
Showing posts from April, 2011

Gonorrhoea of the male: symptoms :accessory symptoms accompanying gonorrhoea:

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Accessory symptoms of Ganorrhoea  The course of venereal gonorrhoea which we have described, and by which it is distinguished from all other discharges from the urethra, usually takes place in all uncomplicated, non-syphilitic forms of the disease. Not in all cases, however, is this course equally simple and regular. Even in cases where the inflammation sets in with more than ordinary intensity, the pain becomes extremely troublesome and is frequently felt along the whole course of the urethra as far as the neck of the bladder; in such cases the discharge is streaked with blood; the swelling of the urethral lining membrane causes a true dysuria, and the urinary discharges, which only take place in drops, are sometimes either preceded or succeeded by the discharge of pure blood. At the same time the erections become more frequent and painful, and, in case the inflammatory involves the corpora sponglosa, are not unfrequently accompanied by a painful...

Gonorrhoea of the male: symptoms :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Gonorrhoeal Discharge So far we have shown with sufficient clearness that we understand by the term gonorrhoea a urethral discharge that have been caused by the action of some specific infectious virus; not any discharge occasioned and contained by the action of some internal or external irritation of the urethra. A gonorrhoeal infection that may not only result from impure coit, but likewise from the use of instruments which the gonorrhoeal virus had remained adhering, generally becomes apparent after the lapse of four to seven days, or even two or three weeks after the infection had taken place. At first it may betray its existence by a slight titillation in the urethra which is not disagreeable and excites erections and a desire for sexual intercourse. This titillation is soon after succeeded, and very frequently accompanied by a scarcely perceptible-secretion from the urethra (gonorrhoea-incipients), which closes more or less the slightly reddened...

the different forms of gonorrhoea :idea of gonorrhoea :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Of gonorrhoea generally Gonorrheal discharg FROM what we have said it is evident that we do not understand by the term gonorrhoea, as so many continue to do, every imaginable mucous discharge from the urethra, but only an infectious inflammatory blennorrhoea, and that we regard it as a great calamity in the domain of science that recent practitioners, even medical authors, should ignore the meaning of a term which had been consecrated by the common vernacular, and should designate as gonorrhoea every kind of discharge from the urethra, admitting not only venereal and syphilitic, but likewise arthritic, hæmorrhoidal, catarrhal, and Heaven knows what other kinds of gonorrhoea. We cannot wonder, in the presence of such a horrible confusion of terms, that some physicians should pretend having cured gonorrhoea with remedies that will never remove a genuine gonorrhoea, and that others should still advance the doctrine that a gonorrhoea may not only be cau...


- Dr S.K.vashisht, d.h.m.s THREE SENTENCES FOR GETTING SUCCESS: A) KNOW MORE THAN OTHER B) WORK MORE THAN OTHER C) EXPECT LESS THAN OTHER - WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR Magnetium Phosphoricum Are you aware of the enormous role that magnesium plays in your body, even more critical than calcium? Magnesium is essential in catalyzing over 300 different biochemical processes necessary for proper body function. It regulates the absorption of calcium, potassium and sodium. It plays a key role in energy production, digestion, muscle and bone function, cell production, and in the functioning of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, brain and nervous system. It is a critical nutrient for optimal health, and yet as many as 90 % of us may be magnesium-deficient! Magnesium deficiency causes imbalance in the body. It is responsible for fatigue and the inability to sleep, lack of energy, muscle tension, cramps and twitches, headaches, backaches and heart problems. It can cause depression, excessive wo...

The venereal diseases their pathological nature Introduction 1:

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Venereal Diseases Among all the diseases that weigh upon suffering humanity, there are probably none which are more extensively discussed by physicians, more dreaded by some, more frivolously regarded by others, and at the same time less definitely determined, with regard to their course and the boundaries of their various forms, than the diseases designated as venereal. According to Fallopius, Girtanner, Astruc, Hunter, Van Swieten, etc., among the older, or Carmichael, Bell, Cazenave, Biett, Baumes, and others, among recent physicians, there exists nothing more fearful and insidious in the world than these diseases. Fostered in the fatal bosom of a degrading passion, and conceived at a moment of burning lust, they scatter, according to some, silently and mysteriously their poisonous seed whose offspring, which, at its first appearance, is but lightly regarded and extirpated from the sphere of observation as speedily as possible by the criminal hand o...

Wounds, cuts :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Cuts Treatment. -Check the bleeding by holding the part under a stream of cold water, compressing the wound with the fingers, applying the pure tincture of Calendula, or padding the cut with a little lint, cobweb, or some soft substance. Secondly. -It is necessary in all wounds to examine and carefully remove or wash away all foreign substances, dirt, glass, splinters, etc. Thirdly. -In slight wounds, as a cut, unite the sides together with adhesive Arnica, or Calendula plaster; or in larger wounds, or if they are contused or lacerated, bathe the part freely with Calendula lotion (one teaspoonful of tincture of Calendula to two tablespoonfuls of water), and apply a bandage wet with the same, round the injured part - the whole to be covered with oiled silk. Do not remove the bandage too soon to re-dress the wound, otherwise the bleeding may return. Keep the injured part at perfect rest, and enjoin a low diet. If an artery has been severed, tie the limb...

Worms, thread :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Description of Disorder. -Small worms resembling ends of white cotton or thread, affecting the last portion of the bowel, and especially the rectum, causing great irritation, especially at night, nervous derangement, difficulty in making water, paleness of the face, picking of the nose, variation of the appetite, etc. They may often be seen in the child's stool, or crawling on the child's person, if examined. Medicinal treatment Aconitum napellus If there are feverish symptoms at night, with restlessness and great irritability. Dose. -Four drops to be mixed in half a small tumbler of water, a dessertspoonful taken every three or four hours. Calcarea carbonica Is useful in feeble, debilitated constitutions, to eradicate a tendency to worms, or where there is chronic derangement of the digestive organs. Dose. -Two grains, dry, on the tongue, night and morning. Cina maritima Is one of the most useful medicines in worm affections, and may...

Whitlow (panaris):

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Description of Ailment. -An abscess situated at the end of the finger, often under the nail, acutely painful, and usually terminating in suppuration, frequently resulting from an injury, a bruise, or a chill. Medicinal treatment Hepar sulphur Should be given to promote the suppurative process. Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water every four hours. Whitlow Mercurius solubilis Should be given at the commencement. Dose. -Two grains as Hepar. Silicea terra May be administered alternately with Hepar to promote suppuration, or may be continued after the acute symptoms are overcome, to eradicate a susceptibility to whitlow. Dose. -As Hepar, or, if given after the acute symptoms are removed, repeated night and morning. Sulphur Will frequently prevent a further development, if administered at the very earliest period. Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water three times a day. Accessory treatment The finger should be held in ...

Ringworm :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Ringworm   Common ringworm of the scalp (tinea tonsurans)    *Description of disease. - This is a contagious disease caused by a vegetable parasite, and is very common in children, but almost unknown in adults. The parasite is a fungus which attacks the hairs, burrowing into the roots, and producing circular patches having a slightly raised and scurfy surface, the hairs on which are dry, brittle, lustreless, and broken off close to the scalp. Sometimes there is a small pustule at the root of each hair, which discharges a mucous fluid. Medicinal treatment  Is useful in correcting the condition of constitution which favours the growth and development of the parasite.  Calcarea carbonica  Is useful in the dry variety, especially when it occurs in scrofulous individuals.  DOSE. - Two grains dry on the tongue night and morning.  Rhus toxicodendron  Is an excellent remedy when there is irritation of ...

Nettle rash (urticaria):

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Urticaria Description of disease. - An eruption resembling that produced by the stinging of nettles, attended with itching, burning, or stinging pain. The rash often appears instantaneously, disappears in the warmth and reappears in the cold, and seldom stays many hours in the same place, and may be caused by mechanical irritation, cold, or acidity and other disorders of the stomach. Apis mellifica Is a specific in most cases where the stinging is severe. DOSE. - As Aconitum. See below. Acute or accidental nettle rash Medicinal treatment. Aconitum napellus If there is much fever. DOSE. - Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every three or four hours. Bryonia alba If it chiefly affects the joints, or arises from damp weather. DOSE. - As Aconitum. Dulcamara If the rash is produced by a cold or chill. DOSE. - As Aconitum. Pulsatilla pratensis If it is caused by eating rich or fat food, or by indigestion, or gastric derangement. DOSE. ...

Measles :

Measles -JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb  (Morbilli.)  Description of disease. - An infectious fever attended with an eruption of a crimson rash, consisting of slightly elevated minute dots disposed in irregular circular forms or crescents, preceded by catarrhal symptoms (those of a cold) about the eyes, nose, and bronchia, for about four or five days, and accompanied by inflammatory fever. For the three or four days before the appearance of the eruption, symptoms of a cold, sneezing and feverishness, drowsiness, oppression, nausea or vomiting, and a hoarse or ringing measly cough are present. The eruption appears on the fourth or fifth day, and disappears on the eighth or ninth: it rarely attacks the same person a second time, and frequently prevails as an epidemic. Measles may be simple or complicated, malignant and dangerous.  Medicinal treatment  ACONITUM and PULSATILLA are the two best remedies in simple, ordinary cases of measles. Aconitum for the fever,...

Lumbago :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Lumbago  Description of disease. - Rheumatic pains in the loins.  Medicinal treatment :  Aconitum napellus  Is useful at the commencement, when there is much fever and violent pain.  DOSE. - Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four or six hours.  Bryonia alba  When the lumbago is aggravated by the slightest motion, or draught of cold air.  DOSE. - As Aconitum.  Nux vomica  If the back feels fatigued or bruised, or if there be constipation, or symptoms of indigestion.  DOSE. - As Aconitum.  Rhus toxicodendron  If of long standing, or if worse during rest, or if caused by exposure to wet, or arising from suppressed perspiration.  DOSE. - As Aconitum. Accessory treatment:  See under Indigestion and Rheumatism. - A warm bath at 96 degrees should be taken every other morning, flannel worn next to the skin and round the loins, and friction with the flesh-gl...

Leucorrhoea - whites :

Leucorrhoea -JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb  (Fluor albus.)  Causes. - Cold and moisture, frequent excitement resulting in debility, inactivity of the body, relaxing pleasures, late hours, stimulating diet, imprudence in dress, etc. Medicinal treatment :  Calcarea carbonica  When it occurs in females of a weakly, sluggish temperament, or in those in whom the monthly period is copious and too frequent, or if it is attended with severe itching; or Calcarea Carb. is suitable after Pulsatilla, if that remedy has not been sufficient.  DOSE. - Two grains, dry on the tongue, night and morning.  China officinalis  Is often most useful at the commencement, or if the ailment is produced by debility, or is of long standing.  DOSE. - Three drops in a dessertspoonful of water night and morning, or three times a day.  Hydrastis canadensis  When the result of a cold in the first instance.  DOSE. - As China.  Pulsatilla praten...

Legs, cramp in the :

Cramps in leg -JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb  Description of ailment :  Sudden contraction of the muscles of the calves of the legs, frequently occurring at night. Medicinal treatment  Chamomilla  Should be taken when it occurs at night.  DOSE. - Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water.  Veratrum album  If very violent, and accompanied with coldness of the feet.  As Chamomilla. Accessory treatment  Warm friction with the hand or rough towel, or with an embrocation of spirits of hartshorn and oil (one ounce of spirits of hartshorn to two ounces of olive oil), or with strong solution of camphor; or place the foot upon a cold stone, as against the fireplace, or press it against the bedstead, wall, or any other firm body.

Hysterics - hysteria :

Hysteria -JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Symptoms. - Sensation as of a ball rising from the stomach into the throat, fits of laughter and crying, shrieks and screams, with violent twisting and writhing of the body and limbs, tearing of the hair, and beating of the arms, etc. Medicinal treatment IGNATIA MOSCHUS and NUX VOMICA are the most suitable remedies, one of which will generally relieve the paroxysm. DOSE. - Four drops in a wineglassful of water, a dessertspoonful every ten minutes during the paroxysm; afterwards, every two or three hours until entirely relieved. Accessory treatment: Admit plenty of fresh air; apply burnt feathers, smelling salts, or spirits of camphor to the nose; bathe the temples with ether, or Eau de Cologne : and dash cold water into the face, or over the limbs. The attendants should be perfectly calm, and pay no attention to anything said by the patient. To remove the tendency to hysteria, take active exercise in the open air, and on horseback if po...

Hooping cough :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb The homoeopathic treatment of hooping cough  (pertussis) Hooping cough(whooping cough)  Description of disease :  A convulsive cough, accompanied with a shrill whoop, and returning in fits which are frequently terminated by vomiting of food and mucus. The disease commences with cough, hoarseness, and other symptoms of a common cold; and in the second or third week, the cough peculiar to this disorder makes its appearance. The paroxysms usually occur every two or three hours, and are often worse during the night, or every other day. Between the paroxysms, with the exception of being weak, the patient shows no apparent symptoms of disease.  The catarrhal stage  Symptoms  Those of an ordinary cold - sneezing, watery discharge from the nose, watery eyes, hoarseness, dry cough, headache, oppression at the chest, feverish nights, etc., lasting for two or three weeks.  Medicinal treatment  Aconitum napellus ...

Hoarseness; (raucitas):

Hoarseness -JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Description of disorder: Rough and indistinct voice and cough, sometimes accompanied by pain, asthma, and rattling in the throat. It frequently results from a chill, and often accompanies measles, croup, influenza, etc. Catarrhal hoarseness (from a cold) : Medicinal treatment Chamomilla Is an excellent remedy in recent slight, cases from a chill, with much phlegm, or rattling of mucus, the place in the throat feeling sore where the mucus is detached. Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four or six hours. Mercurius solubilis Is frequently an excellent medicine to follow Nux Vomica, or is useful in cases of general severe cold, with much chilliness, sneezing, and running from the nose. Dose. -Two grains repeated as Chamomilla. Nux vomica Is a prominent remedy to commence with, especially if there is a stuffed feeling in the head, or dry, rough, fatiguing cough. Dose. -As Chamomilla. Phosphorus Is a valuable medi...

Hiccough. - hiccup :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb  (singultus) Hicough  Medicinal treatment  Belladonna  After Nux Vomica, if the hiccough is violent.  Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water.  Nux vomica  Is in all simple cases the best remedy.  Dose. -As Belladonna. Accessory treatment  Holding the breath is the most simple, and in many cases the most effective way of stopping hiccough; or drinking a draught of cold water. When it occurs in infants they may be placed to the breast. If subject to this little trouble, attention should be paid to diet, care being taken not too eat too quickly, nor too much at a time.

Heat spots :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Hearrash  Description of disease:  An eruption of very minute pointed vesicles, crowded together, frequently very irritable, not confined to any particular part of the body, but more frequently seen on the arms and legs. Infants and young children are often troubled with this eruption. Medicinal treatment  Aconitum napellus  If there is much fever and restlessness.  Dose. -For adults - Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four hours; for infants - Four drops to be mixed in a wineglassful of water, and one teaspoonful taken every four hours.  Belladonna  If the face is very hot and red, and there is a tendency of blood to the head.  Dose. -As Aconitum, or in alternation with it every four hours.  Bryonia alba  Is a specific when they occur in infants.  Dose. -As Aconitum, or in alternation with that remedy every four hours. Accessory treatment  Daily bathing, cool rooms,...


Heartburn Heartburn:  (pyrosis)  Description of disease : Heartburn and Waterbrash are prominent symptoms of indigestion, produced by acridity of the secretions. Heartburn consists in a sensation of heat or burning which extends from the stomach to the throat; and Waterbrash in the vomiting or regurgitation of a watery, sour, or bitter fluid. Medicinal treatment  Calcarea carbonica  In cases of heartburn after any kind of food, or may be taken after Sulphur, if necessary.  Dose. -Two grains, dry on the tongue, three times a day.  Nux vomica  May be given in all ordinary cases, either alone or in alternation with Sulphur.  Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every three, four, or six hours.   Sulphur  In all cases of long standing. -See Nux Vomica.  Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water three times a day or alternately every four or six hours with Nux Vomica. Accessory treatment  S...

Heart, palpitation of the:

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Homeopathy for Heart Disease: What Homeopathic Remedies to Use and Why Palpitation of Heart  (palpitatio cordis)  Description of disorder :  Palpitation or pulsation of the heart felt distinctly and predominantly, sometimes even heard, or so strong as to shake the patient, or the bed on which he may be lying, and which may arise from nervous debility, hysteria, severe bodily suffering or violent emotions, constipation, indigestion, torpid liver, weakness from loss of blood or other discharges, a gouty condition, excessive bodily exercise, disease or excitable condition of the heart, etc.   Palpitation from debility:   Medicinal treatment :  China officinalis  Is the most suitable remedy.  Dose. -Three drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four hours.  Accessory treatment  Quietude of mind, regular hours, light meals, pure air, and gentle daily exercise. Sometimes a cold bath, or a te...

Headache (cephalalgia):

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Headache Description of disorder: Pain in the head, either all over the head, or at a particular spot, arising from various causes, as cold, rheumatism, congestion, indigestion, nervous affections, constipation, mental emotions, stimulants, fatigue, etc. Bilious headache: See under Bilious Attacks. Catarrhal headache - (from a cold) Symptoms The headache is oppressive frequently better in the morning, worse in the evening, the eyes are full of tears sneezing, dry heat in the nose, some cough, etc. Medicinal treatment Chamomilla Is useful if the headache arises from a slight chill, or from suppression of perspiration. Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every two to four hours. Mercurius solubilis If there is frequent sneezing, and much running at the nose, or chilliness, and pains in the limbs. Dose. -Two grains repeated as Chamomilla. Nux vomica Where there is heaviness in the forehead, and stuffiness of the nose. Dose. -A...

Head, determination of blood to the:

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb (See under Giddiness and Congestive Headache). Description of disease: Red and puffy appearance of the face, with fullness of the vessels of the head and neck, the violent pulsation of which is felt throughout the frame; drowsiness, giddiness, headache increased by stooping or coughing, buzzing in the ears, disturbed sleep, etc., caused by a plethoric habit, stimulants, living too freely, an inactive life, etc. Medicinal treatment: Aconitum napellus See under Giddiness. Belladonna See under Giddiness. -If worse at every step, or movement, or through the least noise or light. Dose. -See Aconitum under Giddiness. Bryonia alba See under Digestive Headache. Nux vomica If it arises from indigestion, constipation, after a meal, from sedentary habits, or over excitement, or is worse in the open air. Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four or six hours. Opium Is useful in serious cases of sudden congestion with heaviness, buzzin...