
Showing posts from November, 2010


-Pulford IDENTIFICATION Copious tough adherent tenacious purulent mucus secretions, like rubber, that can be drawn out in long strings, difficult to detach, one feels like using a pair of shears, and predominantly yellow. strings ESSENTIAL Nose: dry; pain at root; plugs; formations of clinkers the detachment of which leaves very sore places or ulcers is very characteristic. Mouth dry. Appetite lost. Crave beer, it makes one sick. Pains: sharp, stitch; migrate; especially about joints; appear and disappear rapidly, like Bell.; usually in small spots coverable by the tip of a thumb. Jellylike mucus forms on all mucus membranes. Secretions and excretions yellow. Troubles tend to indolency. Marked burning. Weak; weary. Sensitive to cold; lacks vital heat; desire to be covered up warmly. Aggravation: Hot weather; motion except limbs; 3 to 5 a.m.; winter; cold damp weather, when snow melts, like Calc-p. Amelioration when warm in bed, like Agar. Head Forehead burns, stitches; pain...

KALI BICHROMICUM:Desire absent in fleshy persons; uterus prolapsed especially in hot weather.

-Pulford Throat Pains stitch, amelioration swallowing. (L): Membrane, false, to larynx; yellow gelatinous mucus. Hawks mucus a.m. Membrane, false, thick, decidedly yellow, like washleather, like Phyt. Inflamed: chronic, of posterior walls, dark glossy; follicular, of pharynx, tonsils and fauces ulcerate, tenacious exudate. Ulcers on posterior walls of pharynx, well defined edges, cheesy exudate. Diphtheria: palate ulcerates as do tonsils and pharynx, discharge fetid, exudate tenacious; in all cases profound prostration, soft pulse, sweat, almost painless, like Bapt., slight infiltration of cellular tissue, very tough adhesive exudate. Troubles continue in winter and in cold damp weather. posterior wall of pharynx Stomach Heavy after meat; pain in limbs and, alternate; sinking before breakfast. (L): Heavy after beer: nausea of drunkards. Beer drinkers made ill from beer. Stringy vomiting. Appetite lost. Burning pain or weight in pit. Sore in small spots. round ulcer. Inflame...

KALI BICHROMICUM: Raising stringy mucus; caused by, and always follows coition.

-Pulfold Respiratory In all respiratory affections cough is aggravation p.m., amelioration lying down and heat, aggravation eating, expectoration adherent and tenacious. Asthma: aggravation 3 or 4 a.m., especially in winter, or, in summer if chilly, must sit up to breathe, reverse of Psor., amelioration raising stringy mucus; caused by, and always follows coition. Wheezing respiration at night after whooping cough.  Potassium Bicorbonate. Cough Aggravation a.m., after eating; amelioration heat, lying down, and warm in bed. Pain, midsternum to back, stitching or weight and soreness in chest. A.m. on waking, and the characteristic expectoration. Expectoration (L): Ropy; white a.m. Jellylike. White mucus, tough as pitch, can be drawn out in long strings, like Coc-c. and Lact-ac. Chest Burning pain, sternum to shoulder, during cough; stitch under right breast to back; palpitation after waking suddenly in the a.m. (L): Pain behind sternum to back. Bronchitis: chronic and...

LACHESIS :Extremely sensitive to heat and especially to touch.

-Pulford IDENTIFICATION Extremely sensitive to heat and especially to touch, especially to the surface of the body and more especially about the neck and throat, can bear neither a tight collar, neckband nor hot drinks; the sensitiveness is not so much due to the touch itself, but to the uneasiness it causes. Bush master ESSENTIAL Ailments begin on left side and either stay there or go from left to right, the reverse of Lyc. Aggravation on going to sleep, during sleep, but especially on waking; also in warm relaxing weather, especially in the spring. All discharges are offensive. Loquacious, jumps from subject to subject. Amelioration opening the clothing, and from the appearance of the discharges, like Zinc. COMMENT. Mind Desires solitude to indulge in one's fancies; delirium, changes subject rapidly, or, from mental exertion; forgetful of everything that has occurred for sometime past; industrious, p.m.; stupefaction, amelioration when feet become warm; persistent e...

Nux vomica A Case Study:

-ZAREN A. Woman, twenty five years old. Her main complaint is dysmenorrhoea. She is in a steady relationship for ten years. She doesn't have children. Observation: She has a sexual attitude. She is very sexy and has a seductive voice. Flirtatious low voice. Energy around the hips. She touches herself when pointing out the pain. She has breast pain and swelling, back pain two weeks before the menses. The first two days of the menses she has to stay in bed. The abdominal pain starts with the beginning, the first day of the menses and lasts for two or three days. The first day it is not so severe, the second day it is worse, a tearing sensation. The third day it ameliorates. She has a pain in the ovaries (uterus extending to back and thighs, anterior, up to the knees). Pain low in the abdomen and low in the back. Nux vomica tree Observation: Ananda asks about the pain, she starts telling and laughs. She is laughing while talking about the pain: Hysteria. It is not funny. ...

Bovista lycoperdon A case study:

-ZAREN A. Woman, twenty nine years old. Her main complaint is dysmenorrhoea, also skin disorders, allergy. She is not married, she is not in a relation. She has no children. She has strong cramping before and during the menses, coming and going (Bovista). They last about three days (before and during). She uses painkillers if she can't stand it. She always had complaints, but it aggravated in 1985, after Pulsatilla. Rhus tox ameliorated a bit. Observation: She is looking, but not seeing. The eyes are going in and out of contact, just staring. Bovista lycoperdon Rubrics: Eyes, staring (page 265). Genitalia, menses, morning (page 724). Mind, delirium, looks fixed at one point, staring (page 19). She has strong bleeding. The menses last ten days, the the pain last three days. During and before menses she has diarrhoea. Sometimes, when the pain / cramping is strong she has the feeling that the ground under her feet goes, as if she will faint. Her period comes every thirt...

Bufo rana A case study:

-ZAREN A. A two days old baby. The main complaint is dulness and not nursing well. The baby was born pretty quickly. One hour of pressing-contractions. The baby has one red cheek (the left) and the other cheek is pale. Some red eruptions in the face. The tongue is a bit out, going towards the right side (protrudes tongue). The eyes are closed. The right eyelid is reddish. There is no reaction, he doesn't open the eyes. He is unable to open the eyes. He has a stupid, foolish expression. A puffy appearance. The lips are very dry, the lower lip is crooked. There is white stuff on the lips (is normal). Eyes, hard to keep open (page 247). Bufo Rana AZ: "How did the baby react ?" "He sleeps a lot and doesn't suck enough. He has a lack of energy. He is not able to nurse, he falls asleep." He is not restless. He has a lack of reaction. The tongue protrudes before nursing, the baby gets quite excited then. The tongue goes to the palate before nursing...

Cimicifuga racemosa Case study:

-ZAREN A. A labour case. The main complaint is rigidity of os during labour. During labour, you can't take a case, you have got to observe and to think fast and know your materia medica. She has a rigidity of os during labour, only opened three centimeters after twelve hours. (Add Aconitum (2) to the repertory.) The labour wouldn't progress. She is restless. She is breathing deeply, panting sort of and moving all over the bed. She is screaming hysterically. She rolls the head. You must do pelvic examination to know if the os is rigid. The os might be soft, but simply hasn't opened. There might be an emotional reason that the cervix doesn't open up. Rubrics: Respiration, sighing (page 775). Head, motion, rolling head (page 131). Respiration, breathing deep (page 766). Head, motion, throwing head about (page 131). Genitalia, pains, labour, distressing (page 739). Genitalia, rigidity of os during labour (page 744). Extremities, cramps hips, labour, during (...

Viburnum opulus Case study:

-ZAREN A. Woman, twenty three years old. Her main complaint is contractions during pregnancy. She has contractions, she is in the thirty third week of pregnancy. It is the first time that she is pregnant. She has had contractions since the past three weeks and she is now hospitalized. Cerclage didn't help. There is no bleeding. At this moment she doesn't have pains, but still there are contractions on the machine that registers the contractions. She seldom feels the uterus harden. When she had pain, the back was involved, she couldn't even move. Viburnum opulus AZ: "Did the pains start in the back and extend to the uterus ?" "Yes, most probably." AZ: "Did they move down the legs too ?" "Yes, the pain moves down the outer surface of the legs." The predominating symptom is the contractions. There is no bleeding, therefore not Sabadilla or Belladonna. False labour pains (page 739): The contractions stop when you change p...

Hyoscyamus niger Case study:

Woman, twenty four years old. Her main complaint is strong urinary pressure. She is married and pregnant (twenty four weeks). Impression: She makes a bit childish impression. Observation: She is jerking the head. Her head is tilted to the right side. Hyoscyamus niger Rubrics: Head, motions of head, (page 131). Mind, gestures, hands (page 50). Head, jerking of the head (page 129). Extremities, motion, irregular (page 1033). Head, motions of head, involuntary (page 131). Generalities, chorea, pregnancy, during (page 1348). Generalities, convulsions, pregnancy during (page 1355). She is picking with the hands, gestures. She has very strong fidgety of the hands. It is not Kali bromatum, Kali bromatum is more wringing, but this is picking. In her hands is no cramping of emotions, or suppressed anger, or aggression. She only can't keep her hands still. She sleeps fairly well. She has a bearing down sensation. She has an irritable bladder and has an urging often. Also ...

Cannabis indica - A case study:

Woman, forty one years old. Her main complaint is dysmenorrhoea and depression before the menses. She is married and she has an adopted child. She is an American, but her husband is working in Germany, so they live in Germany. She has PMS and dysmenorrhoea. She is depressed before the menses. The first thing that strikes is that she is stammering. The stammering started only the last year. It felt like she might be going crazy. The depression is severe, she has periodic suicidal thoughts. Two months before she burnt herself with the iron, it felt good. She has trouble concentrating and speaking. She is very angry and anxious. She has problems handling her child. She has impulses to hurt the child. Fear that she would hurt her child (page 45, page 60), thinking of hurting the child. (Thea, Nux vomica, Sulphur, Mercury, Arsenicum iodatum, Lyssin, Sepia, Cannabis indica).  Cannabis Indica  She is feeling trapped in Germany since a year. She is feeling alone. She is feeling ve...


-PHYLLIS SPEIGHT Characteristics Extreme debility after excessive loss of fluids and consequent debility, (diarrhoea, vomiting, haemorrhage etc.) after prolonged strain and overwork. Great flatulence with sensation as if the abdomen were packed full; not ameliorated by eructations or passing flatus. Excessive sensitiveness, especially to light touch, draught of air. Hard pressure relieves. Worse every other day. Sweats on least exertion. Mind:Great irritability worse at night. Head: Pain congestive, throbbing, like many hammers on temples, better hard pressure. Cinchona Officinalis. Mouth: Bitter taste, even water tastes bitter. Stomach: Total loss of appetite. Full feeling after the least food, but belching only ameliorates temporarily. Digestion is slow and China is one of the most flatulent remedies. Stools:These patients are prone to diarrhoea which is very debilitating. Stools acrid; undigested; watery; bilious; black; painless; profuse and putrid. Modalities: Wo...

LYCOPODIUM :The patient anticipates things and is nearly sick until they happen

-PHYLLIS SPEIGHT Hunger, but a little food seems to fill stomach and causes fullness and distension of abdomen. Worse 4-8 p.m. Red sediment in urine. Right sided or complaints go from right to left. Better warm drinks; worse cold food and drink. Fan-like movement of alae nasi (nostrils). Suddenness sudden flashes of heat; lightning like pains; sudden satiety; pains and symptoms come and go suddenly. Mind:Very nervous, sensitive, emotional person; apprehensive. Apprehensive of undertaking anything yet he is all right when he does it. Likes his own company but prefers somebody to be in the house in another room. Emotional and weeps when thanked. Lycopodium Head: Bursting, pressing headaches. Headaches better when catarrh is worse. Worse 4-8 p.m. Nose: Must breathe through mouth at night. Throat: Sore right side or going from right to left. Worse 4-8 p.m. Better warm drinks. If you hear a patient complaining of a feeling as though a ball is rising into the throat from belo...


- Phyllis speight. We have dealt with the basic principles of Homoeopathy as laid down by Hahnemann. With a knowledge of these principles much good work can be done. Yet Hahnemann went a great deal further in the latter part of his life, supplementing his earlier work by making a deep study of Chronic Diseases. First let us understand the difference between an acute and a chronic disease. Acute: Those diseases originating from dietary indiscretions, deficient hygiene, physical agents, or bacterial infections. There is a period of progress and a period of decline, and there is always a tendency towards recovery. An example of this can be seen in typhoid, which is due to an acute poison having an evolution ending in recovery or death. Acute diseases, then, run a definite course and are of limited duration. Chronic: Those diseases caused by infection from various sources having a period of progress but NO period of decline. The vital force alone is unable to extinguish these dis...

Topic on URINE:

-PHYLLIS SPEIGHT Urine is the excretion produced by the kidneys, and consists chiefly of waste substances resulting from the activity of the body. The urine and the perspiration are to a great extent interdependent; thus, if the kidneys are acting vigorously, there is very little perspiration, whilst if there has been much perspiration, as in fevers, the urine is small in amount and highly concentrated. When the kidneys are diseased, the sweat glands of the skin function more freely. In composition, urine is made up almost entirely of water, only about 4 per cent being solids in solution. Urea is the most important of the solids, but there are also minute quantities of common salt, phosphates and sulphates combined with potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. In health, the urine is of a light colour. In diseases of the kidneys, such as diabetes and chronic Bright's disease, the urine assumes a very pale colour ( the same appearance is, of course, produced after a person ha...