Gonorrhoea of the male: symptoms :accessory symptoms accompanying gonorrhoea:
-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Accessory symptoms of Ganorrhoea The course of venereal gonorrhoea which we have described, and by which it is distinguished from all other discharges from the urethra, usually takes place in all uncomplicated, non-syphilitic forms of the disease. Not in all cases, however, is this course equally simple and regular. Even in cases where the inflammation sets in with more than ordinary intensity, the pain becomes extremely troublesome and is frequently felt along the whole course of the urethra as far as the neck of the bladder; in such cases the discharge is streaked with blood; the swelling of the urethral lining membrane causes a true dysuria, and the urinary discharges, which only take place in drops, are sometimes either preceded or succeeded by the discharge of pure blood. At the same time the erections become more frequent and painful, and, in case the inflammatory involves the corpora sponglosa, are not unfrequently accompanied by a painful...