pale sickly complexion, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue rings. Young people who grow too fast. 2. Listlessness and apathy; patient disinclined to talk;p stupefied by grief. 3. Great debility from long-continued, depressing emotional causes, after violent acute diseases or loss of vital fluids; neurasthenias of sexual origin. 4. Adynamic fevers with complete apathy and stupor yet patient fully conscious if aroused; abdomen tympanitic; tongue has red streak down centre widening in front; involuntary stools; haemorrhages of dark blood. 5. Headaches with crushing pain on vertex; (<) least noise esp. music; (<) motion., (>) lying also headaches from eye-strain. 6. Chronic diarrhoea, painless, non-debilitating; pale or whitish stools. 7. Polyuria esp. at night; urine clear and watery or like milk (excess of phosphates). 8. Interstitial inflammation of bones; pain as if scraped with a ...


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms: Pulsatilla woman. 1. Persons with sandy hair, pale face, blue eyes, sedentary habit; slow, gentle, yielding, emotional temperament. Anaemic, chlorotic women; girls in their teens; often overdosed with iron, quinine and other "tonics"; subject to styes and varicosis. 2. Great changeableness both of patient and symptoms; prevailing mood of melancholy with tearfulness, consolation sentimental esp. at twilight; full of strange ideas esp. in the religious sphere; submissive yet at times peculiarly obstinate, easily upset, etc., never pugnacious (ctr. Nux. V.). 3. Acute or sub-acute catarrhal conditions; discharges copious, creamy, yellow or greenish-yellow, thick and bland (leucorrhoea may be acrid). 4. Drawing, tearing pains; erratic, rapidly shift locality; with characteristic modalities; accompanied by chilliness yet cool air (>). 5. Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints yet dryness of the mouth esp. a.m. (rev. Merc.). 6. Gastro-intest...


- Gladstone Clarke. Neuralgic, myalgic  or rheumatic pains in chest walls Symptoms : 1. Neuralgic, myalgic or rheumatic pains; stitching, shooting esp. in chest walls; ((<)) damp weather, atmospheric changes. 2. Intercostal rheumatism; chest sore, bruised ((<)) touch, motion, turning body; pleurodynia. 3. Herpes zoster; dark-bluish transparent vesicles; preceded or followed by the characteristic neuralgic pains. 4. Hay fever; smarting, burning and tingling in eyes and nose; nostrils dry, obstructed, ((<)) evenings. 5. Bad effects of alcoholic liquors; delirium tremens.


-Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms : Subjects of onanism 1. Scrofulous or syphilitic subjects; elderly persons. 2. Mental Hypersensitiveness; offended at trifles; continual concern about the future; peevishness, sometimes violent temper; children petulantly push or throw away things for which they cried; apathy, depression. 3. Ailments from mental emotions, esp. pride. envy, charging. indignation, unmerited insults, etc. 4. Caries of the teeth; at edges; in scrofulous or syphilitic children; in women during pregnancy; toothache during M.P. (<) touch of food or drink, not on biting or chewing. 5. Sexual disorders with hypersensitiveness of generative organs; mental and physical effects of onanism and excesses; guilty, abashed look; mind persistently dwells on sexual subjects. 6. Prostatic troubles in old men; burning in urethra when not urinating; urging and pain after. in women, prolapse of uterus with relaxed, hanging-down feeling in abdomen, wants to support which hands; backache al...


- Pulford IDENTIFICATION: Agonized tossing about. ESSENTIAL :  Aconium nepellus  Agonized tossing about. Excessively restless. Extreme anxiety, inconsolable, often with chilliness and one red cheek, the other pale; especially in fever is one cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold. Vertigo, or faint, on rising up. Expression of fear and anxiety, especially fear of death. Great unquenchable thirst for large quantities, drinking seems to increase the thirst, the water agrees, everything but the water tastes bitter. High fever; skin dry and hot. Pulse full, bounding, hard. Pains acute, sticking, followed by numbness and tingling. Urine dark and hot. Sweat copious and warm, even hot, usually critical and amelioration, all pain and other symptoms. All the attacks come on suddenly and with violence. Mind Fear: of crossing a busy street, and during pregnancy. (L): Thought he was about to die; fear of a crowd; nervous excitement. Thinks much of fine clothes, like Phos. Music m...

Aconite cntd....

- Pulford Chest : Palpitation on getting chilled As of boiling water poured into it; cutting pain in Chest after chill; palpitation on becoming chilled. Acon. suits only the hyperaemia that precedes endocarditis, Spong. comes in when exudation has taken place. Hypertrophy of heart, uncomplicated cases only, in other cases it may do much harm; in treating such cases, do not prescribe Ars., Hydr-ac. or Lach. too soon, study rather, Acon., Bry., Phos., Spig., or Spong., as the former are apt to weaken the patient. Unless one has a complete picture of the remedy, do not give, in the first stage, a remedy indicated in the later stage. Extremely valuable in carditis, with stitches at heart and violent beating. The characteristic sputum in pneumonia is scanty, falls in round lumps and is cherry red and bright. The pneumonia of Acon. often shows itself in the face; and Acon. is useless after exudation has taken place. In the hyperaemic stages of inflammation of the thoracic viscera, whe...


- Pulford IDENTIFICATION: Listless,litherzic,sluggish. Listless, lethargic, sluggish, great prostration and falling temperature. (The characteristic Am-c. patient is weak, adynamic, nervously constitutioned, phlegmatic, melancholic, easily acted on, but reacts but a short time, of lax fibre, leads a sedentary life, and is disposed to a lymphatic accumulation of fat and mucus, nervous affections and fainting). ESSENTIAL Anxious, uneasy, weeps. Averse to walking in open air and to warm room which is intolerable, also to being washed as it causes symptoms to recur and child dislikes it. Face: puffy, lips bluish or purple. Tongue brown. throat dark red. Nose usually stopped at night, must breath through mouth. Drowsy. Somnolent. Audible palpitation, every motion increases the pulsations. all exuding fluids and discharges acrid and excoriating. Always tired and weary. Body cold, cyanotic. Heart and pulse weak. Dyspnoea. Women faint on going into a warm place. Aggravation : especial...

Ammonium Carbonicum Genitalia, Respiration,Cough and Chest

Ammonium Carbonicum 200c or 200ch Characteristic symptoms: - Pulford Teeth Tearing pain on biting teeth together. (L): Drawing pain during menses. Throat Diphtheria, nose stopped, child starts from sleep, gasps for breath, like Lach., great prostration aggravation after sleep. Purple, swollen, ulcerated, bleeds, gangrenous, exhausted, tonsils and glands enlarge. Stomach Eructations suppressed. Abdomen : Hernia, left side groin. Rectum Haemorrhage after stool. (L): Piles during menses, protrude, amelioration down. Stool Acrid, excoriates. Urinary Diabetes, especially hysterical beings. White, sandy, bloody urine. Genitalia: Clitoris irritable; menses copious, riding in cold air, or, increased on standing. (L): Erections a.m. Menses: irregular especially with irritation, or flow between pains, Mag-c. after, Cim. during; early, copious, blackish, clots, colic before; every period exhausts and during day may be ushered in by a cholera like diarrhoea, li...

Ammonium Carbonicum:Stout women and fleshy children who take cold readily.

- Pulford Back Cervical and parotid glands hard, swollen. Limbs Convulsion in upper, draws backward; cramp in region of tibia; veins of hands full after washing in cold water; inflamed first toe; pain in toes a.m. in bed. (L): Joints sweat. Sprain of joint, hot, pains. finger: nail yellow; panaritium, inflamed, deep seated periosteal pain. Rheumatic gout especially, arthritic metastasis, stupor characterizes. Sleep Nightmare every night, wakes in sweat. The sooner one goes to bed the better one sleeps, the later the less liable to. Fever Intermittents where coldness prevails. Skin :  Mottled spots on skin Mottled spots, red after a bath. Torpor characterizes all exanthemata. Scarlet fever: distinguished from Bell. by the miliary rash; malignant cases, sleepy during day, warm room intolerable. Purpura haemorrhagica, general anaemia. Discharge from ulcer excoriates skin around it. Looks mottled intermingled with great pallor. Ulcer putrid with pungent odor. Erysipe...


- Pulford IDENTIFICATION Body sore, bruised as if pounded, extremely sore to touch, the bed, chair or couch, on which one sits or lies feels hard as a rock, causing one to seem very restless and change positions often to get off the sore parts on which one lies. ESSENTIAL :  Hopeless and indifferent  Hopelessly and completely indifferent to those around one as well as to one's condition. Morose. Indifferent. Irritable, does not wish to speak or to be spoken to. Fear, both mental and physical, and of being approached and touched on account of the excessive soreness. Sensitive. Sullen. Head hot, body cool. Breath, eructations and flatus fetid, having odor of rotten eggs. Thirsty, but all drinks are alike of offensive. Urine scanty, stains linen yellowish brown. Aversion to meat, broth and milk. Drowsy. Weak. Sweat offensive. Pains sudden. Worse motion. COMMENT. Mind :  Arnica Anguish, during chill, heat and sweat; fear of approach of others, lest one be touched; d...


- PULFORD Sleep : Dreams of black dogs. (Bell., sees black dogs) Wakens at night, with hot head, fears to go to sleep again for fear of recurrence. Chill : Shivering in stomach Chilliness, a.m., lasting all forenoon. Pernicious chill, violent, congestion to head, body cold, thirst, chill felt most severely at pit of stomach, body sore, bruised. Congestive chill, dreadful attacks, prostration, stupor, mottled skin, the congestion comes on suddenly. One cheek red and hot (Acon., the other pale and cold, in fever). Thirst before and during chill. Heat Burning, in one spot, which is cold to touch; continued fever, petechial, breath foul, says nothing ails one; dry heat, a.m., on waking. Typhoid fever: Arn. will prevent typhoid if given to a case where symptomatic typhoid is coming on, i.e., where the intermittent or remittent is taking on symptoms resembling typhoid in character, tongue shiny, sores appear on teeth and lips, sore, bruised all over body, morose, irritable, insi...


- Pulford IDENTIFICATION :   Arsenicum album  Asthenia with irritability of fibre with extreme anguish and anxiety, fear of death and of being left alone and when going to bed, great restlessness even during coma, or if too weak to move the body moves the head, and, when able, wishes to constantly change chairs or beds; children want to go from nurse to nurse or from person to person, or want to be carried fast (Puls., reverse), saving run, run. ESSENTIAL Sad, depressed, despairs. Anxiety, restlessness, prostration, burning and cadaverous odors are prominent ESSENTIALS and predominate. Peevish, sensitive. Lassitude. Trivial affections produce sudden and complete sinking of strength. Extreme prostration. Face waxy, pale, puffy; expression of genuine agony. Especially aggravation around 1 morning and better heat (reverse of Apis and Sec.) Thirst, usually violent, at times ungovernable, especially for little and often, as water molests the stomach (in chronic diseases the...

Arsenicum album:Anxiety in stomach, night on rising up; appetite increased after chill.

- Pulford Stomach : Axiety in stomach and pain Anxiety in stomach, night on rising up; appetite increased after chill; stomach disordered from mouldy cheese; hiccough at hour when fever ought to come; pain in stomach, aggravation yawning; burning pain, amelioration warm drinks; cramping, griping pain, after spoiled cheese or sausage; gnawing pain, during chill; burning thirst, without desire to drink. (L): Chilliness in pit of stomach; desires warm food and drink, during chill; nausea, 11 morning and after fever; pain amelioration heat, aggravation ice cream; cramping, after cold drinks; thirst, drinks little an often; vomiting, after ice cream and during sweat, of everything or, immediately after eating and drinking, but it brings no relief, with apprehension of death. Stomach troubles characterized by extreme thirst, irritable stomach, it retains little of anything, extremely sore, burning heat. Injurious effects of fruit, like China, especial - by watery fruit and melons, l...


- Pulford IDENTIFICATION Picking and boring especially at and into the nose, and more especially into the sides of the nose, works with the nose constantly, picks at the dry lips till they bleed, picks and bores constantly in spite of the pain it causes; child picks and screams.   ARUM TRIPHYLLUM   ESSENTIAL   Cross. Mind and body irritable, restless, tosses about. Nose: bores into it till it becomes sore and bleeds, in all low forms of disease; stopped, discharge acrid, excoriates parts over which it passes causing rawness, burning and smarting. Mouth: lips and soft palate sore, burn; angles cracked and bloody; saliva excoriates. All stools acrid. Urine scanty, becomes suppressed, sign of amelioration when the flow increases. Parts pain, tickle, tingle, cannot let them alone, insists on scratching, pinching, picking at lips, pressing around mouth and boring into nose in spite of the soreness, rawness and bleeding it causes. Picks ends of fingers. Child cries when dri...


- Pulford IDENTIFICATION Profound acute mental depression, settled melancholy and suicidal mania, despair.  Gold metal ESSENTIAL :  Thoughts of suicide  Profound sadness, horrible depression of spirits, hopeless, loathes life, longs for death and a constant feeling of neglect. No other remedy produces a more acute mental depression. Affections preeminently perverted. Want of self confidence. Weeps. Memory weak. Extremely irritable; always in a state of vexation. Extremely anxious with palpitation. Over sensitive to all pain, it drives one to despair, like Acon. Veins full. Pulse small, weak, rapid Pains: violent, tear, bones ache as if they would break; knifelike in periosteum. All glands of body more or less affected. Averse to uncovering. Desires open are, like Puls., but Puls. is mild, gentle, yielding, Aur. obstinate, irascible. Aggravation: night; sunset to sunrise, like Syph.; warm bed and evening. Amelioration: cold wet weather, reverse of Dulc. Erythism or vascula...


- Pulford Eyes :  Injected cornea Amelioration muscular exertion; melanosis; yellow spots marked by a network of bloodvessels on cornea; vision: yellow crested - shaped bodies moving obliquely upward, or foggy in hemiopia amelioration moonlight, or, sparks on exertion of mind. (L): Injected cornea; hemiopia, upper half of vision lost. Great vascularity, iris inflamed, especially aggravation touch, sore around eyes, as if in bones. Vision: tension interferes with; as if upper half was covered with a dark body and remains invisible; bright floating specks and dots seen by gaslight; showers of bright starlike bodies seen in upper dark section of field of vision, which shoots up and divides, then sees stars in every direction, like a rocket that explodes and comes down in a shower; hemiopia, left eye. Similar to Asa. in pain about eye, but Asa. is amelioration pressure. Protrude as in exophthalmic goitre, heart enlarged. Iritis, much pain around eyes, seemingly deep in bone. Pupil...

Arum metallicum cntd.....

- PULFORD Urinary Ineffectual urging aggravation during menses. Urine turbid, reddish sediment. Genitalia :  Bruised pain in testes.  Sore bruised pain in testes 6 to 11 p.m.; sweat on male genitalia, a.m.; uterus prolapsed after straining. (L): Enlarged right teste; sarcocele; ovary heavy; uterus indurated. Leucorrhoea: thick white or yellowish, aggravation walking; copious, yellow. Sterility, especially if want of children has resulted in depressed spirits. Pining boys and girls at puberty; undeveloped testes in puny boys. Sweat mostly on and around genitalia. Complaints of female genitalia, of pelvis and abortion, all from straining and reaching up arms, as in reaching up at window to fix curtains, etc. Uterus ulcerated and indurated from repeated abortions. Testes chronically enlarged. Cystic mammary tumor. Climaxis, flushes of heat followed by sweat and sometimes chilliness. Respiratory (L): Sobbing. Asthma, emphysema, purely nervous, of aged, aggravation wet weathe...

Baryta Carb:Rattling in trachea of aged, from cold changes of weather, exposure to cold.

- Pulford Nose Odor of fine smoke. Catarrh: post nasal, scabs form in posterior nares and base of uvula, lips and, swollen. Coryza, upper lip swollen greatly. Face : Tension as from a cobweb Tension as from a cobweb; pain in articulation of lower jaw on closing mouth; lower jaw weak after eating. Bloated, expression stupid, silly, vacant. As if white of egg had dried on it. Parotids inflame, hard. Glands about neck affected with ear trouble. Knots of lymphatic glands down neck, under ear, like Bar-m. and Tub., they inflame, grow larger after each exposure to cold or from sudden changes of weather; especially with teeth, throat and face troubles the glands under the jaw and down the neck swell and enlarge. Mouth Left side of tongue cracked on edge; crusts on palate behind base of uvula; paralysis of tongue in the aged; gums swell, pale red. Kept partially open, saliva runs out. Tongue paralyzed; with sensation lost: Colch. Frequent and severe bleeding of gums. Taste perve...